Wayne Bush -- 2nd Interview on Judith Kwoba's show, Nightflight 5/10/2019

Disclaimer: Preface every statement I say with an implied "I think". I do not claim or pretend to know the Truth any more than any one else does.


Three topics:

1. How We Know That We Don't Want To Come Back Here

2. The Fooling via Religions and all the Various Deities

3. Leaving the Matrix Game

How We Know That We Don't Want To Come Back Here

1. We don't know for sure.... we don't know our circumstances whether we we get bored with the perfection as Eternal, All-Powerful Creative Spirits (if so) and long for a restrictive challenge or whether we were created as new souls with the need to evolve etc. BUT...

based on the clues we get from NDEs, OBEs, DMT, meditation etc. there are much better realms beyond this one. The reports indicate we are able to manifest instantly in that realm via focused Intention so why not create a better existence than this one?

2. Some people who enjoy life here on Earth may want to choose to come back here. But I don't understand why anyone would want to come to a place where we seem have had our memory wiped and creatures have to kill each other just to survive on a daily basis. The food chain and the need to compete for limited resources should be the biggest clue that something is wrong here.

Babies crying may be the first indication that it is not good here, though it may be due to the spa like conditions in their mother's womb. There is a huge learning curve here starting with having to learn how to walk and talk. The vast majority of us here struggle with jobs, health, relationships and being happy due to all the problems here such as the memory wipe, ignorance of the big picture/ Truth, little control over our lives, lies and deception (including politicians), competition, hatred, prejudice, greed, jealousy, lack of compassion / empathy, ageing, death, disease (parasites), starvation, pain and suffering, warfare, natural disasters, financial hardships, job market, finding a compatible partner, finding likeminded friends with similar interests, loneliness, boredom, etc..... much of this is due to having little control over the way we look (looks, height,etc.), our talents / abilities (whether musical, athletic, artistic, writing, etc.) the day to day repetitive routine/grind, and unrealistic expectations due to Hollywood programming which requires deprogramming and reprogramming ourselves, glamour magazines, the game seems rigged with only a handful of winners with the rest of us wallowing in mediocrity and feeling like losers .... the illusion of disconnection from "Source" and the vast difficulty in gaining access to higher realms through prayer, meditation, dreams, obes, etc

Happiness is elusive... so hard to get your dream job, dream girl, dream house which is what society primarily through the media has convinced us is important

There are better sandboxes we can create or play in

The Fooling via Religions and all the Various Deities

Gaud: "A trick, prank; often, a device to deceive, a piece of trickery, a pretence; also a game, sport, or pastime." -- Oxford Dictionary **

"Religion is what keeps the poor man from murdering the rich." -- Napolean

All the prophets of major religions were princes from the royal family.

Religion used to manipulate and control humans..... divide and conquer... recipe for division and used to push mankind into warfare, holy wars for god and country.... meek shall inherit the earth.... your reward is in heaven etc. .... god's chosen people / chosen race?

why didn't God appear as a hologram all at once to everyone on earth instead of comng to various prophets in deifferent eras in different parts of the world with different messages

"God is on our side"


Many of these translations can be found on sites like ETCSL The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature http://etcsl.orinst.ox.ac.uk or CDLI Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative http://cdli.ucla.edu. Otherwise most of these translations are scholarly in origin and are generally accepted true translations.

ETCSL is the main source.
The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL), a project of the University of Oxford, comprises a selection of nearly 400 literary compositions recorded on sources which come from ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) and date to the late third and early second millennia BCE.

The first "civilization" we know of is the Sumerian civilization.
So in order to better understand where we came from and why we are here it would be helpful to go back as far as we reliably can and examine the creation stories of the Sumerians. After all, they describe the fashioning of man.

First of all, the Anunnaki did not technically CREATE anything. They modified what was here and made new species but they did not create the life on this planet.

"the senior gods oversaw the work, while the minor gods were bearing the toil. The gods were digging the canals and piling up the silt in Ḫarali(I think Turkey). The gods, crushing the clay, began complaining about this life."

Namma was the primordial mother goddess.
The texts say: "Namma told Enki: Please apply the skill deriving from your wisdom and create a substitute (?) for the gods so that they can be freed from their toil!" And after Enki,
the fashioner of designs by himself, had pondered the matter, he said to his mother Namma: "My mother, the creature you planned will really come into existence."

