Here is the link to the new video: A Case Against Merging with Source/God
In this episode, we will be sharing the article we wrote a month ago (A Case Against Merging with Source/God). We will be reading from the article as we share this information with you so we don't miss any vital information.
It is not our intention to prove our position beyond a shadow of a doubt but to provide ample evidence that our position is worth serious consideration.
We realize this article will be controversial. This is a very difficult topic to write about since so much on this topic is unknown. We do not pretend to know everything. This is just our opinion. We simply hope to provide evidence suggesting merging with Source/God should be reconsidered. We are not ruling out the possibility that there is a true, genuine Source or originator with whom to merge. We feel that since there is such a strong push to merge with Source from the New Age community that it is likely a false copy of the original true Source, if there is one. If there is no original true Source, perhaps each of us is an independent Source, who is and who has always been (i.e., we are not created from any Source and we do not emanate from any Source). Another possibility is that we are already part of Source and thus merging is unnecessary altogether.
5/03/2024 NEW -- Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....
Top Ten Red Flags We May Be In A Prison / Loosh Farm System
Top Ten Red Flags We May Be In A Prison/Loosh Farm
In this episode, we share the article we wrote in January, 2024 on the top ten red flags we may be in a prison/loosh farm system.
Click the link below to watch!
Top Ten Red Flags We May Be In A Prison / Loosh Farm System
Contents of video with timestamps:
1:24 #1 Memory Wipe and Ignorance
3:09 #2 Programming and Conditioning
4:35 #3 Extremity of Suffering and Duration of Reincarnation Cycle
9:12 #4 Kill & Consume Energy to Survive (The Food Chain)
18:49 #5 Secrecy, Lies & Deception, Manipulation & Control at Top
22:19 #6 Prison/Limitations of Spirit
27:03 #7 Sleep and Entropy
29:34 #8 Lack of Disclosure, Transparency and Consistency in Major Religions & Sacred Texts
32:08 #9 Paranormal Accounts and Experiences
37:21#10 – Virtual Realities, AI, Simulations
39:32 Afterlife Affirmation
7/25/2023 Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....
OBEs & Remote Viewing: Monroe, Buhlman & Ziewe, Oh My!
In this episode, we continue on the topic of astral travel and discuss the out-of-body experiences of Robert Monroe, William Buhlman and Jurgen Ziewe. We also look at the work of a couple remote viewers whose work corroborates the idea of Earth as a prison planet and that going to the light white light might be part of that trap.
Click the link below to watch!
Exploring OBEs: Exiting the Matrix & Techniques
Content of video:
2:16 Robert Monroe Institute and Hemi-Synch
3:55 Focus Levels
6:46 Frank Kepple & Astral Pulse
7:42 Second book, idea of loosh
9:26 Love as loosh, and other examples
14:22 Wednesday with Bob Monroe & the Entry Director (ED), addictions & escape velocity
19:05 Third book, going "home," getting bored & curiosity
22:03 Dream Emitter
26:57 William Buhlman, survey of 16,000 responses
28:52 Avoiding astral entities and fear-based manifestations
31:30 Thought consensus environment on the astral because of familiarity, reflection of spirit instead of true essence of it
34:56 What to do when taking final breath
36:33 Thoughts on consensus realities & instead exiting duality
37:16 Afterlife Awareness Conference & clear light of the void
41:47 Jurgen Ziewe
47:18 Remote Viewers Brett Stuart and Courtney Brown, the idea of Earth as a prison planet and that going to the light white light might be part of that trap
1:07:26 Closing remarks
7/18/2023 Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....
Exploring OBEs: Exiting the Matrix & Techniques
In this episode, we discuss the personal out-of-body experiences of Julie McVey, how these types of experiences could help us discover how to exit the matrix, and the techniques used to go out of body.
Click the link below to watch!
Exploring OBEs: Exiting the Matrix & Techniques
Content of video:
0:50 Intro of topics of today's episode
1:38 One key to exiting the matrix
4:26 Intro...will discuss spinning into a vortex, entering into portal, flying over unknown city or landscape, talking with other astral travels or deceased beings / pets
5:02 Intro...will give personal examples of void, confirmation of psychic or clair ability, experiencing two consciousness at same time, visiting another planet, islands in the sky, and how to exit the matrix
6:03 Entering into black void using direct method, seeing geometrical shapes & emotional neutrality
10:06 Experiencing two consciousnesses at the same time
13:41 Evidence / proof that I am out of body
17:08 Visiting another planet, Gilyar
21:38 Islands in the sky experience
24:28 The importance of using intention
28:11 Using intention to change hair color
30:25 How do I get out of this matrix system
35:00 How do I exit the matrix!
38:22 Method used to go out of body
39:20 Wake Back To Bed Method (Indirect Method)...wake up & fall back to sleep with intention to go out of body or
use Direct Method (balancing on the edge of unconsciousness & semi-unconsciousness)
42:56 Set out to complete whatever goals you have intended for yourself
43:40 Sensations upon awakening
44:17 Michael Raduga techniques, The Phase
45:03 Out of body tips
46:00 Setting up protections
48:37 Use discernment & protection
49:11 Unusual discoveries
52:35 What to do with negative energies
53:20 Set intentions throughout the day & reality checks
54:13 Lucid dream vs. OBE
58:51 Don't give up!
1:00:00 Astral realm is still part of the matrix
1:02:07 We are sovereign spirits
6/12/2023 Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....
Aliens: Deceptive Use of Light & Love in NDEs & Abductions
In this episode, we discuss the connection between aliens and near-death experiences. We will look at data from researchers such as David Jacobs, Karla Turner, Edith Fiore, Whitley Strieber, John Lear, Val Valerian, Linda Moulton Howe, Kenneth Ring and Raymond Fowler.
We also look at some extraordinary abduction experiences such as Truman Cash and Betty Andreasson Luca.
Lastly, we look at the book Alien Interview and also the Wingmakers material of the fifth interview with Dr. Neruda.
Within this discussion is how aliens can appear as light and shape shift, some of the techniques they use involving mind scans, bonding, implants, mind control and making the abductees feel love.
Click the link below to watch!
