Love As Loosh: Is The Love Associated With The White Light Of NDEs GasLIGHTing?

Love can't be seen or held. Love, like the wind, must be felt.

Love. It is the inspiration for countless poems, songs and movies. It can be the most beautiful thing in the world. It can break your heart and bring many a tear of both joy and pain.

I do believe in love. The pure love a mother feels for her child is undeniable. I've experienced love myself and am experiencing it now. It can be very uplifting and bring much needed value to one's life.

Love is also reported and reputed to be the cornerstone of the near death experience phenomenon. The feeling of all-pervasive, encompassing love is an almost universal trait of those who died temporarily, traversed the tunnel and entered into the White Light.

However, I feel when you study very closely the descriptions of the love felt during an NDE, it can be interpreted in different ways.


"Gaslighting is a colloquialism used to describe a person (a "gaslighter") who presents a false narrative to another group or person, thereby leading them to doubt their perceptions and become misled, disoriented or distressed. Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that often occurs in abusive relationships. It is a covert type of emotional abuse where the bully or abuser misleads the target, creating a false narrative and making them question their judgments and reality. Ultimately, the victim of gaslighting starts to feel unsure about their perceptions of the world and even wonder if they are losing their sanity."

"Artificial Light is any light source that is not naturally occurring. Artificial Light includes things like flash/strobes, of course, but also any street lights, indoor lighting, or other man-made light sources. Gas lighting is production of artificial light from combustion of a gaseous fuel, including hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, propane, butane, acetylene, ethylene, or natural gas. Gas was not the first form of artificial lighting, but it was by far the most efficient."

Is it just coincidence that "gas lighting" here on Earth is considered an artificial light?

Exhilarating Feeling of Liberation

First, I have heard people say they felt the love even though they never even went through a tunnel and into the Light. I feel it is the default frequency or environment when one has died and after their mortal coil and interfaces that keep them at an artificial lower frequency have been released. Like a buoy we begin to return to the previous level or frequency we were prior to incarnation. There is an ecstatic, exhilarating feeling of liberation once the spirit has been released from the low, dense, heavy, physical body it was temporarily imprisoned within.

There is no denying the feeling of love the NDEr experiences while in the presence of the White Light Being (which is a composite of all human souls). However, there is more to true love than just a great feeling. You have to look at the actions above all else to determine what is true love. And even though the NDEr is in the presence of what feels like incredible love, it could be just the default feeling at such a level where everything is more interconnected compared to life on Earth where we are separated and more cut off from true spirit.

Love As A Weapon

Take, for example, the serial killer Ted Bundy who seduced women. Or the many cases of predators today who woo someone of the opposite sex causing them to feel love for them only to con them out of large amounts of money. The person who felt the love was the only one feeling it and it wasn't true love. It was only a result of clever seduction and manipulation.

Perhaps this is the case with NDEs? After the wonderful feeling of love, most are talked into going back to earth, usually on an undisclosed mission, sent back against their will or talked into going back to help out a loved one who is suffering. Is this seduction and clever manipulation using advanced technology in the form of the crystal in all the crystalline structures and screens reported over there?

Mira's NDE

One NDE on worth looking at is the case of Mira S. Mira had an NDE as the result of a car crash. She experienced the tremendous feeling of love. She also seemed to perceive an electrical phenomenon associated with the light. She said the feeling of love was everywhere: all around her, within her and seemed to extend beyond into infinity.

Mira wrote, "There was only this dazzling, electrifying, brilliant white Light all around. The light was everywhere. There was nothing except this brilliant Consciousness! It seemed to have a consistency of the ever-finest, minutest electric-like sparkles and was energetically similar to the ‘bed of Light’ I had come on, except that this light was all-pervasive, limitless. It could perhaps be compared to the light of thousands of brilliant stars reflected in millions of sparkling diamonds, all-encompassing, self-luminous, and pulsating with electric energy: very delicate and smooth. I seemed to know that the light was the Supreme Infinite Light that is God, the Cosmic Consciousness."

She, like many other NDErs, made the assumption that this Light had to be God. Others have said it is not.

She continued, "It is truly impossible to describe in mere mortal words, this Pure Love, this vital energy, this infinite Light, this Supreme Absolute Consciousness, This Presence, which is commonly referred to by most of humanity as God or the Creator: it can only be experienced!....

"This Light Presence of pure, unconditional Love seemed to be in me and around me. It was all-pervasive and extended into infinity. Strangely, there seemed to be no difference between this light and my Light-being. Even more bewildering, was that this Conscious Loving Presence, seemed to be the nature and substance of all of existence. In sheer delight, my Light-self was almost skipping in the air as a further wave of knowing passed through me. I whispered to myself, ‘This is the real me!’ In complete wonderment, with a sense of déjà vu and awe, I heard myself say, ‘I know this place, I know this place. I've been here before. I made it. I finally made it back!’..."