"Like heaven itself, your just matrix, in which gods too can be born, is beyond reach. Giving birth to kings who put on the good diadem, giving birth to lords who wear the crown on their heads -- your lord, the honoured lord" -- Enki and the World Order, Sumerian tablets

"He answered and said, “Yes, but if you wish that he not be able to ruin our work, come, let’s create a human being from the earth according to the image of our body and according to the likeness of this being, to serve us, so that whenever this being sees his likeness, he may become enamored of it. Then he will no longer ruin our work, but we shall make those who are born from the light our servants through all the time of this age.” -- Gnostic text

The BABYLONIAN CREATION MYTH, THE ENUMA ELISH, states: "May he shepherd the black-headed ones, his creatures. To the end of days, without forgetting, let them acclaim his ways. May he establish for his fathers the great food-offerings; (110)
May he cause incense to be smelled, . . . their spells, Make a likeness on earth of what he has wrought in heaven. May he order the black-headed to revere him, Let the black-headed wait on their gods." end-quote


There were seven main anuna gods: Four Primary ones -- Anu, Enlil, Enki, and Ninhursag. There were Three Sky Gods -- Inana/Venus, Nanna/Sin/ Moon, and Utu/Shamasah/ Sun.

The Original Players of this game:
Namma: Mother/Earth Goddess
An: Sky Father, most high of the Earth Gods.
Enlil: Favorite Son of An. God of Lightning and storm. Name means "Lord of Air". Decides to destroy mankind with a deluge.
Enki: Oldest Son and half-brother of Enlil. Name means "God of Earth". Enki was first known as God of fresh waters, with Wisdom, Magic, Science and Creator as his main tasks. Told humans to save themselves from the coming flood although he was prohibited from doing so. Has the oldest continual temple in the world, in Eridu. Had temple for 4,500 years.
Ninhursag: Daughter, similar to her Mother Namma. Midwife to the Gods. All Gods were said to be raised on the milk of Ninhursag. Her symbol is the Omega symbol.

Nanna: God of the Moon, son of Enlil
Utu: God of the Sun.
Inana: Young Goddess, God of Venus, Beauty and War. Later became Ishtar, Isis, Venus and many other names.

NAMMA, Primeval Goddess:

The god [Ea] began to say: "Why are you [plural] destroying [mankind]? They will not give sacrifices to the gods. They will not burn cedar as incense to you. If you [plural] destroy mankind, they will no longer [worship] the gods."

Anunnaki, the Anuna gods from the Sumerian texts who created mankind as slaves to work, praise, worship and feed the gods.


Isis or Inana, Queen of heaven.

The Hymn to Ningul and it does mention Inana as Ninegala and she judges.

"When an individual is brought in, he cannot resist its aura. The gods of heaven and earth bow down before its place where judgments are made. 

 takes her seat high on its lapis-lazuli dais. She keeps an eye on the judgments and decisions, distinguishing true and false. Her battle-net of fine mesh is indeed cast over the land for her; the evildoer who does not follow her path will not escape her arm." This is reminiscnet of Indra's net in Hindusim.

"Because the lady has revealed her greatness; because she has provided the prison, the jail, her beloved dwelling, with awesome radiance, praise to be Nungal,"


The Mesopotamian god of the Underworld, Nergal -- a son of Enlil -- was the God of War and Plague. He was not very high in status early on.
At some point the chief god An helped him by giving him seven companions or weapons, otherwise known as the "Seven Evil Spirits".

"Lord of the underworld, who acts swiftly in everything, whose terrifying anger smites the wicked, Nergal, single-handed crusher, who tortures the disobedient "

J.C. Greenfiield wrote: "An epithet of the god Nergal in Hatra inscriptions is related to his role of punishing divinity, in the meaning of ―executioner, butcher, torturer‖. He was primarily keeper of the underworld and the god of pestilence. As the god of the underworld, he functioned as a judge. His lion-headed mace was able to punish and wreak vengeance. ". end-quote

"Being a deity of the desert, god of fire.....Nergal was sometimes called a demon and even identified with Satan." end-quote

The book "Seven Great Monarchies Of The Ancient Eastern World" chronicles Nergal's move to Israel "The city peculiarly dedicated to Nergal was Cutha... Hence " the men of Cuth," when transported to Samaria by the Assyrians, naturally enough " made Nergal their god," carrying his worship with them into their new country."