Aliens: Deceptive Use of Light & Love in NDEs & the Afterlife
Content of video:
3:03 The Omega Project by Kenneth Ring, PH.D. (co-founder of IANDS)
4:08 The Watchers II by Raymond Fowler (compares UFO experience with NDEs -- presence of OBEs, approaching the light, greetings by a loving being, meeting robbed entities, encountering beings of light, turning into light, communicating by telepathy, referring to home, encountering timelessness, wishing to remain in the light and understanding love and raising environmental awareness)
6:09 Examples from nderf.org (Greys as soul recyclers, robed entities with throne, bathed in love and sent back, "god could be an alien," guilted into going back, computers in afterlife, aliens as part of soul family, silver featureless creatures, servants of the light, space aliens, shapeshifting reptilians, mantis beings, shapeshifting examples, pretending to be religious figures, assuming shape to deceive you, control though your eyes, black shapeshifting creatures)
22:25 ET beings, harmony makers and chaos creators who control our lives
24:32 The Eye of Ra by Truman Cash (tricking free being to force them into a body, implant stations, high tech electronics, electromagnetics, mantis beings, white light, memory wipes, reincarnation, programming, mind control, new age light part of trap, feelings of being loved and being special, telepathic hypnosis, screen memories)
32:53 Researcher John Lear (mankind is an experiment, go toward the darkness, if you choose to go to white light, Greys can decide what to do with you)
35:50 Val Valerian, Matrix II (4th density Greys await in the light and are sensation junkies, harvesting humans)
37:30 Matrix V (light and tunnel trap, using projected image of loved ones, abductions, astral technology)
40:11 Matrix II (crystalline matrices, crystal and liquid light based technologies)
42:13 Speculating on technology (crystal cities, screens, transducer receivers, river of energy or light, reflecting your image or love back to you, frequency generator, creating wormholes or stargates, soul as liquid light or plasma, mercury, silver cord, electromagnetic vortex)
44:10 Interesting connections (silver cord in bible and OBEs, manifesting another body other than astral body in OBEs and in the afterlife, manipulation of the astral body)
45:50 Liquid metal and magnetic connection, soul as plasma, pulling plasma through tube using a magnet
47:44 Hypnotherapist, Edith Fiore, Encounters (aliens appearing as light, amphibians, feelings of love)
48:42 David Jacobs, Secret Life (eliciting emotions, euphoria, love, bonding, staring into eyes, selective amnesia, create images in minds)
50:41 The Threat (mind scans, love & affection as tools to manipulate)
52:45 Whitley Strieber, Communion (creating awe & confusion)
53:05 Dr. Karla Turner, Taken
54:33 Nordic aliens, euphoria, extreme love projected into soul
56:05 Linda Moulton Howe (mantis, recycling of souls, spiritual evolution)
56:34 Dr. Karla Turner, Masquerade of Angels (aliens deliberately deceive us, soul recycling center, technology of little black box)
57:35 Alien purpose is some form of farming
58:27 Whitley Strieber, Communion (ethics & the idea of rights of humans)
1:00:04 Whitley Strieber, Transformation the Breakthrough
1:00:23 Dr. Karla Turner, Into The Fringe (taken against will, genetically linked)
1:02:06 David Jacobs (control over our thoughts and actions)
1:03:07 False screen memory implants, missing time, clouding memories
1:05:29 David Jacobs, Walking Among Us (mantis, superior intellect, hybrids among us)
1:07:45 The Alien Interview
1:18:49 Wingmakers material of the fifth interview with Dr. Neruda
1:27:39 Closing remarks
Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....
In this episode, we discuss lives between lives, the realm where spirits spend their so-called time between incarnations. We discuss Seth Speaks, Your Soul's Plan, the work of Calogero Grifasi, and we touch upon the Gnostic texts, Sumerian texts, The Tibetan Book of the Dead and L. Ron Hubbard.
We are in no way endorsing or condoning this system. It is merely to alert people to the potential dangers of following this course of action and to point out the potential flaws in the system and to encourage others to evaluate the evidence themselves and whether they might want to avoid these potential pitfalls and traps, if that is indeed the case.
Click the link below to watch!
In-Between Lives: Deception & Discernment
Content of video:
0:38 What we are covering on today's episode
2:32 The trustworthiness of hypnotic sessions
4:34 Another excerpt from Michael Newton's book regarding suffering, other dimensions, mental worlds & mental bodies, ascending vs. expanding
9:45 Seth Speaks by Jane Roberts (1972), chapters 9-12 (reality colored by beliefs, teachers, guides, guards, setting up protections, discernment with guides, telepathy in the afterlife, plans for next incarnation, other planets, deception, choice in reincarnation, options based "on development," choice to enter another system but still the matrix?, re-enter as teachers, can choose progression at easier rate, duality, field of probability, void of possibilities, life planning, in-between life relationships, "time of choosing," advantage of understanding and manipulating dream state, option of being creators expressing creativity & no need for suffering, expanding to be bigger & brighter but to what end and when is enough enough?)
38:01 Your Soul's Plan by Robert Schwartz (soul planning prior to birth, why we incarnate, contrast to know self, incarnations for personal growth, the need for more power & solidifying beliefs, human suffering, "karmic balancing"
50:44 Hypnotherapist Calogero Grifasi (breaking reincarnation cycle, stealing energy, like farm animals, concept of evolving, concept of learning, judgment, being tested, shape shifting, "delete memories," tricked by reptilian, feeding on energy)
1:04:23 Sumerian tablets
1:08:04 Gnostic texts
1:11:24 The Tibetan Book of the Dead
1:17:44 L. Ron Hubbard
1:24:07 Closing remarks
Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....
In this episode, we discuss lives between lives, the realm where spirits spend their so-called time between incarnations. We discuss Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton.
Click the link below to watch!
In-Between Lives: Soul Journeys
Content of video:
1:53 Background on Newton's book
3:41 A "tugging" or "gentle pulling" as if being "summoned forward"
5:34 Dialogue with guide, upset subject, misrepresentation, comforted by guide to accept death
7:11 Homecoming & "Uncle Charlie"
10:20 How can we know the true character of a soul's consciousness with all these changes in each other's image?
11:04 What happens to you at the moment of death?
11:33 "I'm being pulled along like a magnet."