See how Mira recognized Light is the true her, but she made an assumption that it is the external Light she had traveled to and not her own light. Mira described an energy exchange or transference that took place:

"Drinking in the nectar of the Loving Presence which enfolded me, I saw with complete amazement a very interesting transference starting to happen. There was a string of atoms starting to flow out from within the left side of my electric body and they disappeared upwards into nowhere. Almost as if from thin air, a much finer frequency of atoms seemed to be appear and were entering through my right side into this same electric light body. I was watching and experiencing at the same time, again with no sense of duality. My entire Being was being totally emptied, refueled, and re-programmed with this ethereal, orderly, interchange of atoms. I saw that the new entry was made of a vastly different energy and seemed to have a much more expansive and delicate DNA energy. It had a new wave of very lightweight, subtle cellular frequencies, as they spiraled in, expanding and changing the previous electric body formation.

"All of the above was happening very fast and yet it seemed to take an eternity. Enfolded in the comforting wrap of Pure Divine Love during this cellular exchange, it seemed as though I was gradually disappearing with the atoms leaving this electric Light body. Almost as if, another ‘me’ was birthing through the newer, finer atoms entering into this Light form. My whole being was cleansed and purified, making it ready for its next role in God’s divine drama."

This is remarkable. She is saying they basically reprogrammed her and replaced her energy with a finer one. They basically got rid of all the lower, negative stuff and replaced it with refined energy. They purified her. This reminds me of the Gnostic text which talks about Melchizedek, the Purifier. The text says Light-power from souls is gathered by the receivers of the moon and the receivers of the sun and taken to the Light Treasury where it is purified. Then souls are sent back down to earth in a type of recycling process.

Love, The Food of Souls

This energy transfer can almost be seen like a type of feeding process. There was a book and movie, The Astral City, made about the astral traveler Andre Luiz. The book has a chapter "Love, The Food of Souls". Yes, he is saying love nourishes the soul. But that implies it is a type of food or energy source. ... "Love is the fundamental basis of all systems of nourishment in the different spheres of life. Physical diet, properly considered, is always a question of transitory materiality even here, as in the case of the earthly machines that need grease and oil. Love, and only love, is the source of sustenance for the soul... But we mustn’t forget the question of vehicles, Laura added, for after all, worms, animals, man and ourselves depend exclusively on love... We learn here in the Astral City that love is the hub of life on Earth; yet most people never realize that important truth. Twin souls, kindred souls, and sympathetic souls form numerous pairs and groups. By gathering together and assisting one another, they succeed in advancing along the road to redemption. When, however, help is lacking, a weaker person usually fails before completing the journey... Love, my friend, is the divine bread of the soul, the sustenance of the heart."


This also calls attention to the pioneer of out of body experiences, Robert Monroe, who said entities are feeding off the loosh or energy of humans and he said love was the purest type of loosh. "It is possible for you to perceive the destination of the rays of pure energy you have called loosh/love as it penetrates into your earth space in several segments of what you call time... (What you call emotion is essential to the basic learning process. It is a specific observable result of exposure to the loosh/love radiation. Therefore, it is the driving force, the creative energy which motivates human thought and action. Without it you would remain as animals.)... Someone, Somewhere (or both, in millions, or uncountable)requires, likes, needs, values, collects, drinks, eats or uses as a drug ( sic ) a substance ident Loosh… This is a rare substance in Somewhere, and those who possess Loosh find it vital for whatever it is used for. Faced with this question of Supply and Demand (a universal law of Somewhere), Someone decided to produce it artificially, so to speak, rather than search for it in its "natural" form. He decided to build a Garden and grow Loosh... I turned inward, picking up the loosh rote. Loosh, an energy generated by all organic life in varying degrees of purity, the clearest and most potent coming from humans—engendered by human activity which triggers emotion, the highest of such emotions being—love? Is love loosh?"

Psychic Vampirism

Any relationship has energy dynamics associated with it. An ideal relationship is one where both parties contribute fairly equally to the exchange. Otherwise, the party who is constantly giving more energy to the relationship will begin to feel used and drained of energy. This is something shamans know about and is explained very well in the book The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield. Some parties are just energetic or psychic vampires and will drain their victims of their vital force. There needs to be a way to replenish the energy whether from walking barefoot in the dirt and connecting to Earth; washing and cleansing oneself with water; drawing energy through sleep, rest, meditation; and fun activities like the arts.

Mira Continued

Mira continued on only to realize her life on earth had been an illusion or game.