Nergal was worshiped by the Greeks as Ares, the god of war. From Ares probably came the word 'aristocracy' (aristos + -kratia/-cracy) which is the greek term used for the ruling class who are deemed to be 'best' or supreme to the lower classes. Ariel (pronounced Ari'el), literally means 'Lion of God' and is another name the Gnostics used for the Demiurge. Ariel in the Hebrew Bible is one of the names for Jerusalem and the Temple of Jerusalem.

In Hebrew "The Land of Israel" is 'Éres Yisra'el (Eretz Yisrael)...thus the word for land as in the promised land is pronounced the same as the war god, Ares".

Wikipedia also eqates Azrael with the angel of death even in Hebrew... Also spelled Izrail, Izrael, Azriel...

Nergal, the god of the Underworld or Hell -- the devil -- has the lion as his symbol. His temple and people were moved from his home, Cutha, to Samaria, the Kingdom of Israel. The tribe of Judah put the lion on their official emblem and flag. The Devil is described in the Bible as a lion seeking to devour.


Everything was driven by Astral entities becoming the "Form" of that God and requiring humans to worship it and give it power.

In Sumerian literature the gallu were great demons or devils of the Underworld. There, demons hauled victims off to the Underworld. They were seven devils of Babylonian mythology who could be appeased with sacrificial lambs.


" Nergal, who is mighty and with a fiery surrounding in which you are encircled, who raises the Lion-Mace! Nergal, who takes the form of the Lion-Dragon raise thy blade! To that terrifying splendor no other god stands before Hail to thee, Nergal Nergal, Dragon supreme, Great God! I call you by the fires of sharrapu Thou burning fires of conquest By the funeral rites to which you were called To the shades which drink blood in your name! May the Seven tear their soul(s) to ribbons! In this flame I curse them, let the Serpents' tongue arise! Nergal's fiery serpents shall encircle it and consume their "

"shades which drink blood" -- shadow beings, gallu?

"They have established her among the shades. She is bound, the bride of Hell, in the burning flames." Out of her prison she heard this, writhing, burning, fearing lest he should slay her. ** Smite me not, my brother, I beseech thee for mercy." Nergal- heard her, he let fall his hands, he received the lamentation. " Thou truly art my husband, am not I thy wife : have not you indeed received power over wide lands : was not she faithful who has been oppressed by your hand ?"


Gnostics talked about the Demiurge, the false god of this world

The Gnostics say the false god, the Demiurge, has the face of a lion. I noticed that only a handful of near death experiencers reported being able to see the face of "god", but a few of those who did saw the face of a lion.

Pistis Sophia, Gnostic Text: "She [Sophia] had been deluded through the god-like Self-willed [Demiurge], and had not been deluded through anything else, save through a light-power, because of its resemblance to the Light in which she had had faith." **

Here is a quote from The Secret Book of John, a Gnostic text from the Nag Hammadi Library: "Yaldabaoth [Demiurge] said to the authorities [archons] with him, Come, let us create a human being after the image of god and with a likeness to ourselves, so that this human image may give us light." end-quote


"He answered and said, “Yes, but if you wish that he not be able to ruin our work, come, let’s create a human being from the earth according to the image of our body and according to the likeness of this being, to serve us, so that whenever this being sees his likeness, he may become enamored of it. Then he will no longer ruin our work, but we shall make those who are born from the light our servants through all the time of this age.” Now, all this came to pass according to the forethought of Pistis in order that humankind might appear after this likeness and condemn them on account of their fashioned bodies. And their fashioned bodies became fences for the light. " "After the day of rest, Sophia sent her daughter Zoe, being called Eve, as an instructor, in order that she might make Adam, who had no soul, arise, so that those whom he should engender might become containers of light. " end-quote

