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The devil is in the details so take a look at the EVIDENCE
Life contains a lie. What you believe is full of lies, secrecy and deception at every level -- religion, politics, science, our language, the media, entertainment sources such as movies and music, corporate logos, and advertising -- and the earth is an electromagnetic gravitational prison in which we are held as prisoners. The first thing you learn when you go to school is how to spell. Why do we say when someone is out of luck that they are S.O.L.? Why do we have products like Sun Kist, Star Kist, and Gold Kist Farms? What is a Kist? Why were all major religions given to us by a prince from an elite royal family or a wealthy member of nobility? Why are religious figures depicted with the sun as a halo? Why are we told we go to the light at death?
Earth is a farm system where everything breaks down and dies and where the creatures are forced to eat and feed off each other just to survive in the food chain. Life on earth is literally a dog-eat-dog world where survival of the fittest rules. There are predator-prey relationships and also parasitic ones where leeches feed off their hosts. There are both beneficial and unfriendly bacteria and viruses in our body cells which fight each other. Humanity has been likened to a virus on the earth. Everything in the solar system is dependent on the sun for its energy and survival. There are also symbiotic relationships where systems feed off each other. The universe appears to be holographic and fractal with cells within bigger cells within even bigger cells. There are roughly 100 billion neurons in the brain and science claims there are about 100 billion stars in the galaxy. We have also noted how similar neurons and stars look. Our cells are said to have a nucleus with electrons that orbit it like the planets that orbit their suns which orbit their galaxies which orbit in their local clusters and superclusters.. As humans we like to believe we are at the top of the food chain. But like the sheep who is unaware it is to be sheared or the cattle who are oblivious to their slaughter by the farmer until the very end we could similarly be clueless to invisible entities who might feed off our energy and capture our souls when we die. This is exactly what I intend to show.
How fitting that christians are referred to as the flock and Jesus as their shepherd, or lamb of God. Human beans were placed on this plant in the garden of eatin'. People or a pea pole? Peas are beans and do grow on a pea pole in pods. It's very interesting that so many of the latest sci-fi programs depict humans in pods living a simulated life. We are said to be raised much like crops are. Semen is often referred to as seed and if someone is our ancestor they are said to be from our seed.
So why are we called a 'hu' man? Is it because we have different races or hues? According to the "Dictionary of Ancient Deities" by Patricia Turner & Charles Russell Coulter, Hu was an egyptian stellar "god of sense of taste and also of the divine food on which gods and mortals feed" and "appears at the creation in the Boat of the Sun. Later, he appears at the Judgment of the Dead. " We just may be food of the gods or food for thought (Thoth, the egyptian moon god). Food or fodder for the fatter Father? Also known as Hu Sia or Sia, "Sia is also one of the gods who watch the heart of the deceased being weighed at the great judgment. See also Hu; Ra."
The theme of entities feeding off our energy is pretty prevalent even in today's society. Vampire movies are more popular than ever with the Twilight trilogy the most recent example. Most religions believe in demons which can possess a soul. Catholics priests even perform exorcisms in more severe cases. Shamen are known to extract these attachments or intrusions as they are called. Carlos Castanada mentions demonic possession at length in his book, The Active Side of Infinity. In her book The Unquiet Dead: A Psychologist Treats Spirit Possession, Dr. Edith Fiore, a hypnotherapist, wrote about many of her clients having spirit attachments. In Return from Tomorrow, George Ritchie recounts a near death experience where he saw spirits attaching themselves to peoples' auras, especially in bars,and living vicariously through them. The ancient gnostic texts also mention a species of mind parasites called the Archons. The pilot episode for the Original Star Trek series depicts a very similar race of beings, who in ufological circles are referred to as the little greys. In a popular Twilight Zone TV episode, a race of aliens land on Earth. A book is found which our codebreakers decipher as having the title of "To Serve Man" only to realize later it is a cookbook. The movie Soylent Green also used the theme of people being used for food. We are a prsion planet full of slaves who work our entire lives. After working most every day at an 8 hour job -- or more -- we feel completed drained of energy.
Are there more advanced beings who live in a dimension parallel to ours or just outside our frequency or hidden from us perhaps on the moon or underground? I believe such beings do exist which feed off our energy and use us as food. And what do we humans do with our energy, food and resources? That's right, we recycle it. Our artificial-looking satellite the moon because of its tidal lock to the earth just happens to always face us with the same side so that the back side of the moon is always hidden from us. Scientists attribute this to what they call tidal locking, that is the moon rotates at just the perfect rate so that this occurs. Not only that but the moon perfectly blocks out the sun during a total eclipse of the sun. What are the odds of this? We are told this occurs because the moon is 390 times closer to us than the sun, which is 390 times larger than the moon. This could all be a huge coincidence or it could have been built and placed there on purpose, or like the death star in the movie Star Wars saga, "That's no moon, it's a space station!" The mysterious moon throughout history has been associated with witchcraft, spells and evil.
We are told to go to the light when we die. But here on earth there are angler fish which lure their prey to the light. Bug zappers, also known as light zappers or light traps, lure bugs to their deaths. Shiny bait acts as a lure for fishermen to catch their dinner.
As human beings we consist of a very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum of frequencies. There are colors and light we can not see with the naked eye such as infrared or ultrviolet. Dogs can hear sounds outside our range. Even the most sensitive instruments of science can only measure a very small portion.
Words are magic and are spelled to create a sentence. This earth prism we live in is a prison and we have been given a life sentence here. 'Life' phonetically begins with a 'li' and contains a lie within it. 'Light' also phonetically begins with the sound 'lie' and also sounds like the past tense form of the verb, 'lied'.
If God is all loving and all powerful then what purpose does this system serve? We are told life is a school, but surely there are better ways to learn than through so much senseless suffering.
We are told by religions that Jesus is the light and saviors are usually shown with the sun's halo around their heads. But all major religions were given to us by princes from the elite royal families. These messages are to pacify and control the masses. The elite wish to keep all the gold and power they have so they teach us to turn the other cheek and that the meek shall inherit the earth. They use fear to threaten an eternal hell if we don't behave and promise us heaven or a better life after we die as a reward for our good behavior. Reincarnation is reincarceration in the wheel of rebirth or being recycled.
Jesus and the other suns of god is said to be born on December 25th. This is the winter solstice when the sun has reached its lowest descent in the heavens, dies on the southern crux (southern cross) constellation and begins its rise again. We have been taught that the light is our savior. Near death experiencers tell us about traveling through a tunnel after death and into a loving light. Hollywood reinforces this through various movies such as Ghost and Poltergeist where we are told either to go to the light or not to go to the light (in order not to die).
But what exactly is the nature of light and what is its source? Why is space dark if the sun is shining? It is because light needs something to reflect off of for an object to be seen. The nature of light is dualistic as both a particle and a wave. Light as we know it is almost solely from the sun or reflected from the sun at night and usually produced by something burning extremely hot like a fire or by an element that is fluorescent or glows such as the tails of fireflies. And what is the nature of our souls? Are they light as well or maybe a plasma ball?