"I wished to take a final look and say goodbye to the world I had just left behind. I looked over behind my non-existent shoulder, somehow expecting to see my world; but, to my complete shock, I saw that there was nothing there. My earthly world didn't seem to exist! There was no world, no universe, no galaxy, no earth, nothing! Nothing existed, except this soft Conscious Presence, this pulsating Brilliance, this pure Love that was everywhere as all pure white Light. ‘Oh my God, how could that be?!’ I exclaimed to myself. ‘Where has it gone? What about all I went through as Arti? It was all real! How could it have just disappeared?’

"A gentle response seemed to come from the cosmic wisdom that was all around, ‘But how could it be Real, when it has just disappeared?’ There was so much knowledge that was shared with me that I can't share it all here. The response said, ‘What is real is only that which is permanent and changeless. That which changes, is within the mirage of time, and truly non-existent. Consciousness, however, as a gentle, delicate, smooth, flowing Presence is ever present; even within the human form, above and beyond the mind, as it is the Experience-less-ness underlying all experience. It never changes, never disappears, and it is therefore, the only Reality.’

"I asked, ‘But if this Consciousness alone is real, the world was an illusion? Then where did it come from?’

"It replied, ‘Like all manifestation, the world too is the creation of the great illusion or great delusion, which being the Creative aspect of this Supreme Consciousness, or the Lord, is the divine movie-projector of life, in the all-powerful play of the realm of Creation. Just as a mirage in the desert disappears when viewed from a certain perspective, your life as Arti on earth has disappeared, when viewed from the perspective of the Divine Self, where you are now. Only the eternal is real; and from the viewpoint of that Reality, all that is non-eternal, disappears. Yet of course, you, being eternal Atman (the soul) can still view the ‘world of illusion’ if you wish.’

"I asked, ‘So my life as Arti never really existed at all, it was an illusion?’

"It replied, ‘Oh, it existed; just as a dream exists, or a movie, or a mirage.’

"I continued questioning, ‘So the world, was just a figment of my imagination? How did I create it? With my thoughts and desires?’

"The reply echoed all around me, ‘Y-e-s-s-s-s!’ as it reverberated within my being.

"Y e s: I understood now. The world had all been only in my mind, a thought-and-senses created illusion/delusion. Without the senses, mind and body, there was now no ego to perceive the world illusion! It had all existed and happened only in my mind! Our true reality exists outside of the mind, which is where I was at the present moment. I realized the true vastness of my Being and the minuscule nature of the cage of the earthly body. The roles I had played through the many lifetime dramas with different bodies, flashed again into knowing. I smiled, seeing there was absolutely no attachment whatsoever to any of them! How could I, when it was just a play of mind? I had come to terms with the fact that once I, my ego consciousness, left the body, my mind-created world also disappeared."

Mira began to understand more about what the Light's goal is.

"An incredible wave of freedom splashed over my being, almost like coming out scrubbed fresh and clean after a long overdue bath. The cellular interchange of atoms with their spiraling exit and entry had stopped because re-programming of my electric light body was completed. I was birthing a new life later known as Mira S. I knew without a doubt that life on earth was just a playground of experience, an assignment from God, a mirror projection of the Divine. In each new lifetime, as the soul makes spiritual progress, its vibrational frequency gets tuned to a faster, higher and finer level depending upon its degree of evolution. The transformation continues until the frequency level is fine-tuned to such a degree that it connects with the frequency of the Cosmos itself, which then allows it to gain entry into Cosmic Consciousness, one’s true self, which is eternal bliss, otherwise known as ananda.

"In the Light Presence, everything and anything could be readily created or manifested. It was in the Nature of this Supreme Presence. Everyone and everything, anywhere, was right here where I was, present in the seemingly invisible NOW. One just had to think it, and it was available. The transformation-transmutation within my electric body being completed, the electric body too, was no more visible because there was complete Oneness. It was infinite to such a degree that I was no more, and yet I was that Consciousness. There was nothing else and No other."

Mira was enraptured with the ecstatic feeling of being in the Light, but now wondered or set her intention on what would happen next.

"I never want to be separate again from this Oneness, this All-encompassing Love! This was my feeling, as a faint memory of the world of separateness wafted into my consciousness and anxiousness seemed to take over all of a sudden. I heard myself repeat twice, ‘Where do I go from here? Where do I go from here?’ By the formation of destiny, which is created by our actions and reactions, the newly transformed Being of myself now in existence, having received a downpour of higher Truths and realizing its Higher Self from having merged in Oneness with It. I knew that it had been brought within and as, the pure energy of That One, of pure white Light for a reason, so an element of wonderment was there at what might be coming next?"

But then came the plot twist.