In The Secret Book of John, "Because she had unconquerable Power Her thought was not unproductive. Something imperfect came out of her Different in appearance from her. Because she had created it without her masculine counterpart She gave rise to a misshapen being unlike herself. Sophia saw what her desire produced. It changed into the form of a dragon with a lion’s head And eyes flashing lightning bolts. She cast him far from her, Outside of the realm of the immortal beings So that they could not see him. [She had created him in ignorance.] Sophia surrounded him with a brilliant cloud, Put a throne in the center part of the cloud So that no one would see it. She named him Yaldabaoth. Yaldabaoth is the chief ruler. He took great Power (dynamis) from his mother, Left her, and moved away from his birthplace. He assumed command, Created realms for himself With a brilliant flame that continues to exist even now." end-quote

Apocryphon of John: "The host of rulers and demons plotted together. They mixed fire and earth and water Together with four blazing winds. They melded them together in great turbulence. Adam was brought into the shadow of death. They intended to make him anew This time from Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Which are Matter, Darkness, Desire, The Artificial Spirit. This all became a tomb, A new kind of body. Those thieves bound the man in it, Enchained him in forgetfulness, Made him subject to dying. "

The Gospel of Philip in the Gnostic Nag Hammadi Library says, "God is a man-eater. For this reason, men are sacrificed to him." end-quote That should cause one to wonder the next time they hear the preacher tell the congregation, "Let US pray (prey) "


"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things." -- Isaiah 45:7, The Bible, King James Version

Lucifer and the Devil also... "And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." -- 2 Corinthians 11:14, The Bible, New International Version

story of Job

God's chosen people?

God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son

angels such as archangel Michael being a warrior with a sword etc

Divine right to rule of the "kings" i.e. aliens..... anunnaki = archons = aliens = archangels

OT god Yahweh/Jehovah.... god of pestilence and war...wipe out mankind with a flood..... 70,000 etc.

Remember that Nergal was the Lord of Pestilence, War and the Underworld, that is Death. Now look at how Yahweh operates in just a couple of many Old Testament quotes below about Jehovah-Yahweh.:

"sacrifice unto the Lord our God; lest he fall upon us with pestilence, or with the sword." "For now I will stretch out my hand, that I may smite thee and thy people with pestilence; "So the Lord sent pestilence upon Israel: and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men."

Yahweh was a composite of many gods such as An, Enlil, Enki, Zoroaster, Mithra, El and others but his personality and attributes most closely mirror Nergal.

In the New Testament Jesus enters into the Temple teaching and talking to the Pharisees. Jesus states that his Father is not the same as their Father. "Ye are of your father the devil. He was a murderer from the beginning."


The jester is a very common entity encountered in DMT experiences as are self-transforming machine elves. also it is very common in breakthroughts to see

Egyptian, Hindu, Mayan, Aztec gods etc.... deities that persuaded men to perform sacrifice rituals in the thousands and the shades that fed off it

jesters, clowns, elves, aliens, insects, serpents. sometimes the entities are operating on them, operating on their brain, etc...sometimes they feel like the entity is feeding off them....

dmt-nexus: "Last night I encountered a hunter, I may have been one also. I saw this spider/tick/crab creature, then a blue icon with a white symbol.
That symbol represented a hunter, pest extermination. Rolling out to take out some punishment. These parasites are ugly and nasty.
They feed off humans, either our soul, or bodies from the parallel dimension This other dimension is parallel, yet off axis at I think 90 degrees out of phase, so normally lies unseen. Until psychedelics shift our phase.
Everything has phase. (+) and (-)....

They seem to be attracted to negative emotions. They also cause disease to our 3rd dimensional bodies and minds. They prefer hiding, as they can feed on a host unseen. They can influence thoughts and behavior to suit their goal...

There are similar creatures on earth. A wasp that stings a spider, injecting eggs. When the eggs are ready to hatch, the spider spins a new kind of web, one that protects the baby larvae. Then when the web is done, they hatch and eat the spider.

But i know they only shown up when I was in a bad state of being, depressed and suicidal and stuff. " end-quote

Tool / Alex Grey video Vicarious


Being of light on throne in ndes

"I looked at the throne and I was light and the face of a bear, eagle, lion and ram all changing
every second. When I looked to my right I saw a dark brown man with a black pin striped suit
and a red tie. His eyes were snake eyes and blinked side ways. He had roll teeth like piranha
and he had two people with him a women and a man who looked similar. The tall kind man
who I knew was Jesus told me with his eyes that everything was going to be okay." -- Patricia
SJ said, "I found myself suddenly 'very high up' in a bright white room. There were several beings
there...There was a being on a throne, that I was almost directly in front of, that was the only
one sitting down.
The others were standing up, and they were barefoot and in robes. I couldn't see their faces,
just their feet, ankles, and the bottom of their robes. The standing ones seemed irritated a bit,
and one lifted his ankle a bit as if to hide from me. They wanted to move off to the sides so
that I couldn't see them. I was forced on my hands and knees, and couldn't move or look
around except with my eyes...

