Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. |
The first thing you learn when you go to school is how to spell. Words are spelled to create a sentence of terms. Think of a jail sentence or a prison term. The Wyrd sisters in Greek mythology were Fates or witches who controlled the fates of man. In our language we use curse words and cursive writing. We cuss and dis-cuss. Words have meaning and (are) mean things especially cross words. They can be used to make a point. We use a "con" verse to converse in order to keep us off course in our dis-course as a phrase frays. We use catch words. A story is a spiel or a spell. It is all part of the gospel of the Godspell or God's spell. **
Books contain chapters. What is a chapter? A chapter is a secret society or religious order, like the Knights Templar. A chapter contains many pages. What is a page? A page is an understudy and in service to the queen and king, as in pages and squires, a knight who is well versed in magic and is more or less a soldier or trained assassin. To page someone is to summons them. Pages summon demons to enslave or imprison our souls. After all, a page does contain many sentences. A jail sentence is served in a prison ward. And indeed a sentence is created by words that are spelled out by using letters. A letter is someone who allows something to happen or someone who does something for some one else, like a bloodletter.
We languish in our languid language. ** Languid means "weak and lacking spirit or void of animation, lifeless" and languish which means "to lose strength or animation; be or become dull, feeble or spiritless; lackadaisical, listless". . How are we imprisoned by our language? Think about a book. The word book as a verb means to arrest or detain -- "book 'em, Danno". In fact, the Latin word for book is "liber", which is where we get our word "library" and also the word "liberty". You can book a reservation which means you're paying for the ownership of something in advance. You can book or place a bet on a game or race with your bookie. Yes, there is a bet being placed on a race -- and it is the human race and the game is the game of life. It is the main bet or the alpha bet. In a group of monkeys, the alpha monkey is the primary monkey or the one in control.
There's a song called Spirits in the Material World from an album named Ghost in the Machine. The lyrics proclaim, "Our so-called leaders speak. With words they try to jail ya.
They subjugate the meek. Where do the answers lie when we live from day to day? We are spirits in a material world." The song was performed by a group appropriately named, The Police. The song -- and an entire album by Sting, the lead singer, entitled The Soul Cages -- refers to how we are spirits imprisoned in an earthly body.
Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. |
Most words have multiple meanings and synonyms not to mention many anagrams which the subconscious mind can recognize. Factor in its homophones ** such as "there", "they're", and "their" and it can get quite confusing to keep track. Homophones provide multiple meanings and double speak. Some examples are: source/saurus (Greek for lizard, also think "sorcery"); god/gaud ('gaud' means trick, jest, fraud, deceit, artifice) ; know/no; bless you/be less you; pray/prey; son/sun; Sol/soul; avoid/a void; parish/perish; "IT"/Id; identity / Id entity; and icon/I con/eye con; alien / a lien; Sol/S.O.L.; soldier/ Sol dier; lesson/lessen;solar system/soul lure system; real life/reel life (e.g., movie reel, fishing reel);evolution/evil looshin';solution/soul looshin'; bless you / Be less, you; See ya later / See Yah later . ** What effect does that have when words with almost opposite meanings are homophones. Think about "know" and "no". Knowledge is considered a very positive word yet it is linked phonetically with the most negative word in our language. So when you say "I know this to be true" are you partiallly negating its reality? Consider the above statement in which the letters of the words have been rearranged, yet you still should be able to read it without problem. This means your subconscious mind should also relate multiple meanings to words have many anagrams. So it shouldn't be any problem to associate God as good, the devil as evil. Now consider the following word relationships: live / evil; god / dog; love /evol; earth /heart/ hater. Other anagrams: Santa/Sanat/Satan; Demiurge/Id urge me / I merged U/I urged me; archon / Charon [Note: Charon or Kharon (/ˈkɛərɒn, -ən/; Greek Χάρων) is the ferryman of Hades who carries souls of the newly deceased across the rivers Styx and Acheron that divided the world of the living from the world of the dead.] / a RH con; archons / Sh, Ra con; religion / Lo I reign / El origin; religions / Oil reigns / Sir legion; Jesus Christ / Rich Jests Us; meaning of life = fine game of nil;
Pronouncing the words has a pronounced effect. The science of cymatics shows how all spoken sounds take on a vibratory geometry or shape like how you can blow smoke rings by forming your mouth into the shape of the 'O'. The tibetan monks show how sound can be used to form geometric patterns in a plate of sand particles. So the spoken word can indeed create reality.
