In this Pontiac ad for the Sunfire, Pontiac requests that you “show your solar flair” and “express your inner fire”. Oh yeah, they want you to “pass it on”? Or do they really want you to pass on and is pass way to the sun?

Gatorade asks, “Is it in you?” The “it” is italicized and orange. The orange lighting bolt strikes behind it.

Here is an ad for Bacardi Rum.

The bat or vampire is within a gold ring and the ad encourages the reader to “Step up to the Bat”!

Look closely at the “W” in this Washington Mutual logo.

Looks like a couple of golden pitchforks to me.

Here are a couple of crop circles with depictions of the sun. The first one is of a pyramid with the all seeing eye of Horus as the capstone in the foreground and the rays of the sun behind it.

Here is the Dole logo sporting a nice sun in the center of the ‘o’.

The word Dole means fraud, deceipt, misfortune, sorrow, grief, lamentation and as a verb means “to deal out in small portions”.

Many corporate logos cleverly incorporate a pyramid into the design, many times disguised as the letter ‘A’ and other times heralding the sun.

Here are some of the awards that are given to actors and actresses at ceremonies.

The first one is the Emmy, which shows a female with lightning bolt wings standing on the earth and holding up a golden shell of hoops. The second one is the Golden Globe award. Hmmmm, I wonder what the golden globe is representing. The next on is a variation of the Oscar award. The man, who is normally depicted with a sword as can be seen in the last one, is holding up a golden star.

Below is the Walgreen’s witch’s cauldron with red stars. I’m sure they would like you to come inside and rest for a spell.

In this tequila rum ad for Ciclon, a play on the word cyclone, the predominant color featured is bright gold and a vortex sucks the reader’s attention inward. Ciclon is an obvious play on the word cyclone, but the company has curiously omitted the ‘e’ from the name. Could the name be intended as a double entendre, a hidden reference to a soul’s cycle in the sun, On?

In this ESPN Magazine article ‘Burn Victim’, the featured athlete is on fire in the backdrop. “Soul” is emblazoned across the front of the sweatshirt and an ankh, the Egyptian key of life, hangs around his neck.

Here is an article from ESPN Magazine showing an athlete with bowed head walking directly into a sunburst. Adjacent to the picture is the headline “Just Ballin’”. Yes, the sun is a ball and he is walking in to it.

Speaking of starbursts, here is a Starburst showing a star droplet with a caged core. “Get your juices going.” implies they want the juicy part of you go-in-G. The word “going” is a trigger word for “go in G”, where G is Sol, our sun.

Here’s an ESPN depicting basketball commentator Dick Vitale as the wizard Harry Potter. The ad proclaims “Dickie Vitale and the Rulers of the Rock”.

Vitale does refer to the basketball as a rock, but he is flanked by burning Tiki torches and Don Cheney is shown as an owl, an Illuminati symbol of enlightenment. Are the Illuminati proclaiming themselves here as rulers of the sun?

In this magazine advertisement for the Play Station game Spyro, a fiery dragon named Spyro is in the sky and seems to be asking, “Can you take the heat?” As previously mentioned, the dragon is a metaphor for the sun and its energy which spirals outward and for Satan which spirals into souls to possess or inspire them.

This Learning Channel ad is designed to confuse you and brings into question your identity.

“Human Drive” may be referring to human possession and the query “Are You Human?” infers a nun-human origin.