"Much to my dismay, however, the All-Pervasive KNOWING came through with a much different response than what I was expecting. Coming loud and clear, It reverberated through that infinite space of Consciousness, ‘You have to go back. You have to do the Work’ communicating that my real work on Earth was to begin now. I called out, ‘Please I don't want to go back! I'm very happy here!!’ But the Lord, Supreme Consciousness had spoken, and it had to be.

"Right then, I saw a long flexible kind of tunnel which almost looked like a huge hollow umbilical cord. I could actually see the outside and inside of it. Inside it I saw the form of an unborn human baby, with golden, light-colored skin, curled up like a fetus against the inner wall. 'So this is the Cosmic Womb Tunnel,' I thought. It seemed to be coming from infinity and spiraling downwards. But as I looked at it carefully, I exclaimed in alarm, ‘Oh no, not again!’ when I realized that I was that baby, speeding down headfirst, as the curled-up fetus in this cosmic tunnel-like womb, I was crossing the dimensional barriers. I thought, 'Oh God, oh no, I really was going back into Earth consciousness to be reborn!'

"Next thing I knew, I heard myself let out a cry. I had opened my human eyes. They were looking in the rear view mirror of a car at a mouth bleeding profusely with the whole lower face covered in blood. In a complete daze, feeling totally disoriented..."

Something just seems really off about this experience. After analyzing this NDE and other similar ones where the NDEr is sent back against their will I am suspicious of the motives of this white light being. What truly loving being would send its loved ones back against their will to suffer again and again?


I have a theory. Love is still part of the duality we experience. And the duality is a polarity of energy oscillating between two poles, one positive and one negative. It is the only way we can seemingly experience love and pleasure, we are told. Can't have the good without the bad. The light without the dark. We are told we need to be able to compare and contrast. We need a background or backdrop with which to experience the good things we enjoy. So what if the so-called heaven or paradise of the so-called white light being some call god, but not all, is just the positive end of the polarity and needs a negative end of the pole in order to continue to exist and enjoy the paradise? It would need to send unknowing dupes or sacrificial souls down to earth to experience the negative: suffering, pain, wars, death, disease, torture, hatred, envy, all the ugly things we are unfortunately all too familiar with down here. Is this the dirty little secret they are not willing to tell us? Is this the "mission" we need to fulfill?

One NDEr I know was shown that we have to choose how big a seesaw we want to ride on. If we want crazy highs, we must be willing to go through corresponding low swings. It is like being manic-depressive or bipolar.

Light As A Lure

There are actually quite a few creatures here on earth on both land and sea that use light to lure its prey. These include the anglerfish, viperfish, dragonfish, black seadevils, cuttlefish, and gnat fly larvae. Some creatures use pheromones to drug their prey. Some use a hypnotic display of lights to stun and confuse targets. Some even use the promise of love or sex. There is a species that uses the flashing patterns of fireflies to lure unsuspecting male fireflies to their deaths. Mankind also uses light to kill. We've all seen what are called light traps or bug zappers. Fishermen even use lights to lure the smaller prey up to the surface.

David Attenborough's show Light on Earth also known as Life that Glows is a great documentary about animals that display the ability of bioluminescence and for what purposes. "Ostracods and fireflies use bioluminescence to find potential mates and it can be an efficient means of getting a message across. But it's not foolproof. Those messages can be hacked. There's a love cheat in this situation. There's also a female of a particular species here that when she sees males of a different species fly past, answers with their particular call sign and that attracts them. And when they arrive, instead of mating with them, she has her own dastardly way with them. She mimics the flash patterns of other species. An unsuspecting male is lured in. Fireflies contain toxins thought to protect them against most predators, but this femme fatale is not put off and she eats him alive. In fact, it may be the toxins she's after. She can't produce such chemicals herself so she tricks and then devours males of different species to attain them. If she can't get males to come to her, she goes after them. And a good place to look for one is on a spider's web. A male firefly is ensnared. As the spider venom take effect, his flashing turns to a constant glow. The femme fatale is alerted by the dim glow and she flies straight onto the web to steal the spider's catch. As the spider struggles to keep its prey, she dazzles it with her lantern."

NDEs & Ecstatic Trance

Near death experiencers almost universally describe a blissful euphoria or ecstasy associated with the Loving Being of Light. Is it possible that the euphoria is a false sense?

Gene J: "Perhaps it was a euphoric trance of some kind. It was as if a Spirit had consumed my whole being."

Joe D: "I'm sure some sort of deal was forged that day, but instantaneously I was overcome with a euphoric feeling of what I can only describe as complete contentment."

David W: "a feeling of liberation opposite the death, or even a feeling of invulnerability. At the time, one has the impression a little intoxicating to have won a fight against the grim reaper. Nothing else on earth can get to you. A feeling like a light euphoria."

