I have good news and bad news. First the bad news: Life contains a lie. What you believe is full of lies, secrecy, tricks and deception at every level -- religion, politics, science, our language, the media, entertainment sources such as movies and music, corporate logos, and advertising -- and the earth is an electromagnetic gravitational prison in which we are held as prisoners imprisoned by our body cells. The first thing you learn when you go to school is how to spell. We spell words to create a sentence -- a jail term and it's a life sentence. We use curse words and write with cursive writing. . Why do we say when someone is out of luck that they are S.O.L.? Why do we have products like Sun Kist, Star Kist, and Gold Kist Farms? What is a Kist? Why do almost all major corporations use either the sun, moon or pyramids in their logos? Why were all major religions given to us by princes from elite royal families or wealthy members of nobility? Why are religious messiahs called the son of God and depicted with the sun as a halo? Why does the world's largest political celebration, the World Olympic Games, have a priestess light what they call a cauldron with the light of the sun and keep an eternal flame burning throughout the games? Why do world leaders gather each year at Bohemian Grove and participate in a druidic ceremony called the Cremation of Care which reenacts sacrificial rituals from ancient Canaan at the base of a forty foot owl? Why do so many musicians say they have sold their soul, use illuminati hand signs and use cryptic language in their songs? Why do musical artists such as Katy Perry seem to incorporate witchcraft into their videos? Why does Hollywood take its name from the holly wood that a magic wand is made from and why do they use terms such as casting and programming? Why does the organization that gives Emmys and Oscars, NATAS, use an acronym that is Satan spelled backwards and why does the statue they give out for awards, the Oscar, look like and is named after an egyptian god named Ausur or Osiris? Why do we have an egyptian pyramid on the back of our dollar bill? Why does the moon rotate at just the right speed so that the same side always faces toward Earth and why does it appear in our vision as exactly the same size as the sun during a total eclipse? What is the purpose of "evil" and Trickster Gods. And, finally, why are we told we go to the light at death? I answer these questions and many more on this website.
The devil is in the details so take a look at the EVIDENCE. To navigate the site, use the menu at the top or the sitemap .
Welcome to the Game of Life. The bad news is the game is a matter of life and death and you're the big game. You're part of the human race against time to beat the clock. In fact, the official song for the World Games at the 2012 Olympics is Survival by the rock band Muse. The songs begins, "Life's a race, but I'm gonna win." The corporation Nike, named after the Greek goddess of victory and whose logo bears a scythe or "swoosh" as they like to call it, sponsored a 10K race called "The Human Race" in Melbourne. This impetus for duality is driven home in "reality" shows like Survivor, Lost, and The Biggest Loser. Don't worry, though cuz you were game for it and besides you're a good sport, right? In fact you are betting on it, you made a bet to beat the odds, an alpha bet or gambit with Bel cuz he's a game Bel, a gambler. He is a trickster god, but it is a fair game and the game has a bunch of tricks. It's all about "turns" or revolutions because it's a ball game. In fact, the first ball game we know of was the Mayan ball game and the ball symbolized the sun a.k.a. Baal, Ea/Enki, Ra, Bel, Lugh, Lucifer, Set, Devil, Satan, 'It'. So you are playing against the devil, whose name Satan literally means Adversary. The Devil loves to play games especially poker which is why he holds a trident. He's a dealer and you have to play out the hand you've been dealt. It's a Ra deal and he is betting you don't win. You are trying to be a Survivor because you are Lost. If you win, you are the champion. If you lose, you are Lugh's. In Sumer he was known as Enki or Ea. EA partnered with a company named Demiurge to produce Medal of Honor Airborne. The Demiurge is the Gnostic creator of the material world in subordination to the Supreme Being and a bad god who created the world as a spiritual prison. It was adopted from Plato and looks like a serpent with a lion's head' If you look closely at the first EA Sports MMA logo below, you just might get a glimpse of a caricature of what the serpent Ea or Enki looks like. "Ea sports, it's in the game."