They were very white or 'chalky' looking. first, I believed, from their color, that they were
possibly the 'gray aliens'. But then I believed they were gods or religious-type beings, because
of the set-up of there being a throne in the room. The room was very bright white, and they
were wearing robes... I do not necessarily view this being on the throne as the Big G: god,
which/who I feel is probably a different sort of abstract and a more universal, non-human
consciousness. However, I did feel the beings I was seeing, have historically been called gods
by other humans. " -- end-quote

I observed him as he was so surely to hold on to the door knob of this particular room door as he came out backwards and notice his countenance having what appeared to be a long robe on which you could clearly looked through him and the gold belt he had on plus looking at his face which scared the living crap out of me,.............. he had a face of a ............lion. -- Charles M



I was taken to special entities who looked like the usual grays, but they had lots of wrinkles on their faces. They called themselves the Counsel, and said they were part of a group called "soul recyclers" helping souls to re-incarnate. -- Ruth **

I found myself suddenly 'very high up' in a bright white room. There were several beings there. I can't remember how many now, but at least four. I think there were more though. There was a being on a throne, that I was almost directly in front of, that was the only one sitting down.

The others were standing up, and they were barefoot and in robes. I couldn't see their faces, just their feet, ankles, and the bottom of their robes. The standing ones seemed irritated a bit, and one lifted his ankle a bit as if to hide from me. They wanted to move off to the sides so that I couldn't see them. I was forced on my hands and knees, and couldn't move or look around except with my eyes. First I thought, 'cool, weird' and I thought they were aliens. I thought about the fact that there was one on the throne and changed my mind away from aliens...

I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly origin I saw several beings of human-like appearance in their legs and ankles, which was all I could see of them. They were very white or 'chalky' looking (i.e., not the white of humans). At first, I believed, from their color, that they were possibly the 'gray aliens'. But then I believed they were gods or religious-type beings, because of the set-up of there being a throne in the room. The room was very bright white, and they were wearing robes... I do not necessarily view this being on the throne as the Big G: god, which/who I feel is probably a different sort of abstract and a more universal, non-human consciousness. However, I did feel the beings I was seeing, have historically been called gods by other humans. But even though they caused me to be on my hands and knees, and kept me at an official distance, and hid their faces from me, I still felt toward the throne-being like a kid that had stumbled into his father's office while he was at work.


"I was taken to see a worm working controls of big cylinders that had every animal and peoples you could think of...and they were going down the cylinders from adults to babies....Fish also....I remember seeing all kinds of fish....As I was walking towards the worm I heard a voice say....you go back and be a better man..I was told by many the light was the creator/god....and the worm was a angel giving rebirth.. " -- James NThe 'administrative' beings that were standing up, I felt were more annoyed than the one on the throne. I felt like the one on the throne, acted like a good father, who took some time out of his business to teach his kid something quickly before sending him off, even though it was rude that the kid had interrupted. -- SJ


It was when I was in mid-air that the spiritual experience occurred. I recall flashes of parts of my life up to that point, a bright light in one direction, begin drawn in that direction, an inquiry to me as to which religious symbolic form I wanted the presence to appear in, a few options, then my image of Jesus Christ in a blue robe appeared. -- Andrew C

I saw the Light approach, I was enveloped by the light and an entity that was to prepare me for what I call my Interview with a supreme being later in the Light. This first being appeared to be the Virgin Mary. Only after asking, "Are you truly the Virgin Mary it instantly manifested true identity. I was nearly paralyzed with fear until again asking "please, what is happening to me what is going on here?" -- Robert B
So the thoughts came into my head: what kind of form or shape would make you most comfortable.

forced to go back.... cliched, "not yet your time"