11:53 Being guided by an invisible force without much voluntary control & the ones in control do it all for you
14:25 Shower of healing
16:00 Having to face guide with feeling of failure, we never seem to get it perfect, we always have to go back
18:20 Agreement to not remember other lives
20:54 Illogical argument about need to come here to conquer fear
22:38 Come before a panel of superior beings, directors & judges
25:08 Grid system, vibrational streams & less personal control, being pushed and carried along by higher entities
26:34 Clusters, hives of people
27:58 Souls summoned to appear before a council of elders where they engage in direct examination of the soul's activities & intentional blocks
30:05 Spiritual classrooms, pointing out mistakes
31:23 Monitored through one master teacher & new pod of entities graduates
32:34 We don't get to choose our guides?
32:51 The blocking of information
33:58 The beginner soul... unable to conquer envy for 850 years!
35:06 Feeling cheated, cruel life, trusted leader's judgment, wasn't given all the facts!
36:20 Creation of new souls, honeycomb fashion as unhatched eggs ready to be used
36:44 Foolishness of life, Earth is one big stage play
37:30 Cone of harmony and concentrating on "mental sameness" and brainwashing
39:04 Leadership is more parental than dictatorial?
39:39 The Watchers
40:14 Soul splitting
41:05 Ego entities, new souls not capable of choice
42:16 Suffering on Earth
42:52 Being enticed and absorbed as they draw closer
44:35 Impression that spirit world is one huge organizational pyramid with a supreme authority of power at the top
45:24 Advanced & beginner souls and their colors
46:16 Communicate by absorbing the energy presence of each other
46:27 Watchers
48:23 Why is your energy striving to create universal matter and more complex life?
48:42 Other worlds that have low populations with more harmony, "easier schools"
49:52 Source as a dark, cold light
51:20 Source is endless and our increasing wisdom makes the source stronger & helps the creator create
53:26 Source creates imperfect souls and watches what happens in order to extend itself
54:55 Some get a push in order to return to Earth
55:37 Insisting on staying, "choosing to be reborn" when "it is decided" we are ready & indoctrination to get one to go back to Earth i.e. coercion)
56:38 Souls who had absorbed too much negative energy were remodeled
57:31 Ring of destiny
59:46 Spiritual determinism
1:00:30 What this channel is about... We are the masters of our destiny
1:00:54 Going before the council of elders & "honoring contract"
1:01:36 Endless karma & manipulation and control
1:04:13 Who creates the basic elements of your experiments, the primary substance of physical matter?
1:04:53 Purpose of physical universe vs. purpose of place of spirits
1:05:52 How can a loving god permit suffering?
1:08:45 Newton's book, Destiny of Souls
1:17:32 Closing remarks
Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....
In this episode we discuss lives between lives, the realm where spirits spend their so-called time between incarnations. We touch on books such as Here and Hereafter by Ruth Montgomery, You Have Been Here Before by Edith Fiore, Life Between Life by Joel Whitton and Joe Fisher, and Conversations with a Spirit Between Death and Life by Dolores Cannon.
Click the link below to watch!
In-Between Lives: Conversations with Spirits
5:22 Medium Ruth Montgomery and her book, Here & Hereafter, 1968
5:53 Regressed patients express great joy being dead, feeling much more free and alive
6:50 Regarding if souls must continue reincarnating
8:00 Edith Fiore's 1978 book, You Have Been Here Before
10:05 Life Between Life by Joel Whitten & Joe Fisher 1986
10:37 Most people chose to be born even though they would have rather remained in the between life state
10:56 They agreed reluctantly to reincarnate after consultation with advisors
11:42 "I had made my choice unwillingly on the advice of the judgment board and I just had to go through with it. I felt pushed."
12:01 "The act of reincarnation can be resisted for only so long. Eventually, there is an accumulation of cosmic pressure...that coerces the soul to renew its development within the confines of the physical body."
14:23 Dolores Cannon's Conversations with a Spirit Between Death and Life
14:43 What happens when somebody dies?
17:07 Can you tell me where this light is?
18:25 Pain is a teaching tool?
18:55 There is a period of orientation
19:30 Right upon death, set the intention to get that first memory of why we came here in the first place.
20:14 Is it true that someone always comes to guide you when you die?
21:30 What you expect to find, you do, indeed, find.
22:01 Most of this is based upon the individual soul prior to death
22:10 Importance of deprogramming
22:28 Established cycle of constantly returning to Earth again
23:42 Subject of schools & "school of knowledge"
25:20 Studying life experiences & effects in order to make sense of existence
26:12 Is it mandatory that you reincarnate?
26:40 Can you choose the type of person you can be?
27:32 Is it planned out who you will meet and have association with?
27:51 Why don't we remember our past lives?
28:55 If you are able to learn lessons in the spirit world, why is it necessary to incarnate into the physical form at all?
29:59 How many lives does it take to learn the lessons a human needs to learn?
30:39 Akashic Records
32:09 You are the master of your own destiny
33:10 Healing Temple & Tapestry room
35:00 You can accomplish so much more and quicker on Earth "school"
36:42 Computer room / processing room to prepare to reincarnate
38:01 Low, mid and upper astral & being pressured by entities to reincarnate
41:33 Quest for perfection, 120 lives is average number of reincarnations
42:04 Reincarnation is a shortcut to the ultimate destination
42:49 The ultimate goal is to be one with god and reach perfection
43:53 Purpose of reincarnation
45:55 The concept of "To know thyself"
49:08 Guides
50:14 Force or against your will?
51:19 Difference between guides, counselors and spirits
51:45 Being stuck with the decision to reincarnate
52:56 We were pieces of god to whom were given personalization?
54:52 Exorcise white light for protection & psychic vampires who steal your energy
55:34 More development on other side?
56:10 Real spirit guides don't use force?
56:55 Karma
59:54 NDEs and the light as a barrier
1:02:34 Imprinting
1:04:22 Hierarchy keeps it altogether
1:05:52 Summary of what we cover on next episode
Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....
In part two of this two-part episode, we continue revealing the dark side of guides and counselors as seen in the pre-birth memories of some experiencers.
Click the link below to watch the second part! We released Part 1 a week ago.