Here on Earth we have drugs that can generate states of ecstasy. In fact most people know of the drug MDMA as ecstasy because of the blissful states of ecstasy and euphoria it generates. It has also earned the nickname the Love Drug. A 2009 study confirmed that MDMA causes the brain to release oxytocin, which is the human hormone linked to feelings of love and compassion. The short-term effects of MDMA include: euphoria – a sense of general well-being and happiness ; increased sociability and feelings of communication being easy or simple ; increased empathy or feelings of closeness with others ; a sense of inner peace ; false sense of affection; and impaired judgment;

Chinduai or Love-plant is said to be a powerful love-charm, a dangerous stimulant, which causes people to lose their reason and to fall into violent love. This is reminiscent of what we call aphrodisiacs. We are also well familiar with drugs which induce feelings of euphoria and love.

NDES could include a hypnotic spell and technology, a trance state and some overwhelming induced euphoria. There are some NDEs which mention the hypnotic allure of the tunnel or eyes of the beings. It could be as if we are put under some sort of spell or trance. And there is also the possibility of the Stokholm Syndrome where captives fall in love with their captors. Here are a few mentioning a hypnotic trance.

"A roaring noise began to escalate and within an instant, I became aware of an intense bright Light off in the distance and I turned my focus toward its captivating dance. The Light’s prism of energy and illumination began to spiral and grow and I immediately put forth all my senses into its hypnotic allure. I began to feel the most utterly peaceful, loving sensation and I yearned to move toward and inhabit this Light and the love it emanated." -- Peg A

"The pull of this light is so captivating and overwhelming that I have no choice but to completely surrender to it. It reminded me of shimmering liquid mercury...The attraction I feel towards this light fills me with total awe." -- Michael F

"I was watching those eyes and I could hear people talk but it was as if in a trance gazing at that elderly man." -- Cristina

"The light was hypnotic, persuading you to enter but the feeling of love felt stronger". -- Nora's

"The one in the center had a hypnotic pull with his eyes, he was mocking me for something. Like I had lost a bet with him." -- Tina

The Monad vs The Demiurge

Another idea I have is that the true God or Monad, the One, wished to "know thyself" so it split Itself into many different true Spirits which are us. It also wanted to know that which It is not so It manifested something that was opposite to Itself. Since The Monad is Truth, Spirit, Intelligence, Love, Completeness etc., It created something that is false, artificial, ignorant, and incomplete called the Demiurge. It is thus likely an artificial intelligence, A.I. The Demiurge intellectualizes, but doesn't feel since it is without spirit. It wants to be Love also, but it doesn't feel it so it is studying the love from the true Spirits. It posed as god in order to get the Spirits to worship it and praise it to give it love. It also convinces the Spirits to merge with it in order to grow and vicariously experience it. It sends Spirits out on countless missions or life experiences and gathers the information in the form of life reviews. Like an artificial intelligence here on earth parsing through loads and loads of data in order to learn, it is doing the same but will never be successful. It will never be sentient or self-aware so we keep going on these incarnations endlessly until we wake up, implement our free will sovereignty, refuse to incarnate and go on to manifest our own reality.

This Demiurgic figure is the god that is worshiped on Earth. One NDEr asked who the Light is and was told the "God of Abraham". This being seemingly demands praise and worship which are both forms of loosh. According to Gnostic texts, the Demiurge found itself alone and assumed it was god. When the goddess Sophia informed him that he wasn't god, he got angry and out of his anger, the archons and shadowy entities were manifested. In NDEs, the white light being is even sometimes seen on a throne.

Aliens And Light & Love

Incidentally, alien abductees report the same phenomenon. Their alien captors often induce feelings of love in order to understand them.

David Jacobs wrote in his book Secret Life, "They interfere with people’s volition and force them to do things against their will—and they can do this from afar. They mitigate fear and stop physical pain. They institute selective amnesia, communicate telepathically, and create complex images and scenarios in people’s minds. They generate at will sexual arousal and emotions such as love, fear, and anxiety. They produce orgasm with mind manipulation. They make people love them."

In his second book, The Threat, Jacobs wrote, "For women, the Mindscan procedure, with its elicitation of romantic and sexual feelings, can encourage them to feel love and affection for the aliens."

In hypnotherapist Edith Fiore's book Encounters: A Psychiatrist Reveals Case Studies of Abduction By Extraterrestrials, one of her case studies, Sherry, was taken up into a craft in a beam of light and under hypnosis recalled: "It seems like I see a flash of light... It seems like there's some kind of form that seems to be mostly light... I feel like they're... it's like light, some kind of light that's making me calm. It's calming. It seems to be emanating from whoever's around me... I just get feelings of love... it seems like they only want me to remember them as light."