"Not yet, you have to return and guide your family." -- Maria GP

"This is when I was called, and returned to the blue place in which I started, where the Angel Gabriel said to me: "Miguel, you have to go back, there is a mission for you to accomplish". I said to him: "No, brother, I'm not going back, I'm here now and I'm not about to move from here, I'm not leaving". He said, "You have a wife and children". I replied that I did not remember them, and he made a gesture with his hand, and a seated woman appeared, on a kind of white chair, praying and weeping, holding my diary in her hands. I drew near, saw her and said to the Angel: "Now I remember her, she is my wife". He asked me if I wanted to see my children, and I said yes. With another gesture of the hands he took me to a really poor district, with unpaved streets and mud. I was taken near a bus-stop, where there were grey concret storm-drains. We came to a house under construction, or unfinished. The floor was of earth, the walls had no covering (without any finish), the bath also half finished and on the patio there were two children playing, covered in mud. Following another gesture, I approached them and could see that yes, I recognized them, they were my children. The angel said, "You have to go back", to which I replied, "No way, now that I'm here, I'm not going back there". I said, "What if the next time I don't end up in this place, better to stay for good, no point getting here if I'm going to leave". At this moment I heard a strong, loud voice, speaking in a very special way, with love, affection but also with authority, which said to me: "Miguel, you must go back". I looked all around me, up, down, left and right, but no one had spoken to me. Then I asked "Who is speaking to me?" And I again heard this voice saying to me, "I am the true and faithful witness, you have to go back". I said, "Jesus?" and he answered, "Yes, you must go back". I said, "I'm ready, Lord. Thy will be done". -- Miguel RP


Truman Cash is an abductee who had an experience with the white light tunnel and alien beings.

TRUMAN wrote,
"After I was thoroughly inculcated in this WHITE LIGHT amnesia room, two insectoids approached me and told me that I was ready to begin my new life. I saw that foggy LIGHT. I hear a voice say 'Go to the LIGHT, ' and I go to the LIGHT.........
The phrase "Go to the LIGHT. " It's an implant station. " Okay. I'm going into a big, huge sphere, space station. I'm going through a tunnel of LIGHT. At the end of the tunnel is this room-and a body--with intense LIGHT& power that just presses and pushes on me, forces me into this body. I can feel the body now, as it (the force field) pushes me in. ..
They tricked me. They put me in a capsule and shoot it out of the . . . uh, shoot it out to a planet......"
This LIGHT goes to this implant station that's just huge. Reminds me of a small planet or moon. .Don't go to the LIGHT. I was right about that... The New Age LIGHT. It's part of the trap. "
"... I can see why people are drawn to it. It's like taking a vacation, milling around in the WHITE LIGHT. There's no pain there. You're being programmed to be a sheep. You aren't exposed to stuff. There are other parts of the ship where you are rammed into bodies with force beams. " (It's like a soul-sucking tractor beam.)
"It just sucks you in. ... At first I thought they were LIGHT BEINGS. These are the praying mantis guys! They take me into the WHITE, misty LIGHT. I'm being programmed (to): .... 'ALWAYS RETURN TO THE LIGHT. ' I can see why people think going to the LIGHT is good, because it FEELS good. ....
You feel like you're really loved, and you're really special. ", '...Their programming is very sweet, but very insincere and phony.... "It appears that electromagnetics plays a key role in this procedure. I suddenly realized that they were using the nervous system of the body-including the brain, of course-to implant beings into bodies. The nerves transmit electrical charges, which creates electromagnetic fields around the body. The chakras are simply nerve networks, which create electromagnetic fields." end-quote


Robert Monroe loosh

He wrote, "We were indeed producing Something of Value. Loosh... Loosh, an energy generated by all organic life in varying degrees of purity, the clearest and most potent coming from humans—engendered by human activity which triggers emotion, the highest of such emotions being—love? Is love loosh? ... Using the same stuff—interactive experience— one began to learn to express anger, pain, fear, and all the rest, and finally —hopefully, if you passed the course—a special energy waveform labeled love. Yet we don't really know what it is... To learn to be high-quality loosh/love producers...and those who possess Loosh find it vital for whatever it is used for. Faced with this question of supply and demand Someone decided to produce it artificially, so to speak, rather than search for it in its natural form. He decided to build a Garden and grow Loosh ... "