Pre-Birth Memories: The Dark Side of Guides & Counselors Part 2 (of two parts)
0:42 Intro
1:17 Elizabeth M. Carman, Neil J. Carman, Bernie S. Siegel M.D. Cosmic Cradle: Spiritual Dimensions of Life before Birth
2:02 Two types of pre-birth experiences: pre-birth memories & pre-birth communications
3:13 Four different principles of the pre-birth paradigm: 1) recall life before birth, 2) consciousness & memory go beyond the brain, 3) sensitive parents are aware of souls seeking birth, 4) our life plan is designed prior to birth
3:38 common elements: 1) self-aware of true blissful nature, 2) they are eternal, 3) the feeling of being at home, 4) limitless love, 5) soul family, 6) telepathy & instant manifestation, 7) spirit guides & being escorted to mother's womb, 8) preview of upcoming life plan, 9) pre-birth amnesia, 10) interest in human experience, 11) awareness in the fetus, 12) no fear of death
5:55 six-month meditation retreat to regain memories
9:08 divine planner, physical harm or injury "to grow" and/or "to learn"
11:07 formless form spirit guide
12:50 a void-like experience
13:53 chose to be a boy
14:37 being careful about thoughts coming out of nowhere, being in a passive mode rather than tuning into our own sovereignty
15:25 cosmic contracts with strings attached
17:53 choosing parents & the idea that we are already mature spirits before coming here but still needing to choose a life with the most spiritual reward to grow as a spirit (i.e example of clear contradiction)
22:34 becoming aware of who you are / the soul has a contract with the "matter being" (i.e. physical being)
26:59 a family that does not want me
27:44 reluctant sojourner recalls light at birth
28:36 we are all beings of light
30:00 Howard Storms NDE
31:24 judged himself as not worthy to be liberated and so had to come back to Earth
35:37 ex-Tibetan monk's view
37:06 Bodhisattva vow
37:57 the void as a holy place and non-duality
40:59 supreme initiation by a being of white light / being that wants more and more and more (why is pain and suffering necessary for growth and when is enough enough?)
42:39 our souls are designed to grow
44:28 awareness of first individuation from source
47:58 example where it's the other way around
49:02 meeting my daughter in the cosmic void
49:50 in an assembly of light beings
50:25 possible forms and shapes one can have
51:44 contracts / does the physical avatar have its own consciousness
55:35 physical body as a prison
56:25 love covered life pre-birth experience / we are beings of light / magnetic, alluring & addictive
Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....
In part one of this two-part episode, we will be revealing the dark side of guides and counselors as seen in the pre-birth memories of some experiencers.
Click the link below to watch the first part!
Pre-Birth Memories: Manipulation & Coercion Part 1 (of two parts)
0:41 Intro
5:26 examples of pre-birth memories where manipulation or force is used
5:32 choosing a role before coming to Earth (i.e. wanting to be a hero)
6:18 memory of being murdered
9:23 suddenly "drawn" to "white lady" & pushed off a cliff
13:47 "early life" memory
15:15 chakra system used by "higher self" (i.e. archons/demiurge to feed off of us)
19:24 examples from prebirthmemories.com
19:28 begging to stay back but manipulated to come back & distress at memory wipe
20:54 spiritual being writing script & writing in extreme challenges into one's life
22:35 scuffle with entities and being forced back to Earth
24:19 some forced against their will when plenty are lined up to come back to Earth
25:50 guides directing some kind of mission / ritual of memory wipe?
34:03 retain your sovereign control over your own consciousness and will
36:20 full of knowledge but still curious / trying to resist beckoning call to return
43:44 examples in Helen Wambach's Life Before Life
49:00 what is to come in part two of this episode
I'm often asked what my exit strategy at death is. Julie McVey and I came up with a rough draft of an afterlife affirmation.
"Move inward to the innermost core of my true being.
I am a sovereign spirit with complete and total free will.
I am fully conscious and aware, calm, at peace and in control. I am free.
I am full of joy, happiness, peace, and purity.
There is a protective sphere around myself. Only positive entities who are full of truth regarding the matrix (a trap of some sort) and/or regarding my original preincarnate memories can interact with me. Truthful guides who want to offer me authentic methods to leave this matrix can help me. I am free.
I release all attachments, revoke all contracts and forgive everyone in all of my life experiences, including myself. And, thus, I have no regrets, guilt, grudges or unfulfilled desires. I am at peace. I am free.
I exit the matrix (and all deceptive matrices) altogether, and I am safe and free.
I am in a void outside of this matrix and all other matrices of deception and all matrices beyond space and time. I am free.
I retain my preincarnate memories.
I am a sovereign spirit with complete and total free will.
I am fully conscious and aware and completely at peace with my state of existence. I choose to exit this matrix and all other deceptive matrices to never return to them. I am free.
I choose to see all the experience options available.
I choose to connect with the spirit I loved who lived as Julie McVey."
Julie McVey, creator of UnOrdinary Made Ordinary, and I have a new YouTube channel together named Sovereign Spirits. This channel explores methods to escape the reincarnation cycle of the illusionary matrix, transcend the white light and use our intention in a willful and powerful way to manifest an afterlife as sovereign spirits.
Some of the topics of discussion include consciousness, awareness, NDEs, OBEs, prebirth memories, between lives, ET encounters, movies, music, religion, language, science and technology.
My co-host, Julie McVey, is an author, out-of-body experiencer and creator of the UnOrdinary Made Ordinary show.
Please subscribe to Sovereign Spirits and hit the bell icon so you are alerted to our videos.
We just finished our first show together....it's a two-part show. Click the links below to watch!
Near Death Experiences: The Grand Illusion (part 1 of two parts)
Near Death Experiences: Shocking Details Part 2 (part 2 of two parts)
Content of show:
Part 1
0:56 intro
06:43 nderf.org for near death experiences
08:38 subjective nature of NDEs
10:25 what happens immediately upon death
13:02 description of the soul
17:55 choice to go to the light
22:40 life on Earth as a game, the world as a hologram
25:34 possible reasons for choosing a game with cruelty & suffering
33:34 more on the world as holographic or computer program
39:24 life as the great illusion
41:32 the void
49:45 the void as an option to go to after death
51:08 "negative false" light vs. "positive true" light
52:44 more on what to do when going to the void after death
55:49 small break mentioning what more we're covering & what's coming up in next episode
57:22 the tunnel or vortex
1:01:32 what is seen after getting through the tunnel
1:01:57 the light at the end of the tunnel
1:05:57 the light as a collective soul
1:09:52 merging with source
Part 2
1:06 some manipulation tactics used to get NDErs to go back to Earth
3:24 examples of NDErs who were manipulated to return (from nderf.org)
12:28 meaning of life per NDErs
15:31 Earth as a school
20:10 crystal technology on the other side
23:44 guides, angels and ascended masters
26:24 council of beings & concept of judgment
30:29 hypnotic trance, allure and euphoria
34:03 more examples of manipulation or being forced to come back
35:57 the light described as like the sun
37:22 the light described as like the moon
41:41 the connection between NDEs, UFOs and ET abductions and encounters
43:24 example of life as a game with light beings and aliens
47:34 alien love and sending NDEr back to Earth
49:14 shapeshifting, aliens, angels, archons
52:28 more specifics on shapeshifting
55:00 recycling and reincarnation
55:57 using discernment, conscious beings prepared for afterlife, and when love & light are used to seduce and deceive
58:59 more examples of manipulation by beings to get NDEr to come back to Earth
1:02:51 soul contracts
1:06:15 Why is it so important for these entities to get us to come back to Earth?
