Statement of Empowerment

by Wayne Bush & Julie McVey

July 6, 2024

The goal of this channel/group is to empower individuals and let them know they are sovereign spirits under no external authority and who have the ability to manifest an afterlife reality of their own choosing. It is not our intention to generate fear by exposing the manipulation tactics used by those who want to keep us in an endless cycle of reincarnation for their own benefit. After all, there is nothing to fear. The fact they resort to trickery implies we are in control and they need us to give our consent or choose to do what they want us to do.

We are researchers and experiencers sharing evidence that might help us break out of this endless reincarnation cycle. We do not claim to know the truth and do not know for certain what happens after death. We share what resonates as truth to us at this time. We reserve the right to change our position as we listen to others, have more experiences and gain more information. We encourage everyone to not only look at the evidence of other experiencers but to seek out their own experiences and come to their own conclusions. Keep what resonates as truth and discard what doesn’t feel right.

From time to time we are told we are spreading fear, negativity or victimhood mentality. “You are spreading negativity and fear” is something the archons might say to keep the information from getting out. The name of our channel and this group is Sovereign Spirits. That is a very positive name. Again, we promote we are sovereign spirits and part of that includes pointing out the deception, trickery and manipulation. How is that negative? It is positive to identify a problem in order to remove the problem by implementing a solution. Removing something that’s negative has a net positive effect. Furthermore, telling victims they are sovereign spirits who need to stop handing their authority over to others is not promoting victimhood. It’s promoting accountability. This knowledge puts one in an empowered position. With such knowledge, one can move forward with the intention of using one’s sovereignty to manifest in a way one wishes.

We understand this material can come across as very heavy. We wish we didn’t have to address the problems in this system, but putting one’s head in the sand and ignoring them won’t make them go away and only enables the system to continue. You can choose to ignore it due to your own fears, but does that help those who are being victimized? While we’re stuck here on Earth, we feel we should share what we know since there are so many that aren't even aware of what’s happening and that they can be living in such a better reality than this one, rather than come back for countless reincarnations undergoing mind wipes and senseless suffering.

The material isn’t always meant to be addressed to the advanced “awakened” individuals in this group. Please do not read a specific article or video that is addressing one small part of the entire picture and then make a rash, hasty, judgment about our beliefs or intentions that are taken out of context. Please keep in mind there are many levels to what is going on and when we write our articles, it’s very difficult to address all the layers in such a short space. For instance, we are aware that one possibility is that spirits choose to be characters in a reality game or reality show where the plot or storyline includes a soul trap theory. We are doing what we’re doing, because it might not be a game or show. However, even if this is a game or show, we still need to use our sovereignty to stop playing the game (i.e., know you are sovereign, refuse to engage with external entities and exit).

We are trying to reach the masses and need to appeal to them at their current level of understanding so they can “awaken” to the not-so-obvious deception going on beneath the surface. Most people are in survival mode and are aware something is off, but they don’t know why. For them, the pat answers offered to them from religion and New Age teachings begin to ring hollow.

We also want to respond to our critics who say we are creating this reality by using words like “trap,” “prison” and “trick” to describe what’s happening here. That’s like saying we are creating trafficking by using the word “trafficking” to describe what’s happening. How else can we address a problem that needs fixing if we don't use words and labels to describe the problem? Here in this limited place we have to use words to convey thoughts and ideas to people, so labels need to be used.

We’ve tried manifesting reality while here on earth, but we are part of a consensus reality comprised of billions of souls, therefore, our influence is only one small voice in a sea of voices. We have tried exiting through intention alone, but that has not worked. We’ve also asked for the assistance from benevolent beings, but not one being has come forward to help. So, while we are seemingly kept here against our will, we figure we will try to help others by pointing out the problems that exist (i.e., this is like a prison or trap). But once we permanently exit our avatars, we plan to leave those thoughts behind and focus only on positive manifestation, like creating the best reality possible. This is not just based on “wishful thinking,” as other critics have said. It is based on intentional thinking. It’s also based on real evidence supported by many non-physical experiences (e.g., near death experiences and out of body experiences) and emerging scientific evidence from researchers.

After this Earth experience, we do plan to go our own way. We have no intention of doing this again. We plan to manifest whatever we want, whether that’s a new reality or experiencing another consensus reality that does not include any memory wipe. But while we are here in this realm, we want to be part of the solution by sharing the evidence so that others can make an informed decision.