Monroe also wrote, "If a smart transmitter propagates certain waves, they can resonate with other related vibrations of like kind to form a multiple pattern which if thought of as light—would be: white!
So in and of itself, you don't have to be the end-product antenna or transducer, just one of the oscillators. You may never display actual loosh radiation, but you have a vital part in its production..... "

"From experience, the Collectors have evolved an entire technology with complementary tools for the harvesting of Loosh from the Type 4M units. The most common have been named love, friendship, family, greed, hate, pain, guilt, disease, pride, ambition, ownership, possession, sacrifice—and on a larger scale, nations, provincialism, wars, famine, religion, machines, freedom, industry, trade, to list a few. Loosh production is higher than ever before . .

... We were indeed producing Something of Value. Loosh... Loosh, an energy generated by all organic life in varying degrees of purity, the clearest and most potent coming from humans—engendered by human activity which triggers emotion, the highest of such emotions being—love? Is love loosh? ...

Using the same stuff—interactive experience— one began to learn to express anger, pain, fear, and all the rest, and finally —hopefully, if you passed the course—a special energy waveform labeled love.

Yet we don't really know what it is... To learn to be high-quality loosh/love producers...and those who possess Loosh find it vital for whatever it is used for.

Faced with this question of supply and demand Someone decided to produce it artificially, so to speak, rather than search for it in its natural form. He decided to build a Garden and grow Loosh ...

If a smart transmitter propagates certain waves, they can resonate with other related vibrations of like kind to form a multiple pattern which if thought of as light—would be: white! So in and of itself, you don't have to be the end-product antenna or transducer, just one of the oscillators. You may never display actual loosh radiation, but you have a vital part in its production......"

He wrote, "It must be quite a place to handle that much loosh, this Somewhere. It would fall neatly into many concepts of heaven.... "


Jurgen Ziewe

How easy it seemed for people to become seduced and ensnared by these grand designs. The sheer pressure of them, how each thought provided refuge, belonging and identity, because beyond them appeared to be nothing but dark and empty space. How many people, I thought, understand that they have the power to rise above and observe these thoughts for what they are: temporary resting places, no more than inventions, giving us the illusion that we are in control. And yet they were as fleeting as clouds. When my interest waned and attention withdrew, they withered away into nothingness.

I was fascinated by this powerful display. The passions and energies invested in them made them shine and stand out like grand edifices, singing the glory of their creators, many of them hypnotized by their beauty and artistic perfection.
It was driven by a powerful engine at its center, which was nothing less than a gigantic star, sitting at the top of a magnificent dome for everyone to see. Inside the dome, millions worshipped it like their God.


Calogero Grifasi

Italian Regressionist, hypnotherapist Calogero Grifasi has posted hundreds of regression sessions on youtube that deal with the matrix and the entities that are interfering with us.

and the chip is monitored by a control panel in a spaceship inside an undeground reptilian base hidden like a huge nest inside craters on the back side of the moon....
there are four entrances covered by doors that open from the middle...
he sees a human in a highly-ranked military uniform ...
the base takes up 40% of the interior and was built nearly a million years ago, artificially teleported here from the orbit of Saturn which has a generator within it
and five places in Jupiter's orbit that helps to control earth..
he sees that lizards built the base and that these machines are controlled with the mind.
The commander of the base resides very far away in Draco or Draconia by a very large dragon with scales, wings and a huge tail sitting on a throne with the wings folded behind it.
Its got yellow eyes with a red rim and a slit in its eye for a pupil.
The dragon is named A-L-K-H-R-L-H-U.
He is observing and controling Earth and also has 14 other similar bases in the orbit of Jupiter that control other planets and inhabitants.
The dragon controls 14 different civilizations. He uses them for investigation and energy supply, energetic nourishment.
"They draw our energy... because they are forced to do it"


The agenda can be seen today in Hollywood and in the music industry as well as nearly every facet of the media. I've recently written three articles about Disney, one of the most powerful corporations in the world.


Religion is dangerous because if at death we truly create our reality from our Intentions then if we are convinced that we will meet our maker at death and be judged for wrongdoings (no one's perfect for 75 years) or that we need to perfect ourselves and atone for bad karma then we can easily be convinced that we need to return to earth especially by an entity pretending to be a god or religious figure, After all, Spirits can take any form they wish in the astral plane. Telepathy must not be complete because Souls still are asking questions there.