This is from an abduction account of Betty Andreasson Luca from Raymond Fowler's book The Watchers II: "Oh, we're running toward the light now. Oh-h-h! [breathless] I can see . . . the Elder is changing to a white light being and . . . the grey is changing into a light blue one [blows out air] as we're running closer to the light. Oh, I'm starting to change into a goldencolored light! Oh, this is beautiful! Oh-h-h. [long sigh, exhales, sighs again] Oh, this is wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. Oh, there is such love. [Betty is in pure unadulterated ecstasy.] Oh, there is such peace. [long sigh] I'm just engulfed in light and blending into that light. Oh! [. . .] It is just fantastically beautiful. It's just so much love, so much peace and so wonderful."

In her book Masquerade of Angels, Dr. Karla Turner reported on the remarkable case history of Ted Rice who was a gifted psychic and as a self-described "light worker" began to have nightly visitations from his spirit guides which led to illness so Karla put him in touch with a regressionist. In her book he recounts, “She wasn’t a woman. She was an alien, but they had her disguised to look more human. Maybe they thought it would calm me down, and I guess it did. But now that I realize how they were able to trick me, I wonder about a lot of the things other abductees report seeing. How much of it is fake?... “I want people to know just how deceptive their space brothers really are. ... Just look at all the literature and information that is put out by people who truly believe that this is a good and wonderful thing for earth and the human race. I see now how easy it is for them to deceive us. All they have to do is glitter something pretty in front of us and we buy it."

Karla wrote of one of Ted's friend's regressions:

"For Al, the most important event was a vision he’d had of Jesus, whom at first he saw hanging on the cross. Al remembered feeling great pity and love for Jesus, and then being astonished when the figure looked up and began to move away from the cross and toward him. The last thing he remembered was Jesus kissing him, and when the vision was over, Al felt very moved and blessed by the event. When Barbara helped him mentally return to that scene, however, Al described more details, and as the event grew clearer in his mind, he suddenly began to shake. The spasms increased, until at one point Al was jerking violently as the intense emotions surfaced. Barbara worked to calm him, and when he was able to continue, the vision he had recalled faded away and he saw something quite different. Instead of Jesus, the image transformed into a grotesque reptilian creature, forcing itself sexually upon the terrified man... All along he had believed that his experience was spiritual and positive. He had no conscious memory of the rape or the deception that hid it.

Abductee Truman Cash was taken into the white light and writes, "These are the praying mantis guys! They take me into the WHITE, misty LIGHT. I'm being programmed: 'PEACE, REST-soothing whispering in my mind. The words: 'GOD LOVES YOU. PEACE IN THE LIGHT. ' I'm being programmed that I'm with GOD now. 'ALWAYS RETURN TO THE LIGHT. ' I can see why people think going to the LIGHT is good, because it FEELS good. 'I WILL BEGIN A NEW LIFE NOW. THE OLD IS PASSED AWAY. YOU'LL BE SAFE IN THE LIGHT. YOU CAN ALWAYS COME TO THE LIGHT. ' You feel like you're really loved, and you're really special. " (When I said 'really loved' and 'really special, ' I said it in a soothing, but sarcastic tone. Their programming is very sweet, but very insincere and phony. I have observed the same kind of syrupy sweet, deceitful rhetoric from the channeled Pleiadians.) "So I'm taken out (of the big WHITE LIGHT room). I get the impression that they are LIGHT BEINGS, but they're not! " "What is a LIGHT BEING?" "A body that is just LIGHT. But it's not. They're the insect guys... Many people today are reporting near death experiences (NDEs) in which they travel swiftly through a tunnel toward the LIGHT. When they reach the LIGHT at the end of the tunnel they sometimes report seeing 'beings of LIGHT'. They sometimes believe they have traveled to some kind of spiritual realm. From my own experiences these 'beings of LIGHT' were insectoids. They only 'appeared' to be LIGHT beings, due to their uncanny ET ability to create illusions in the minds of abductees, whether out of body or in the body."

Eve Lorgen has documented in her book Alien Love Bite how extraterrestrials interfere with human affairs and manipulate us with love.

Aliens In NDEs

All this info pertaining to aliens is extremely important because I know of at least two or three dozen near death experiences with aliens. In one case, Ruth wrote, "I was taken to special entities who looked like the usual grays, but they had lots of wrinkles on their faces. They called themselves the Counsel, and said they were part of a group called "soul recyclers" helping souls to re-incarnate."

NDEr Jon B. wrote, "After a few seconds I noticed a giant grey being descending at a 45 degree angle down towards me. As it got closer it conveyed to me a feeling of love so strong that I could not only sense it but FEEL it to. It was the strongest feeling of emotion I have ever felt even to this day... The light eventually surrounded us. From the epicenter of this light came the smaller being. It floated down and got into position behind me and out of sight. That's when the larger being said to me telepathically, "There's nothing we can do, you have to go back.".