Now for the good news. The good news is Life's a game and games are fun and for our amusement. The Game of Life is one of the best selling board games of all time. The Sims, a video game in which you create your own people to put in your simulated world of Sim City, won game of the year. Like the concept of reincarnation we often give the characters new lives at they advance from level to level and attributes such as health and karma. Even today we now have virtual reality technology and video game graphics are becoming more life-like with each version released. Pretty soon the graphics will become indistinguishible from real life. Scientists keep finding smaller and smaller particles as they zoom in on the resolution of the world we live in only to be hindered by Planck's constant. Quantum scientists have discovered that particles only behave as particles when they are observed and function as waves when not observed as if the function in the machine code is only called upon when needed. Technology keeps advancing along according to Moore's Law. More and more movies and TV shows are depicting simulated worlds experienced from a pod, blockbusters such as the highest grossing movie of all-time Avatar, Alien, The Matrix, Stargate, The Thirteenth Floor, eXistenZ, Surrogates, and The Island. In the beginning mainframe computers used to fill an entire room. Then in the 1980s Apple and IBM developed desktop computers soon to be followed by laptops. We now routinely surf the web using handheld devices and corporations such as Google are currently working on devices that will be embedded into glasses or clothing. Extrapolating this trend it is only a matter of time until we merge with machine. Some pets and people already have biochip technology implanted. Leading scientists such as transhumanist Ray Kurzweil discuss the coming event called the Singularity. Quantum physicists also discuss ideas such as a holographic or fractal universe and a universe with 12 or more dimensions. So if we are that close to creating simulated worlds ourselves what is the probability that we are already living in a simulated world or subworlds? With the invention of computers, the internet and the cybernetic "human plus" goals of transhumanists it seems as though we are headed toward being yet further trapped down another level or layer within the lab-yrinth.
Wii game boys live a dream cast from game pods in a play station. What's real is that it's all a movie reel, a virtual reality game show or a reality tv show, a dream, an illusion, a theater play as Shakespeare wrote, "All the world's a stage. And all the mean and women merely players". We are merely care actors or characters in a drama. Games are usually either board games, card games with tricks, games where you roll a die over and over again to symbolize reincarnation, a race on a track, or a sports game. As eternal beings we get bored so that is why we play board games which are often on 64 checked squares. Games with cards and die are played on a table. This table or checked squares are what is called a matrix and represents the matrix of duality we live in via our 64 DNA codons. Choosing sides is how they get us to keep playing the game: black and white, republican or democrat, conservative or liberal. Games of sport are played on a field which is symbolic of the electromagnetic field or grid we live in. Football is even played on a grid-iron. Many or most video games today feature a player with multiple lives. When your player dies in the game, you are placed back in the game again. Similar to reincarnation the goal is to progress through multiple levels.
Video games can consist of single player mode or multi-player mode. Given my name is Wayne Bush it is curious to me that Wayne's World TV show was one of the most popular comedies of all time spawning two movies and a video game. To this day I still have people say 'Wayne's World' to me when they see me! There was also a documentary called Bush's Brain. Perhaps you can think of examples for you using your name or likeness.
We dream every night when we go to sleep. Why are we programmed to sleep? It's very strange when you think about it. It seems to be to recharge the body's battery, but we know so very little about it. For all we know we are upgraded nightly with the latest download or software release from the universal computer. We experience life and interpret signals with our brain in various states of consciousness which psychologists classify as alpha, beta, theta and delta waves. So it's very possible that this life we think we are living is just another "dream" from which we will "wake" from. The ancient Maya believed that the world is an illlusion and the aborigines believe that this is what they call "dreamtime" and that there exists a more real world where we truly reside. Christopher Nolan, film director for the movie Inception, explained, "Regardless of the fact the story deals with different dream states, it is crucial that at every level the world feels concrete because when we are in a dream, we accept it as reality." In the movie the character Cobb reveals, "Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange." His best friend in the film was played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt who said, "I consider myself a creative person and dreams are where we’re all artists. Everything you do in a dream—everything you see, everything you hear, everyone you talk to—is your creation. That’s evidence of how powerful the creative mind could be if we were to let it."
The game is that it is all just a dream, an illusion, if you will. Most of us live our lives sleep walking in a dream state like zombies. Are you living the dream? Do you have your dream home, the dream machine, your dream girl? And when you dream at night it is a dream within a dream. But as Albert Einstein noted, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
Earth is a farm system where everything breaks down and dies and where the creatures are forced to eat and feed off each other just to survive in the food chain. Life on earth is literally a dog-eat-dog world where survival of the fittest rules. There are predator-prey relationships and also parasitic ones where leeches feed off their hosts. There are both beneficial and unfriendly bacteria and viruses in our body cells which fight each other. Humanity has been likened to a virus on the earth. Everything in the solar system is dependent on the sun for its energy and survival. There are also symbiotic relationships where systems feed off each other. Like the 2012 movie we are living in the hunger games.