1:09:00 sovereign spirits using freewill through intense intention relating to being manipulated through our naïveté and curiosity
1:10:39 how intention can create a trap (i.e. manifesting souls who need saving by wanting to be a savior)
1:11:57 contradictions & inconsistencies
1:12:39 manifestation, Earth as an illusion or game
1:13:08 evolution of our planet, all humans will be bound within a super being?
1:14:58 AI system and machine with a soul
1:22:22 quotes on manifesting through intention
1:28:05 our personal afterlife affirmation (i.e. afterlife exit strategy)
8/20/2022 -- I returned for a second interview on Greg Carlwood's The Higherside Chats. The first interview was seven years ago so a lot has happened since then.
"Wayne Bush is the man behind TrickedByTheLight.com a website dedicated to exploring the question of whether going towards the white light reportedly experienced at death is the best option, or whether it may be a portal to an eventual reincarnation on Earth. Could we be conditioned to trust the light when it really leads us back into an archonic energy farm, or an advanced E.T. controlled soul cycle trap?"
Here is the link to the first hour of the show:
The tpoics we covered in the first hour:
-New movies in the last 7 years that fit the mold
-The Occult Luciferian Meaning of Disney Fairy Tale Princess Maidens
-Loosh, energy harvesting, psychic vampires
-Is The White Light of the NDE An Artificial Intelligence or Hive Mind Computer?
-Deconstructing the "soul school" idea.
-Fractals of God idea, and how it sounds more like AI Data collecting.
The second hour is on PLUS content.
PLUS Content:
-Astral parasite testimonials.
-Insights from the man who met the Demiurge.
-What Wayne plans to do at death instead of going towards the light.
-Occult scrying mirrors and Dr Raymond Moody’s Psychomantiums.
-Light lures in nature.
-The deep layers of knowledge and symbolism with The Never Ending Story.
-Mother Goose, The Cosmic Egg, & The Cygnus Constellation.
-The God Pan, Peter Pan, & The Wind In The Willows.
-Insights from NDEs.
7/23/2022 -- I appeared on UnOrdinary Made Ordinary with Julie McVey. Julie has a fantastic channel with sections like: Metaphysical Musings; Hauntings; ETs / Interdimensionals; Mediumship, Shamanism & Psychic Abilities; After Death Communication (ADC); Near Death Experience (NDE) & Shared Death Experience (SDE); Astral Projection / OBE / STE; Guided Meditations; and My Personal OBEs.
I shared a little with her about my background and journey and gave an overview of the website, then touched briefly on the various topics I research. We hope to do more shows together in the future.
In this Introductory show, I shared evidence that supports the soul trap theory from a diverse range of subjects, including: science, religion, politics, mythology and so-called paranormal areas such as near death experiences, out of body experiences, pre-birth memories, remote viewing, ghosts, psychedelics, alien abductions, Hollywood movies and the music industry.
Here is the link to the show:
Transcending The Light with Wayne Bush (Intro)
7/15/2022 -- I appeared on Adam Crabb's The Crazz Files podcast show and we chatted for close to three hours.
"I am joined by researcher, Wayne Bush from Texas to discuss his work and many years of research into NDE’S , the afterlife and the nature of reality.
We continue to break down the matrix like system or artificially constructed dream like reality around us and chat about ways to break through this mirror of illusion.Here is the link to the show:
How to Win the Game of Life and Exit the Illusionary Matrix that We Dream With Wayne Bush
Just finished a two hour interview with Marc Gray of DTV Dimensions TV.
This is the write-up he made post-interview:
"Wayne discussed, based on his long years of research on NDEs & OBEs & the process of death, what can happen on our path, what experiences have been reported, and what we can do to manifest our own reality in the Afterlife.
He talked about AFTERLIFE WISHCRAFT, creating our go-to world during our exit from the matrix, offered Solutions & Possible Alternatives to avoid the Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap and circumvent the control grid.
We also mentioned how to apply our Sovereignty and liberation through intention, our addiction to drama, the Life review part, how to raise vibration, the Void, the choices regarding the white light and the Tibetan Buddhists’ « clear light ».
Other topics discussed were the manipulation in the afterlife for people who were « forced » to come back, the sightings and encounters in the light, family members, light beings, shapeshifting aliens, the darkness and the various lights, the cosmic womb of creation, experiencing consciousness, non-duality and pure awareness, shielding for protection… what will happen to us next, what can we make happen via intentions to get rid of mind parasites and escape the demiurge here and on our way out?"
Here are the links:
Odysee :
Rumble :
BitChute :
Crowdbunker :
Brighteon :
YouTube Teaser only : https://youtu.be/V8UUEooJTV8 & https://youtu.be/FQNWjUxmF4o
2/24/2022 -- This is the eighth episode of the series with Forever Conscious Research Channel. The eighth episode was a Question & Answer show. However, I brought on a special guest: Rudy, the man who met a demiurge during his near death experience. The host and myself asked some followup questions and we had a long discussion for over four hours, including a guest panel and chat group who also submitted their questions for Rudy and myself.