Also consider the mind's ability to combine words and sounds. When someone sneezes you feel customarily obligated to say "Bless you". But if you sound out the syllables does your subconscious mind also make the connection to the phrase "Be less, you". So the very act of blessing someone can also be subconsciously telling them to be less. This is spell casting.
How are we being programmed through our language to go to the sun or hell? Hello?!!!! Helios was the Greek name for the sun. The sun in English as well as other languages such as Latin, is called Sol. We are all said to be souls or to have a soul (Sol). We have a solar plexus and our feet have soles. Sole is sun in Italian. You are called a person (pertaining to the sun). When a male child is born, he is called a son (sun). The word for sun is sonne in German. Hu was one of the twelve gods in the Egyptian stellar cult which could explain why we are human. Colors and hues originate from the light of the sun. Politicians encourage soldiers or sol diers to go to war for God and country. Of course, when they die they will go to another dimension (die men sun).
Have you ever wondered why we use the word hello to greet each other? After all, the word can be reduced to hell, the fiery place of eternal punishment and the suffix -o which means "associated with". In Greek mythology, Helios, which means "sun", was the God of the Sun. Is it just a coincidence that you have a soul and that our sun is called Sol? If so, why do we call those who die in battle soldiers or sol diers? Is that why we say "good morning" when the sun rises -- because it is good to see the sun because it gives us life, but we are mourning those who sacrificed their souls to make it possible. Why do we call our male offspring sons? You are called a person. Is it because you pertain to the sun?
Words are defined in a dictionary -- dick-shun-nary. Two of the three syllables are negative sounds and theother is a derogative slang term. Synonyms and antonyms are listed in a thesaurus. 'The', from the greek 'theos', is the root of the-ology, the study of 'god' and 'saurus' means 'lizard'. A thesaurus literally means 'lizard god'. How many names for government entities start with a negative prefix. The word nation is nay-shun. The UN, Un-ited nations, NATO, NASI party, NASA, Norad, Unesco, NASCAR, NATAS, and I'm sure you can come up with others.
Example of word spells:
Bless you = Be less, you.
Have a nice day = Halve a nice day.
Hello = Hell low.
Hey, you = Hey, ewe.
See ya later = See Yah later.
icon = I con.... eye con
Soldier = Sol dier
Wake up.
You tuned your tell-a-vision Set to a programming broad cast so you herd the hook of the come mers shoal's jingle.
At the maul the mer chant makes a sail with their prod duct in-vent tory but it's going to cost you. You agree to a con-tracked per chase of a prod duct. You receive a mer chant in voice and you make a per chase with Moon E. They ring you up on the Re G-star. Then the mer chant gives you a Re seat and watt they Sol'd you on your Charge card. The mer chant thanks you, the custom mer i.e. consume mer and gives you the mer chant dies.
Human Re sources off us... M ploy Man ager you get hired, sign a con tract with your Sig nature, urn wages (wagers), get a raise, and then you're Re tired or fired...working for the weak end/weekened, thank god its Fry Day. **
The Information Technology field or IT as "IT" is called has has many terms: IT, master-slave, servers, ASP, Python, RAM, SATA, etc.