The universe appears to be holographic and fractal with cells within bigger cells within even bigger cells. There are roughly 100 billion neurons in the brain and science claims there are about 100 billion stars in the galaxy. We have also noted how similar neurons and stars look. Our cells are said to have a nucleus with electrons that orbit it like the planets that orbit their suns which orbit their galaxies which orbit in their local clusters and superclusters.
As humans we like to believe we are at the top of the food chain. But like the sheep who is unaware it is to be sheared or the cattle who are oblivious to their slaughter by the farmer until the very end we could similarly be clueless to invisible entities who might feed off our energy and capture our souls when we die. This is exactly what I intend to show. The elite have always referred to the masses as cattle or sheeple or useless eaters. From birth to death we are boxed in. Many babies are placed in incubators and then we place them in a playpen. We live most our lives in cookie cutter town homes on square foot lots like all the others on the block in our subdivision. Many of us spend most of our lives as slaves working 9-5. We wake up and drive to work in our boxy matchbox cars and slave away in a cubicle farm like rats in a maze or labyrinth. Then we come home out watch an idiot box until it's time to go back to bed. Then when we die they put us back in a box six feet under. The CIA Central Intelligence Agency secret training facility in Langley, Virginia is called "The Farm" and has been featured in movies such as The Recruit with Al Pacino and the TV series Covert Affairs. As you can see by the tagline: "characters welcome".
How fitting that christians are referred to as the flock and Jesus as their shepherd, or lamb of God. Human beans were placed on this plant in the garden of eatin'. People or a pea pole? Peas are beans and do grow on a pea pole in pods. It's very interesting that so many of the latest sci-fi programs depict humans in pods living a simulated life and of course there are game pods, ipods and pod casts. As kids we are said to be raised much like crops are. Semen is often referred to as seed and if someone is our ancestor they are said to be from our seed. So why are we called a 'hu' man? Is it because we have different races or hues? According to the "Dictionary of Ancient Deities" by Patricia Turner & Charles Russell Coulter, Hu was an egyptian stellar "god of sense of taste and also of the divine food on which gods and mortals feed" and "appears at the creation in the Boat of the Sun. Later, he appears at the Judgment of the Dead. " Hmmm, I wonder what was on his menu? Every time a new fetus is created do they say, "mmm, feed us."? It's all "dream theater", theater for "the eater". So we were placed on this plant, Earth, in a secret garden, by a constant gardener. Of course, we are all familiar with the Grim Reaper who is said to come harvest your soul at death.
It is our home. It is as if Hu said, "hoe 'em". Also known as Hu Sia or Sia, "Sia is also one of the gods who watch the heart of the deceased being weighed at the great judgment. See also Hu; Ra." We just may be food of the gods or food for thought (Thoth, the egyptian moon god). Food or fodder for the fatter Father? In Christianity God has always been associated with food. The father is fatter. The lord is lard. The christ ('cris' is from where the cooking oil Crisco gets its name) is associated with grist or grease. Messiah comes from mashiach (to annoint) and the messiah was anointed with the fat of a crocodile ointment or oil as our salve or salvation.
These entities feed off of our auric field from an overtone away from our wavelength. The theme of entities feeding off our energy or life force is pretty prevalent even in today's society. Vampire movies are more popular than ever with the Twilight trilogy the most recent example. The "living dead" also are quite a phenomenon as people love to joke about the coming zombie apocalypse. Most religions believe in demons which can possess a soul. Catholic priests even perform exorcisms in more severe cases. Shamen are known to extract these attachments or intrusions as they are called. Carlos Castanada mentions demonic possession at length in his book, The Active Side of Infinity. In her book The Unquiet Dead: A Psychologist Treats Spirit Possession, Dr. Edith Fiore, a hypnotherapist, wrote about many of her clients having spirit attachments. In Return from Tomorrow, George Ritchie recounts a near death experience where he saw spirits attaching themselves to peoples' auras, especially in bars,and living vicariously through them. Dolores Cannon, a hypnotheraist who regresses patients into their past lives wrote a book about the UFO phenomenon and called it Keepers of the Garden because Earth to them is like an experiement and they are the gardeners. We are just an experiment to them and probably why we live in different cultures. The ancient gnostic texts also mention a species of mind parasites called the Archons. The pilot episode for the Original Star Trek series depicts a very similar race of beings, who in ufological circles are referred to as the little greys. In a popular Twilight Zone TV episode, a race of aliens land on Earth. A book is found which our codebreakers decipher as having the title of "To Serve Man" only to realize later it is a cookbook. The movie Soylent Green also used the theme of people being used for food. We are a prsion planet full of slaves who work our entire lives. After working most every day at an 8 hour job -- or more -- feeling frustrated and angry, we feel completely drained of energy.