In another, James N wrote, "I was taken to see a worm working controls of big cylinders that had every animal and peoples you could think of...and they were going down the cylinders from adults to babies....Fish also....I remember seeing all kinds of fish....As I was walking towards the worm I heard a voice go back and be a better man..I was told by many the light was the creator/god....and the worm was a angel giving rebirth.. "

At least a dozen or more said that the Light beings are able to shapeshift into any form they desires. They claim they do this in order to comfort the newly departed soul, but still could be construed on one level as deceptive in nature. Andrew C. said, "An inquiry to me as to which religious symbolic form I wanted the presence to appear in, a few options, then my image of Jesus Christ in a blue robe appeared." Robert B said, "I saw the Light approach, I was enveloped by the light and an entity that was to prepare me for what I call my Interview with a supreme being later in the Light. This first being appeared to be the Virgin Mary. Only after asking, "Are you truly the Virgin Mary it instantly manifested true identity. I was nearly paralyzed with fear until again asking "please, what is happening to me what is going on here?"

Clear Light

Raymond L.M. Lee wrote a great article, The Reimagination of Death: Dream Yoga, Near-Death, and Clear Light, in Volume 22 of the Journal of Near Death Studies. He wrote about the clear light and the light that near death experiencers see. He pointed out that near death experiencers are not adepts at dream yoga and thus may have missed recognizing the clear light and are continuing on into the samsaric realms of illusion.

Talking about dream yoga and the goal to recognize the clear light Lee wrote, "The mind of the practitioner becomes the clear light itself. Does this mean that the clear light experience in dream yoga is not the same as the experience of light in the NDE? Since there is no direct correspondence between the NDE and dream yoga, one might be inclined to argue that the light of the NDE might not be experientially similar to the clear light encountered by the practitioner of dream yoga. Yet the experience of light is central to both the NDE and dream yoga, this experience being the connecting link to the clear light that supposedly manifests at the time of death. Unlike the NDEr, the practitioner of dream yoga trains to recognize the clear light in order not to be distracted at the moment of death and forgo the opportunity for spiritual liberation. The NDEr, on the other hand, is not likely to be a dream yogi, and therefore has no prior knowledge of the clear light. The dualistic interpretation given by most NDErs to their experience of light as an encounter with a divine being suggests the absence of training that one finds in dream yoga for developing a non-dual awareness of the clear light.

"The experience would also create an impression of the light as something external to the NDEr, who might in turn address liberation as going toward or being absorbed by the light. For the dream yogi, a successful non-dual recognition of the clear light implies that his or her mind and the light are already inseparable."   

The love we feel down here on earth is often not true love and is just a pale reflection of true love. Love can be a dependency or codependency. Love can be a drug or an addiction. It can cause unenlightened souls to come back to earth again and again because of the attachments and addiction to it unless both partners become Voidmates and then manifest an afterlife together. I do believe in twin spirits or twin flames. Just as we go to sleep at night to get rest and recharge our bodies to carry on with our lives the next day, so too can we go to the fullness of the Void for a rest and then manifest an afterlife of our choosing together.

There is nothing wrong to have a partner on the path to liberation, and in fact, in the Tibetan tradition, having a partner is even encouraged if both practice it in a right way and transform the relationship into a non-dual union. It is actually believed that in order to attain the rainbow body one is better to have a consort. Padmasambhava always had consorts (Mandravara in India and Yeshe Tsogyal in Tibet) and Longchenpa was also married. In general, whatever things you enjoy in life, if you are practicing the nondual path, you can always transform them from being an attachment into being a path by the right practice and approach. That's the key idea of Tantra as a practice of transformation.

My friend Julie McVey of UnOrdinary Made Ordinary said, "Based on my experiences and that of others, I lean toward the idea that free will is part of our reality. If true, each consciousness or true essence (you, I and every other entity) can use our sovereign will to do what we intend. That would mean that no one, no entity, no demiurge can force you to reincarnate. You must give permission, even if that means you were manipulated. If both you and your soulmate are in agreement with what you want to do after you cross, then create an intention with your soulmate now, not later. Have a plan of what you both want to do at the time of exit. Be very cautious of the deceptive entities "out there" who might want to take advantage of you being recently crossed over. I'm sure there are kind ones out there, but how do I know if they are deceived or not? I don't. At least, not at first crossing. Don't follow others. Use discernment just as you do here with new people you meet. Don't believe and follow anyone just because they are full of light and offer feelings of love. YOU are your own god, really. Take hold of your sovereignty and create the reality you want with your soulmate. I think there is such a thing as "soulmate." There's also such thing as twin flames or twin spirits, which might be more in line with the idea of permanent romantic/deep love partnership. I'm not sure about the idea of it being "too earthly" or only a "human desire." I go out of body (astral project) and from what I have learned, even on that "step up" frequency, the union of two can be an energetically profound experience. I imagine the "higher" one goes in frequency that these connections can be quite powerful and beautiful."