Do some of the letters or building blocks of our language contain within them a blueprint for the control and possession of our spirits? English has Germanic origins and it is likely that the english letters have their roots in the Germanic runes which were used for magic and casting spells. ** From Wikipedia on rune magic: "In 1990, Stephan Grundy, a.k.a. Kveldulf Gundarsson, described runic magic as the active principle as opposed to passive interpretations based on runic divination. He held that runic magic is more active than the allegedly shamanic practice of seid practiced by the Seiðkona. Runic magic, he states, uses the runes to affect the world outside based on the archetypes they represent.[15] Most of Gundarsson's runic magic entails being in possession of a physical entity that is engraved with any or all of the individual runes or "staves", so as to practically work with their energies. The individual runes are reddened with either blood, dyes, or paints. The act of possessing the stave in its final form serves the purpose of affecting the world of form with "the rune might" of that particular stave. After use, the staves are discarded or destroyed.[16] Gundarsson holds that each rune has a certain sound to it, to be chanted or sung; the sound has in common the phonetic value by which it is represented.[17] This act of singing or chanting is supposed to have more or less the same effect of using the staves in their physical form." Many of the letters of the English alphabet come directly from the Germanic Runes which were used for magic and spell casting and for causing 'ruin'. ** Look at how many English letters you can identify from the Elder Futhark rune set. GRAMMAR OR GRIMOIRE? GOETIA & CYMATICSThe word "grammar" comes from grammars which were old Latin books on syntax and diction. The ancient magic books of Europe which contained instructions to summon demons were known as the Grimoires, French word for "grammar". ** A "grimoire" or spellbook is a derivative of the french word "grammaire". The pronunciation and sound of words affects the matter around us. The science of cymatics is the study of sound vibration on matter and it has been demonstrated with sand on plates that vibration can cause geometric patterns. The ancient Goetia spellbooks were used for conjuring up demons and each demon had its own sigil and name. ** "IT" & The Creature from the Subconscious "ID"Stephen King captured the hearts of America with the release of his blockbuster smash hit book, “It”. The video features the menacing face of a clown while the book reveals the clown’s head as a skull with stars in the eye sockets. The video jacket reads: "Your every fear - all in the deadly enemy. It can be anything, a fanged monster that won't stay on the movie screen, something ominous lurking in the basement or around the next corner. ** No matter what your biggest fear is, no one knows IT better than Stephen King... The force takes the shape of a clown, but it isn't clowning around. Instead, it terrorizes youngsters with their innermost fears, bringing them to untimely doom - until a group of wily neighborhood kids fight back. Thirty years later it resurfaces: meaner, angrier. And the friends who vividly remember the terrors of their youth reunite to make a desperate final stand against it." In an interview, King admits he was possessed during the writing of the book. LET "IT" BE & MAKE "IT" SOSigmund Freud, the father of psychology, invented a model of the psyche which contained three parts to the self: the ego (conscious mind), the superego (superconscious mind) and what he termed the "id" or the subconscious mind. This is the realm of our fears: scary monsters and demons. This id was considered a sort of third person subsistent to the conscious and superconscious mind. Of course, we use the word "it" as a sort of third "person" as well in our use of speech. ** And, of course, subconsciously we have been programmed to accept the abbreviated "ID" as our identity. We unknowingly give power to this creature and help create "it" every day with our thought and speech. We watch the horor movie "It" by Stephen King and associate all our deep dark subconscious fears with "IT". Likewise with the word "thing" ('everything'. 