A manufacturer of citrus drinks is Capri Sun. The word capri as a prefix means “goat” which is why Capricorn astrologically speaking is the sign of the goat. Thus a capri sun is a “goat sun”. By the way, their slogan is “Dive into It.”

Speaking of goats, here is the decal off a bottle of Ziegenbock beer.

Notice the sun burst in the background. Both words “ziegen” and “bock” mean goat in German. A ziegenbock is a he goat. The top label proudly boasts, “In Germany, the horned goat is the traditional symbol of Bock beer.”

Shiner Bock, another Bock beer made in Texas -- Shiner, Texas -- contains a goat and stars.

A shiner is "One that shines, as a star, jewel, or coin" or "a luminary". Once again the name Shiner Bock would mean "star buck" or "sun goat". Of course, Star Bucks is the coffee chain which uses as its logo the siren wearing a gold crown and star.

While we’re on the subject of goats, the french word chevre and the Latin word capri both mean goat rendering the following products as contributing to the goat worshipping: Chevrolet Caprice, Capri cigarettes, Mercury Capri, Chevron and Cabriolet. Of course, Sears Roebuck Co. is one of the largest department store chains. The word Sears means to "char or burn" and a roebuck obviously is a type of buck.

A rabbit, believe it or not, can be considered a buck which could be where we get the name "buck toothed". Here is the familiar Looney Tunes logo we all know and love.

The buck, Bugs Bunny, is seen in the center of a concentric set of orange circles resembling the sun, possibly a "black hole sun". Once again , there is a reference to a tune. This one makes you looney or drives you insane. This could explain why one of Bug's colleagues is Daffy Duck. Another one is the Tazmanian Devil who spirals or spins around.

Here is the logo of Red Bull, a popular energy drink. Two bulls bucking into a sun.

Red Bull’s slogan is “Red Bull gives you wings.” Yes, the Red Bull, Satan, WILL kill you. One of their TV commercials even shows a cartoon character floating out of his body, having died. Here is a Red Bull Truck and a motorcycle with the bull diving back into the sun from whence it came.

Notice what also looks like three tuning forks, or pitch forks? They're in the pattern of an asterisk or star.That's Yamaha's logo.

The symbol of the Bull itself was originally identified with the Sun and was sacred to Apollo. Her child is the Minotaur Asterius, who is “of the sun.” The idea that “either the father of the child should be a symbol of the sun, or the mother a symbol of the moon” is also supported by the Legend of Pasiphae. The Minotaur’s actual Greek name was Asterius, meaning “of the Sun,” and Pasiphae, “she who shines for all,” was originally a Cretan Moon goddess.

In Babylonian mythology, Nimrod and Semirimis gave birth to a bull, Tammuz, whom was worshipped as the sun of God. In the Old Testament of the Bible, the golden calf was still being worshipped by the Israelites. Of course, the bull has horns and is very aggressive. Red is the color of Satan so it’s not too hard to see how a red bull could be symbolic of Satan.

This Subaru logo features six stars in what appears to be a star formation or a constellation.

In Japanese, Subaru means “Pleiades”. The bull is the sign of Taurus which is the constellation in which the Pleiades is located which contains many stars, six of which are visible to the naked eye. Egyptian pharaohs believed that they became a star in the Pleiades upon death. Of equal interest is the Polaris logo.

Polaris is called the North Star because it just so happens to align due North.

Look at the inside of this Dodge Ram whose curled horns are usually bright red. Dodge encourages you to "grab life by the horns" or to ram it.

Dodge as well as other automotive corporations offer a “Power Train Warranty”. A warrant is usually issued for your arrest and the road pictured here leads right into the sun. Talk about a highway to Hell!! And it’s a Power Train… a S-o-o-o-o-o-o-l Train on a Star Trek. It even includes towing assistance. Do you suppose it's a free tow? with music?

Looks like the skull of a goat, the goat of Mendes or Satan. That is one Ram you want to dodge! And dodging the sun gives a new meaning to the game we played in gym glass –dodge ball!!!