Some of topics we covered: the black cube "Spaceship Heaven" Rudy visited and how he got "kicked out of heaven"; The brassy-faced Librarian (demiurge) that stopped him on his way back to Earth that required a series of agreements to be made and whether this being was possibly A.I. or half-A.I.; the time of darkness; the future Earth; the angel that visited him at the scene of the accident; his thoughts on the "Earth is a school" theory; the firing of his "angels"; not reincarnating here again and choosing better worlds; negative voices; and the interference of his dreams with implanted false memories; and much, much more.
Here is the link to the show:
Ep8 Wayne Bush QUESTION & ANSWER Round Table Discussion | Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap
2/18/2022 -- This is the seventh episode of the series with Forever Conscious Research Channel.
We discussed solutions and possible alternative afterlifes.
Here is the link to the show:
Ep7 Wayne Bush AFTERLIFE SOLUTIONS & Possible Alternatives | Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap
2/17/2022 -- This is the sixth episode of the series with Forever Conscious Research Channel. The sixth episode was a deep dive for over nine hours into the second part of a two-part series on Experiences. This episode covered out of body experiences, near death experiences, psychedelic trips and aliens. Included in the discussion were material from: Robert Monroe, William Buhlman, Jurgen Ziewe, Itzhak Bentov, Raymond Moody, Dannion Brinkley, Betty Eadie, Thomas Mellen Benedict, Nanci Danison, Kenneth Ring, Raymond Fowler, Truman Cash, Val Valerian, John Lear, Whitley Strieber, David Jacobs, Karla Turner, Edith Fiore, Rick Strassman and more.
Books discussed included: Far Journeys (Robert Monroe); Ultimate Journey (Robert Monroe); Adventures Beyond the Body (William Buhlman); Adventures in the Afterlife (William Buhlman); The Secret of the Soul (William Buhlman); Multi-dimensional Man (Jurgen Ziewe); Stalking The Wild Pendulum (Itzhak Bentov); A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness (Itzhak Bentov); God and the Afterlife (Jeffrey Long); Evidence of the Afterlife (Jeffrey Long); Consciousness Beyond Life (Pim van Lommel); Life After Life (Raymond Moody); Embraced by the Light (Betty Eadie); Saved by the Light (Dannion Brinkley); Backwards (Nanci Danison); Watchers II: Exploring UFOs and the Near Death Experience (Raymond Fowler); The Omega Project: Near-Death Experiences, UFO Encounters, and Mind At Large (Kenneth Ring); The Eye of Ra (Truman Cash); Encounters (Edith Fiore); Masquerade of Angels (Karla Turner); Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda (Karla Turner); Matrix II: The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology (Val Valerian); Matrix III and V (Val Valerian); Communion (Whitley Strieber); Secret Life (David Jacobs); The Threat (David Jacobs); Alien Love Bite (Eve Lorgen); Missing Time (Budd Hopkins) and DMT: The Spirit Molecule (Rick Strassman).
I also included some YouTube experiences, emails I have received and special experiences from an avid astral traveler I know and a man I know who met a demiurge during his NDE.
Today 2/18/2022 we will discuss solutions and possible alternative afterlifes.
Here is the link to the show:
Ep6 Wayne Bush EXPERIENCER'S - NDE'S, OBE'S, Astral Entities | Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap Pt2
2/12/2022 -- This is the fifth episode of the series with Forever Conscious Research Channel. The fifth episode was a deep dive for over seven hours into the first part of a two-part series on Experiences. This episode covered past life regression, pre-birth memories, lives between lives and psychic mediums. Some of the books we covered included Life Before Life by Helen Wambach, Life Between Life by Joel Whitton, 20 Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation by Ian Stevenson, You Have Been Here Before by Edith Fiore, Cosmic Cradle, Revised Edition: Spiritual Dimensions of Life Before Birth by Elizabeth M. Carman, Neil J. Carman, Bernie S. Siegel, Conversations with a Spirit Between Death and Life by Dolores Cannon, Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Lives Between Lives and Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton and Life on the Other Side by Sylvia Browne.
I highly recommend buying these books. They are a goldmine of information. Not necessarily as advice to take, but I do feel they more or less outline the process that happens if one goes to the light. But it seems to me these so called counselors and guides are the spirits that may be the ones that still need to learn. It is when we take control of our own sovereingty and stop being led around giving our power away to external authorities that we can truly advance to the deeper levels. I can think of few things less enjoyable than having a so called council of elders suggesting how I could have lived my life better going over every excruciating detail. I hated being forced to go to school and I despise authority figures that tell us what we can and can't do, and how to live our lives... Almost sounds like Hell to me.
So as I read these details from these books about the guides, counselors, councils, so called ascended masters etc, I am in no way, shape or form endorsing that anyone should aspire to do these things, or saying that we have to. I am just warning you of what might occur if you buy into these tactics and emphasizing the need to avoid putting ourselves in these situations.
In fact, there are much better worlds where kindness and cooperation are the way souls evolve. Learn instead through kindness and joy rather than torture our avatar and others' avatars. We have all eternity so why not enjoy ourselves while we pass the so-called "time"? The guides will say earth is the fast track to learning your lessons and growing spiritually. Don't listen to them.
The alleged advanced souls or guides actually create a need for worlds of suffering so they can be guides or masters to feed their messiah complex. They are like deep underwater fish luring souls to be devoured by their proselytizing.
There could be a whole society of light beings who choose to live blissfully unaware that there are counselors who are like salesmen or farmers sending sacrificial souls to earth in order to keep their standard of living much like many people in America are okay with sacrificing soldiers to war to keep the price of gas low or who are okay with farmers, butchers, etc killing animals and packaging meat so they can get their source of food. So as with the axiom "as above, so below", it could also be happening on the next level on the astral plane when people die.
One thing I want to briefly touch on.... in the last episode the question of consent was raised.
I interviewed a Man who met a demiurge. I talked to him in order to get further clarification about consent and agreeing to come here. He said one of the biggest reasons we might voluntarily agree to come to Earth is because we don't feel the pain when over there while they are showing us our potential futures during the life preview in a bunch of different scenarios. We intellectually realize we are going to suffer but don't understand the full consequences of that choice. It's a little blip in all of eternity and there is no concept of time over there. We make the decision without that knowledge. We're naive. We don't understand what that is and might even think it's an adventure and might even want the challenge. They may give a story that we will grow because of our suffering. In fact, that is the overwhelming theme as I read through countless accounts of pre-birth experiences, life between lives, psychic mediums etc and that is that we come here because our so called guides and counselors tell us we should come here for "spiritual growth" in order to become bigger and brighter. If we knew what it would feel like, we wouldn't agree. Those beings such as the demiurge believe what they're telling us too. They know they have all these volunteers because they are obviously getting something out of it. They are getting the loosh and we are getting the experience.