It's so much easier to convince people of the ne ed for war if they can be convinced the cause for fighting is just and is what God wants.  religion used to manipulate and control humans..... divide and conquer.... recipe for division and used to push mankind into warfare, holy wars for god and country.

The trickster god or the trickster figure in mythologies such as Native American. Loki among others is seen as a trickster god.

Leaving the Matrix Game

If one chooses to leave the matrix, several factors need to be considered. What is the nature of our 'prison", the rules of the game? Flat earth / dome? Grid? Are there holes in the grid? Or is it one of frequency? Or one of belief / limiting beliefs? Is it our constant curiosity, desire and craving for new experiences and adventures? What abilities do we have? Are there other more powerful entities that can usurp our Sovereignty? Are we at the mercy of a higher power or Source called God? Are we characters in the dream of Awareness play playing roles? Is this whole reality of ours created within our Imagination and we have the power to create or manifest any reality we set our Intention toward? What reality would we create if we have the power to create any one we wish or imagine? Is our Will Power something that needs to be strenghtened?

Prepare for death. Do meditation, lucid dreaming, OBEs, maybe psychedelics if so inclined.

Raise your frequency as much as possible while alive. Positive thinking. Much mediation and contemplation about deeper truths.

Let go of fear, regret, remorse and forgive everyone who has wronged you and ask forgiveness from those you have hurt.

Affirm audibly that any and all soul contracts you have made are null and void.

Make a bucket list of things you wanted to do and do them so you will have on regrets or desire to come back to do them.

Eliminate any and all emotional attachments including love.... get rid of all addictions: drugs, sex, food, money etc

Purify your thoughts and Intentions.

Do acts of loving kindness with others.

Do a mock life review and try to remember events in your life that angered you or where you cried or were hurt. Repeat the review until you have no more reaction to it, especially an emotional one.

Have a detailed exit strategy or escape plan of your intentions with contingencies thought out before you die. (Or if you choose to go to the light prepare on how you would answer certain questions about your life.) If your plan is to create a new reality of your choice or to go to a realm that you have in mind, then write up a very specific description of this reality. Try to phrase it in an all positive way. For example, instead of saying "no death", say "live as long as I like". Sort of like the idea of someone saying to you not to think of a pink elephant leads to one thinking of a pink elephant.

If going to the Void is your Intention then have a plan to clear your thoughts, feelings, etc. The Void could be darkness, clear light, maybe even an even balance of light and dark.... whatever resonates with you.

I have said in the past that setting one's intention with an internal mantra of "higher frequency now" may be a good option. I am not so sure frequency is a good thing since it implies vibration. Movement may result in the creation of space and time since it is a displacement or change from one spot to another which also would imply time to do so. The new age idea of ascension and higher dimensions may also be incorrect. No space and no time would be zero dimension or zero point, no energy, a potential energy vs kinetic energy. This gets too scientific for me to rely on my scientific knowledge so beware. I am just saying using scientific terms may not to be a good idea. Concepts like "good" may also be a trap since it could imply Duality. Even "light" may be a result of the displacement of energy. "Source" sounds too much like "Saurus" for my liking. Emptiness or a null may be an option to consider... perhaps what the Tibetans called Clear Light or the Void.

Avoid using words completely. Rather, use mental pictures or ideas. Pure Intention or Pure Imagination. Pure Awareness.

Execute that plan IMMEDIATELY upon death.

Reevaluate if additional memories become available. Be flexible and open "minded".

Avoid entities. Avoid spirits that may impersonate loved ones or friends. Avoid spirits that may impersonate deities or religious figures. Do NOT be scared of any entities. They have no power over you. They are external projections from within. Figments of your imagination. If you find you cannot wil them away, then you do have abilities such as teleportation, super speed, shields of protection.

[As a last resort, you can always call on the Light if you find yourself in a hellish realm. But for me, this is a backup plan and I would call on the Purest Light of the Eternal Light Realm. You could alternatively focus your Intention on Safety or Truth. Calling upon Jesus or the Holy Spirit or the Divine Mother are good options if you find yourself in a bad situation.]

If you have any experiences you would like to share, comments or questions, please feel free to contact me at waynejbush@gmail.com