by Wayne Bush and Julie McVey
As of March 27, 2025, this is our most CURRENT AFTERLIFE AFFIRMATION to be used -- WITH STRONG INTENTION AND VISUALIZATION -- at the TRANSITION AND MOMENT OF DEATH. It should also be incorporated into one's DAILY PRACTICE OF MINDFULNESS so it becomes deeply ingrained into the very core of one's being. After one has practiced the affirmation many times, there will come a time when the sum of all the parts becomes an integrated whole and becomes an automatic internal intention without the need for words. Ideally, this affirmation should be pure intention without words as the very nature of the English language is embedded with spells. (Check this affirmation periodically for updates). We created an acronym (SPIRIT AFFIRMS) so it's to remember:
S – Sovereign (I am sovereign, free and in total control.)
P – Protected (I am permanently protected.)
I – Invisible & Indetectable (I am invisible, indetectable and free from interference.)
R – Release, Remove, Repeal & Reclaim (I release any parasites and attachments. I remove any implants, false imprints, tracking devices and programming. I permanently repeal any contracts, agreements and permissions -- past, present and future -- with all deceptive entities or systems. I permanently reclaim all energy. I am free from fear, regret, guilt, grudges and unfulfilled desires.)
I – Inward (I move inward to the innermost core of my true being and all illusions permanently dissolve.)
T – Transcend (I transcend duality, beyond all deceptive matrices forever. I will always remember why I choose not to participate in a deceptive matrix.)
A – Aware (I am safe in a state of absolute, clear, pure awareness, fully awake and fully conscious.)
F – Free (I am free forever, full of joy, peace and serenity.)
F – Focused Intention (I have focused intention and fierce will power.)
I – Independent (I am independent and in control.)
R – Remember (I remember who, what and why I am before I took any form. I will always remember the true essence of who I am.)
M – Manifest (I assess all experience options available, and I manifest anything at will, should I ever choose to do so.)
S – Sovereign (I am sovereign, safe and serene.)
Some may choose to use this before the affirmation: "I forgive everyone in all of my life experiences, including myself, and I accept forgiveness from all."
After the intention to leave all deceptive matrixes/matrices, you may find yourself in a void or traveling through portals, so don't be surprised or scared.
If the affirmation does not seem effective, you can use this: "Only benevolent, truthful beings may offer me authentic methods to leave deceptive matrixes/matrices and/or help me regarding my original pre-incarnate memories. I am free."
ALTERNATIVE AFFIRMATION (which excludes the "negative inferences"):
S – Sovereign (I am sovereign, free and in total control.)
P – Protected (I am permanently protected.)
I – Invisible & Indetectable I (I am invisible and indetectable.)
R –Resolve (I have resilient resolve.)
I – Inward (I move inward to the innermost core of my true being and I know all truth.)
T – Transcend (I transcend duality beyond all matrices.)
A – Aware (I am safe in a state of absolute, clear, pure awareness, fully awake and fully conscious.)
F – Free (I am free forever, full of joy, peace and serenity.)
F – Focused Intention (I have focused intention and fierce will power.)
I – Independent (I am independent and in total control.)
R – Remember (I remember who, what and why I am before I took any form. I will always remember the true essence of who I am.)
M – Manifest (I assess all experience options available, and I manifest anything at will, should I ever choose to do so.)
S – Sovereign (I am sovereign, safe and serene.)
Daily Cleansing (FIRM) which can be done as part of a daily cleansing regimen, but not at the moment of death:
F – Forgive (I forgive everyone in all of my life experiences, including myself, and I accept forgiveness from all. I am free from fear and without regret, guilt, grudges and unfulfilled desires.)
I – Illusions & Interference (All illusions permanently dissolve. I do not give permission to be interfered with.)
R – Release, Remove, Revoke, Reclaim (I release any parasites, attachments and entities. I remove any implants, false imprints, tracking devices and programming. I permanently revoke any contracts, agreements and permissions -- past, present and future -- with all beings or systems that use deception to influence, manipulate or control me. I permanently reclaim all energy.)
M – Memories, Matrices & Mindwipes (I have all memories of who I am. I will always remember why I choose not to participate in a deceptive matrix ever again, especially one with mindwipes.)