John Lash, a researcher of the ancient gnostic texts found in the library of Nag Hammadi, Egypt, writes, "A close reading of these arcane materials shows that Gnostics were deeply concerned with alien intrusion into human affairs. The entities they called Archons appear to be identical to the ET’s of modern Ufology. Both Grey and Reptilian types are explicitly described in the codices. I would estimate that up to one-fifth of the core material in the NHC concerns the Archons, their origin, methods and motives." These archontic entities invade the mind. Archon-tic is a good word because they are like tics and cause the victim to lose their mind or become a luna-tic.
The pilot for Star Trek The Original Series called The Cage featured short grey beings who used telepathy to mentally intrude and replace the Star Trek crews' thoughts and feelings in order to feed off them. Later in the first season the episode The Return of the Archons featured robed and hooded beings who ruled over a planet whose populace acted like mindless zombies. They shared a hive mind and the beings threatened the Star Trek crew to be absorbed into the collective Body in their absorption chambers. Spock called them soulless parts with no spirit working in unison for the tranquility of the Machine.The leader Landru like so many other movies and shows like The Wizard of Oz, The Truman Show and The Prisoner was projected from a machine in a control room. This seemed to be a precursor to the hive mind of the Borg collective.
EA Games partnered with a company named Demiurge (the Gnostic equivalent of Ea/Enki) to release Medal of Honor. EA also distributed a video game similar to chess called Archon: The Light And The Dark.
In 1990 almost a full decade before the release of the popular Matrix movie trilogy, a CIA operative named John Grace wrote under the pseudonym Val Valerian in a book named Matrix II: The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology, "Fourth density Greys, the ones who are primarily dealing with Whitley Strieber, are the ones who possess the technical equipment to draw energy from the human bioplasmic field. They also have the ability to extract memories and experiences from the human being. It is they who await in the light when a human being dies. The human being is then recycled into another body and the process begins all over again. Fourth density Greys are, in effect, sensation junkies. To experience human emotions is the closest they themselves ever come to the idea of feeling." He later writes, "These entities have been abducting humans for many centuries -- these entities view Earth as a big farm, and have been essentially raising and harvesting humans and apparently abduct humans to take back to their home planet to raise there in a kind of human husbandry scenario." Part of his alien hypothesis is that " 'compliant' humans can be 'legally' 'harvested' for various 'slavery' purposes. Humans are effectively considered raw materials, including to be used as nutrition and also for parasitic energy usage by aliens.
In Matrix V, Valerian writes, "They want to recycle low to lower mid-level spirits into another breeding productive incarnation. Hence the Light and Tunnel at death Trap. Scanning someone they wish to recycle as they near death, the aliens discover who the person was close to has died. They project the person(s) image in the white light tunnel and the image waves you in deeper. If you CHOOSE to follow you can be trapped and sent to another incarnation of their choice. This shows the Empire does have an understanding of the spirit, but it attempts to short this out. The Light and Tunnel trap is a relatively new device, but one that will fail and they now know this. 'Go into the Light' say those who have had near death experiences. They are the salespersons chosen to advertise this alien venture. NEVER enter that light. Go up, left, back, right or anywhere but there. The mass media exposure of the Light and Tunnel trap (seen in the film 'Ghost', where the hero willingly enters the glittering trap) is to try to get people to buy the destination."
Apparently Valerian gleaned some of his conclusions from the work of Robert Monroe, the man who first studied out of body experiences in a scientific manner. He published his findings in three books. In his second book Far Journeys he mapped out what the levels are in the astral plane beyond the physical with a repeatable technique. In this book he concludes man is an experiment of "Someone, Somewhere (or both, in millions, or uncountable (requires likes, needs, values, collects, drinks, eats, or uses as a dug (sic) a substance ident Loosh. (Electricity, oil, oxygen, gold, wheat, water, land, old coins, uranium) This is a rare substance in Somewhere and those who possess Loosh find it vital for whatever it is used for. Faced with this question of supply and demand (a universal law of Somewhere) Someone decided to produce it artificially, so to speak, rather than search for it in its natural form. He decided to build a Garden and grow Loosh. ... So it was that Someone in his Garden changed all this. Far off, in a remote area he set to work on his experiment. First he created a proper environment for the carbon-oxygen cycle, where it would fluorish. He created a Balance with much care so that proper radiation and other nourishment would be in continuous supply. He then tried his First Crop, which actually did produce Loosh, but only in small quantities..."