We keep coming here because we think it's better.... maybe enlightenment or a climactic moment like the end of an era or a transition to a better time and we want to be a part of it.
We don't come here to "learn to love" but come here to learn to love in spite of being in a world that is certainly not all loving, far from it.
And coming here is a dumb deal to make. It's a bad decision to make. They do the mind wipe because nobody would come here if they remembered the suffering.
And we are trying to tell people not come back and to set an intention while still alive to not come back and to set an intention immediately upon death before we are distracted.
We can still try to revoke any contracts we might have made before coming here, if that's the case.
I also included some YouTube experiences and emails I have received.
There was a technical glitch that happened about halfway through the show so we had to do two streams.
Here are the links:
Ep5A Wayne Bush EXPERIENCER'S - Pre-Birth Memories, Regressions | Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap Pt1
Ep5B Wayne Bush EXPERIENCER'S - Pre-Birth Memories, Regressions | Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap Pt1
12/18/2021 -- This is the fourth episode of the series with Forever Conscious Research Channel. The fourth episode was a deep dive into Religion, Mythology, and Belief Systems.
Here is the link: Ep4 Wayne Bush RELIGION - Recycled Souls, Royal Origins, Solar Myth | Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap
Here are some of the notes I used: Notes
12/12/2021 -- This is the third episode of the series with Forever Conscious Research Channel. The third episode was a deep dive into Hollywood movies and television shows. We looked at movies like The Truman Show; The Matrix; The Prisoner; Disney/Pixar's Soul; Star Trek TOS "The Cage"; Star Trek TOS "Return of the Archons"; Star Trek Voyager "Coda"; They Live; Star Wars; The Lord of the Rings; Westworld; The Good Place; Childhood's End; The Wizard of Oz; Alice in Wonderland; Willy Wonka, and many more!
Here is the link: Ep3 Wayne Bush TV, MOVIES, & HOLLYWOOD - Hidden Truths of Reality | Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap
Here are some of the notes I used: Notes
12/05/2021 -- This is the second episode of the series I am doing with Forever Conscious Research Channel. The second episode was a deep dive into the music industry and mainly focused on analysis of song lyrics and meanings. The analysis included breakdowns on songs from many artists including Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, The Eagles, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Rush, Yes, Sting, Tool, Muse and many more!
Here is the link: Ep2 Wayne Bush MUSIC Occult Analysis: Sun, Moon, & Light SYMBOLISM Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap
On 11/29/2021 This is the first episode of the series I am doing with Forever Conscious Research Channel. The first episode was a deep dive into the earth world system matrix reincarnation soul trap. We chatted for nearly five hours and covered many topics including the holographic universe and simulation; predator and parasitic relationships; dog eat dog survival; the human body; the moon, Saturn and the Sun; mind control; and more.
Here is the link: Ep1 Wayne Bush Series DEEP DIVE On The Structure of The World System Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap
On 11/19/2021 I chatted with Forever Conscious Research Channel for four hours. He asked me to appear on his Journey To Awakening series so I talked a little about the series of events that led to the creation of my website. This is the first of a series of sessions we will do going over various aspects of the matrix and how to transcend it.
Here is the link: Ep#2 My Journey To Awakening -- Wayne Bush | Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap, Spiritual Progression
I appeared 9/18/2021 on Paul Ponssot's show, Audela d' el Illusion (Beyond The Illusion), based in France. We talked for almost 2 hours and it was a great conversation. We talked about all sorts of topics like the nature of reality, aliens, parasites, near death experiences and the afterlife.
Here is the link: Wayne Bush interview on archons, false light, NDEs and the alien presence
Wayne Bush interviewé par Paul Ponssot (en Anglais): archontes, fausse lumière, NDE et présence non humaine
I chatted 9/13/2021 with Andy Rouse on his podcast, The Deep Share Podcast. We chatted for about an hour and it went really well. Here are the links:
YouTube show: Transcend The False Light with Wayne Bush
Andy's RSS podcast Feed: Feed
I was recently interviewed by Judith Kwoba of Nightflight on the journal from the astral traveler.
Here is a link to the podcast: Wayne Bush: Navigating The Afterlife & Astral Plane
11/25/2020 -- I was interviewed on November 24, 2020 by Judith Kwoba on Nightflight.
Here is the link for the show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfmxHKAVp3k
11/23/2020 -- I was interviewed on November 22, 2020 by Shellee-Kim Gold on Kinda Sound Internet Radio.
Shellee-Kim interviews Wayne Bush : The Fake Light & Tunnel During Death
Stream on: www.kindasound.org
Here are the links to the podcast episode of the interview.
Podcast episode on Anchor.fm: https://anchor.fm/kindasoundradio/episodes/What-is-the-Light-and-Tunnel-During-Death-en05ot
You can also catch the episode on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4yadqsvcFeqMBQiQYVix0H?si=yH3jGECHQASl3IZpRtYd4g
2/18/2020 -- I appeared on Judith Kwoba's Nightflight show on Feb 18, 2020. We went in-depth into my article on the archontic parasites and I went over the highlights of the article (literally). The show was a little under two hours. Here is the link for the show: From Archaeon to Archon
You can see article with the most important parts that I highlighted here: From Parasites to Paradise.
2/12/2020 -- I chatted with R. Wayne Steiger on his live one-hour show. Here's the a link to the show which he entitled Seeing Through the Fugue.
We talked about the coronavirus, parasites and viruses, the god of the Old Testament, the Sumerian tablets, the music industry, Hollywood, the white light of the near death experiences and the so-called void. We will be chatting again on his radio show soon.
9/20/2019 -- I appeared on Adam Crabb's show, "The Crazz Files". Here's the a link to the show on YouTube which Adam entitled The Way Through with Wayne Bush
We chatted for a little over an hour about topics relevant to my research. I prepared some brief notes just in case, but didn't use them. The show went well and he wants to have me back on again next month so I'm looking forward to that.