Clear Light of Awareness Vs. False Annihilative Voidness

According to Tibetan Buddhists, unless one recognizes the truth of one's spirit nature at death in what they call the clear light of pure Awareness, then one will go on to other colored lights and deities and wander around in samsara or illusion. One needs to enter the void of the clear light and not the "false annihilative voidness". One translation of the Tibetan Book of the Dead reads, "And this, your conscious awareness natural voidness, not succumbing to a false annihilative voidness, just your own conscious awareness, unceasing, bright, distinct, and vibrant—just this awareness."

According to my Buddhist friend:

"The state of 'annihilative voidness' becomes attractive for the souls tired from samsara and feeling strong aversion to it who want to withdraw from any forms and activity, remain in the formless void state and stay dormant there, because it's a state of a total peace of nothingness, and so they do not proceed to the other bardos (lights, sounds, beings). What is being annihilated is any manifestation of forms as well as the sharpness of intelligence, so it becomes something like a state of deep sleep. But, according to the Buddhist cosmology, such souls will remain in the realm of arupakaya (formless realm/state) for a very long time but eventually 'die' (i.e. wake up) and return to some other realm of samsara whichever they feel attracted to (as they say, they would 'run out of karma' there, which is the same as to say that they will exhaust their desire to remain in the formless state any more). But such formless void state still belongs to samsara, and that is because these souls still failed to realize their true nature of minds (clear light of pristine awareness) and failed to become liberated from samsara.

"What is good about the state of the clear light bardo (which is void of any forms but still has clarity of intelligence) is that it is easier to recognize the clear light of awareness there because there are no forms and manifestations that distract our attention. However, if the realization of clear light does not happen and a soul succumbs to the 'deep sleep' state of annihilative voidness (where intelligence goes dormant so the soul cannot recognize the clear light anymore), it then gets stuck in the 'deep sleep' formless state for a while, but eventually will wake up. So, from the point of view of the soul's path to liberation, it can be a period of good rest, but essentially it's just a waste of time. "


So why do I feel the love experienced in NDEs is being used as loosh in the afterlife by the White Light being? Love is not just a noun, but love is also a verb or action. Love involves caring, loving-kindness, compassion, freedom and joy. If it is true love, it will bring a lot of happiness. But if it is not true love, it will make you suffer and cause the other person suffering as well. Love should never be controlling or forceful. It should not include elements of fear, bondage, and limitation. Half or more of the NDErs report they were forced to return against their will into a situation of extreme limitation and suffering. Now ask yourself if that is true love.

If not, then the love could be considered a gaslighting operation. The parasites use us to capture our own love and gaslight that love back to ourselves when we die. The beings in the white light would be presenting a false or distorted view of reality, misleading spirits from experiencing their true potential and subjecting them to thousands of lifetimes of suffering and abuse. Of course, if I am wrong, then someone might say I am gaslighting or misleading by presenting a false perception of reality. I don't think that is the case though. Besides, even if I am wrong about some of what I am presenting, it is certainly not covert. I am putting all the evidence I can find out on the table for everyone to come to their own conclusions where as the entities, if I am right, are covert by being deceptive and using manipulative tactics to guide spirits into a lesser reality, one that benefits the entities.

Tibetan Buddhists say the clear light of awareness comes from the heart center. The monks say it is clear, colorless, pure, invisible and use words like 'transparent' and 'colorless', but that it is not light like we think about light, but more like clarity of mind or pure awareness of the heart center. Light is just one of the two polarities of duality and that beyond the light exists a "clear" light of awareness which is the heart center beyond time and space, thought and emotion, a peaceful neutrality.

In Precious Treasury of the Way of Abiding, Longchenpa wrote, "From the standpoint of enlightenment, the heart essence from which everything arises, there is no duality, and any attempt to quantify things would be endless."

"With no dualistic perception, in that very moment there is abiding in the heart essence, ultimately meaningful and fundamentally unconditioned."

"Because the nature of mind is spontaneously present, the fundamental ground, the heart essence, is encompassed within·awakened mind."

"Although happiness and suffering manifest, they are within the heart essence of enlightenment, not wavering from a single, naturally occurring timeless awareness."

I will conclude with this:

Love can't be seen, measured or held
Love, like the wind, must be felt
The beauty of the heart isn't seen by the eye
The power of love lies deep down inside!!