Are there more advanced beings who live in a dimension parallel to ours or just outside our frequency or hidden from us perhaps on the moon or underground? I believe such beings do exist which feed off our energy and use us as food. And what do we humans do with our energy, food and resources? That's right, we recycle it. Our artificial-looking satellite the moon because of its tidal lock to the earth just happens to always face us with the same side so that the back side of the moon is always hidden from us. Scientists attribute this to what they call tidal locking, that is the moon rotates at just the perfect rate so that this occurs. Not only that but the moon perfectly blocks out the sun during a total eclipse of the sun. What are the odds of this? We are told this occurs because the moon is 390 times closer to us than the sun, which is 390 times larger than the moon. This could all be a huge coincidence or it could have been built and placed there on purpose, or like the death star in the movie Star Wars saga, "That's no moon, it's a space station!" The mysterious moon throughout history has been associated with witchcraft, spells and evil, and countless cultures believed our souls go to the moon at death.
We are told to go to the light when we die. But here on earth there are angler fish which lure their prey to the light. Bug zappers, also known as light zappers or light traps, lure bugs to their deaths. Shiny bait acts as a lure for fishermen to catch their dinner. The New Age religion has promoted going to the light for decades now with "Lightworkers" and tales of near death experiences. Books such as Life After Life, Embraced By The Light, Saved By The Light and Journey of Souls, movies such as Poltergeist and Ghost, and television shows on the paranormal like Medium, Ghost Whisperer and Crossing Over have sold the Light.
As human beings we consist of a very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum of frequencies. There are colors and light we can not see with the naked eye such as infrared or ultraviolet. Dogs can hear sounds outside our range. Even the most sensitive instruments of science can only measure a very small portion.
Words are magic and are spelled to create a sentence. This earth prism we live in is a prison and we have been given a life sentence here. 'Life' phonetically begins with a 'li' and contains a lie within it. 'Light' also phonetically begins with the sound 'lie' and also sounds like the past tense form of the verb, 'lied'.
If God is all loving and all powerful then what purpose does this system serve? We are told life is a school, but surely there are better ways to learn than through so much senseless suffering.
We are told by religions that Jesus is the light and saviors are usually shown with the sun's halo around their heads. But all major religions were given to us by princes from the elite royal families. These messages are to pacify and control the masses. The elite wish to keep all the gold and power they have so they teach us to turn the other cheek and that the meek shall inherit the earth. They use fear to threaten an eternal hell if we don't behave and promise us heaven or a better life after we die as a reward for our good behavior. Reincarnation is reincarceration in the wheel of rebirth or being recycled.
Jesus and the other suns of god is said to be born on December 25th. This is the winter solstice when the sun has reached its lowest descent in the heavens, dies on the southern crux (southern cross) constellation and begins its rise again. We have been taught that the light is our savior. Near death experiencers tell us about traveling through a tunnel after death and into a loving light. Hollywood reinforces this through various movies such as Ghost and Poltergeist where we are told either to go to the light or not to go to the light (in order not to die).
But what exactly is the nature of light and what is its source? Why is space dark if the sun is shining? It is because light needs something to reflect off of for an object to be seen. The nature of light is dualistic as both a particle and a wave.
The theory of the website Tricked By The Light is that souls on earth live in a holographic prison and are being farmed as an energy source. At death souls are lured to the light, the moon, by beautiful lights and sounds to be harvested. There is some kind of tower or technology on the moon which enables this. The souls minds are scrambled and the souls are contained inside the moon for a period until they are transferred to the sun as a fuel or energy source. This most likely occurs during a total eclipse. Souls memories' are wiped clean (bleached or dyed) by the light and are recycled to be reincarnated or reincarcerated back to earth as a food source that is farmed by entities/archons/aliens/demons which feed off our energy. This can be seen in the form of solar flares, coronal mass ejections and the solar wind.
I first launched this site in 2002 and left it up for about 5 years. Recently in May of 2012 I redesigned it and am improving and adding to it daily so please check back frequently. The Devil truly is in de tails and the mass of evidence that I present in each of the sections. I encourage you to explore each of these sections by using the menu at the top of pages, the picture links at the top and bottom of this page or these word links: movies, music, language, logos, moon, sun, religion, politics, aliens, light, science and solutions. I am finished working on my two latest pages. One is on Trickster gods and other Trickster figures which can be found on my Trickster page and the other is an in-depth analysis of the occult symbolism of witchcraft ritual of the 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony which may be read on my Olympics page. Please feel free to email me at Wayne Bush with any comments, suggestions or ideas.