8/10/2019 -- I did another interview with Judith Kwoba on her show Nightflight. We discussed my latest article, The Fine Game of Nil: The So-called Void of Non-Duality and Pure Awareness. Here is a link to the YouTube webcast of the show: The Fine Game of NIL. These were the highlighted notes I prepared for the show, but never had to use since we were enagaged in discussion: SHOW NOTES.
5/10/2019 -- I was interviewed again by Judith Kwoba.
Topics of discussions were: 1. How We Know That We Don't Want To Come Back Here, 2. The Fooling via Religions and all the Various Deities and 3. Leaving the Matrix Game. Here is the link to the show on YouTube: NIGHT FLIGHT ... Here are some notes I prepared for the show: SHOW NOTES.
3/09/2019 -- I appeared on Judith Kwoba's show Nightflight which is broadcast from Germany.
I shared my screen and took viewers on a journey through most of my web site, including a new analysis of the Queen song Bohemian Rhapsody.
I also covered some of my latest research into the connection between the nature god of the forest Pan (who some associate with the Devil) and his connection to the pied piper and the wind song of the call of the siren which has been mentioned in popular books, movies and music. At IANDS meetings where near death experiencers gather monthly, you will often hear talk of a carrier wave signal or tone or sound like a modem that is ever present, the music of the spheres. The ringing of the planets emit a sound as does the whole universe. It may be likened to AUM. If you listen carefully you can hear it. It is not tinnitus. Even people who have gone deaf have still heard the tone inside their heads. Half of near-death experiencers have described hearing beautiful, heavenly music during their NDE. One experiencer, Steve Roach, devoted much of his life trying to find and recreate that sound. His cd Structures From Silence is the result of that effort. You can listen to it here: YouTube Link. It is a symphonic sound recreated from a synthesizer emulating mostly stringed instruments and woodwinds. Believe it or not, he also has a cd called Cavern of Sirens. The sound I hear is more akin to this carrier wave: Carrier Wave
Here is the link to the podcast: Archons & The False Light Agenda
Here are the notes I used for the show which includes all the reversals.
I shared dozens of examples that I've gleaned from various sectors of society, including music, movies, celebrities, ancient texts and other facets of pop culture. Included were examples from iconic songs by Bob Dylan, John Lennon, Led Zeppelin, The Eagles, Pink Floyd, Bruce Springsteen, Tool, Muse, Katy Perry, Madonna, etc.
Movies included The Wizard of Oz, The Truman Show, Dark City, The Matrix, Tron: Legacy, Star Wars, various Disney selections and television episodes from Star Trek, The Prisoner and Dark Mirror.
Also, quotes from celebrities (Michael Jackson, Jim Carrey), politicians (Donald Trump, JFK, Ronald Reagan), religious leaders (Pope Benedict XVI, Billy Graham) , astronauts (Neil Armstrong, Edgar Mitchell), and near death experiencers.
Topics covered included: The Game of Life, The Matrix, The Soul Net, The Light, The Moon, The Sun, Loosh, Ancient Deities such as Nergal, Inana, Enki/Ea, Enlil, and Solutions.
A few days after the show I decided to do an experimental twenty minute session where I recorded myself asking all the big questions about life (and death). I found some pretty incredible, truly amazing reversals which lead me to believe that most of us have entities around us that are interacting with us on almost a daily basis. I believe reverse speech can be a major key in learning what is going on..... Reverse Speech Experiment Asking Myself Questions About Life and Death.
Also, a couple days after the show I did reverse speech analysis of a 35 minute interview actor Patrick McGoohan gave. He played the character Number Six on the TV series The Prisoner. I found a couple dozen insightful reversals. They should show the power reverse speech has and that they are not just isolated cases that occur here and there. Check them out: Patrick McGoohan The Prisoner interview reversals.
1/9/2018 -- I chatted with Joe Rupe on his show Lighting the Void. Here is the link to the show: Tricked by the Light with Wayne Bush.
He had just had John Lear on the show about a week earlier. During a commercial break, he told me he Whitley Strieber might be on the show the next night. So I told him it was Whitley who had told John that the light is a trick. He did indeed interview Whitley Strieber the next night and asked him about whether he had mentioned to John that the light is a trick and he confirmed it, but said, "Yeah, I said it. It's not a trick. No, not a trick at all and most people are going to go into the light, but not all. "
12/31/2017 -- I was a guest on The Crazz Files, a podcast from Australia hosted by Adam Crabb. The topic was Near Death Experiences. I gave many excerpts from near death experiences. Here is a link to the audio: Near Death Experiences with Wayne Bush
Here are the notes I used for the show: Transcript
His NDE experience is the most extensive, detailed near death experience I have ever heard. He met what most people would describe as God
and also agreed to an extensive contract with the Demiurge. The Demiurge is the Gnostic term for "a supernatural being imagined as creating
or fashioning the world in subordination to the Supreme Being, and sometimes regarded as the originator of evil.".
My guest was shown the future of Earth and mankind and also how this game of life ends. The interview lasted almost 3 hours.
[NOTE: Only one microphone level was working well so I let him use that one so I apologize in advance for the inferior quality of my voice.]
I give a brief 5 minute intro. His description of his NDE starts about 35 minutes into the interview.
There is also a transcript of the interview. Click here to see the transcript.
8/27/2014 -- I was interviewed by Mark Devlin, an English radio/club DJ and writer. He hosts a series of podcasts under the name of Good Vibrations. Previous guests have included David Icke, Jay Weidner, Ian Crane, Freeman, Sonia Barrett and Fritz Springmeier. Here are the notes I prepared for myself for the show.... NOTES FOR GOOD VIBRATIONS.
2/17/2018 -- My Case For a Non-Killing, Non-Harming Diet: Article
Do animals' lives matter? Are plants sentient? If we are living in a simulation, does it really matter? What do near death experiencers have to say?
1/04/2018 -- I received an email from a reader / listener who sent me a photograph showing what may be a grey demon or archon entity.
Here is part of the emails and the photograph: Grey Demon Archon Entity
12/19/2017 -- I received an email from a near death experiencer who corroborates the testimony of the man I interviewed who had a near death experience and met a Demiurge.
Here is the email and also her near death experience which NDERF did not publish.Email corroboration of interview with man who met a demiurge during his NDE
f you have any thoughts or experiences you would like to share with me, please do. I can be reached at waynejbush@protonmail.com.
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