'anything', and 'nothing' or no thing) and the use of ambiguous words such as 'they' (THEY live), 'them' ("If you can't beat 'em join them"). We chant the chorus to the song Let It Be over and over again. And it's no coincidence that IT is the acronym that has been curently assigned to the Information Technology field, or computers, for IT very well may be an artificial intelligence or computer. For a detailed analysis and many more examples of "IT" please reference my page on this phenomenon. Extra! Extra! Click here to "read all about IT". We really need to learn to speak with a more conscious language in mind, ever aware of how we think our thoughts in our minds and how we word our sentences!! "S"-LANGConsider the English letter 'S'. First of all, it looks like a snake or serpent -- one that has risen up and is ready to strike or if viewed from overhead it looks like one that is perhaps crawling along. In two-dimensional space, it looks like a sideways wave and in 3-D space it looks like a spiral, both paths that energy follows. The letter ‘s’ is used in English to denote “possession”, which is Satan’s specialty, by placing it at the end of a word with an apostrophe. Plurality or the concept of multiplication or creation, is achieved by appending an ‘s’ or ‘es’ to a word. These two facts, coupled with the sheer number of words in our language means the 'S' sound is one of the most, if not single most, frequently uttered sounds in our speech. Although the vowels are used frequently, they have more than one sound associated with them, a long and short sound. There are probably more esses used in our speech than any other sound. Virtually every sentence we speak contains one or more of these hissing sounds. It would not be accurate to say we sound like hissing snakes when we speak, but our incessant hissing probably reminds us of it at some level subconsciously. Not only does the letter 'S' physically represent the snake or serpent, phonetically it even sounds like a snake!! It sounds exactly like the hissing sound a snake makes – sssssssss – when it “shakes” its tail. The word hiss even ends in a double-s. And, of course, the words snake and serpent are both s-words as well as Satan, who the Bible says took the form of a snake. He was said to have told mankind a secret -- that man would not die if he ate of the fruit. Of course, when you want to tell someone a secret you say, "pssssssst, come here..." or if you want to keep a secret you say "Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!!". The dollar sign, $, is the standard symbol for English currency. Money is said to be the root of all evil. Not only does the 'S' look like a snake (Satan), and sound like a snake, which is known for shedding its skin, but nearly all words that begin with the letter 's' have a negative connotation associated with them. That is why they can be considered s-words, or swords, because they can kill and injure like a sword. These s-words are a seal or stamp associated with Satan, Satan's Slang or s-lang. The word lang is defined in the dictionary as an abbreviation for the word “language”. Satan, the snake or serpent also known as Set, slithers about striving to snatch, steal, or strip us of our souls or spirits and is obsessed with possessing or seizing them. He, or she, is subtle, sly, sneaky, slick, slippery, scaly, secretive, scary, spins, spirals or screws into your soul and possesses you and seizes your spirit. Speech is his peach and when we speak, Satan is at his peak as far as deception is concerned. The words “possesses”, “obsesses”, "seizes" contain a multiple s-sound and are words pertaining to control. The word ess, which is defined as the pronunciation for the letter ‘s’, becomes the word esse when a silent ‘e’ is added. The word esse means “to be” which is where we get the word essence and the word essay which is sort of a written speech and comes from the Old French esai which means “to put to a test” which is what Satan did to Jesus in the wilder-ness. The suffix “-ness” also means a state of being, like loneliness or business. It’s interesting that the Loch Ness in Scotland is said to contain a serpent creature named “Nessie” which nests there. Yes, Satan certainly is a “Busy Ness” when it comes to the business world and show business. And he specializes in monkey business. One should keep this in mind before wishing for good-ness. A partial list of s-words: sun, shine, soul, spirit, Satan, Samael, Set, sin, serpent, snake, salamander, hisses, siren, spell, steal, scales, shed, skin, slither, slimy, slip, slide, shake, strike, scare, sly, sneak, stealth, secret, subtle, slash, slice, slay, slit, shoot, strip, smack, smite, sword, spook, possesses, obsesses, spin, screw, smell, say, speak, salacious, spiral, pssssssst, sssssssshhhh Shit! I, mean, Sheesh! It is not easy to think of positive s-words and double “ss” words are even worse. The swastika resembles two esses and the word ‘swastika’ has two of them in number. The Nazis had the “SS” and the ‘ss’ logo which looked like lightening bolts.
Aussie David John Oates discovered the phenomenon known as reverse speech. I am sure most of you have heard of backmasking in music where if you play a song backwards you can hear hidden messages. Most of those are intentional. David found that they actually occur regularly in everyday speech and that the subconscious mind delivers messages that are either congruent or incongruent to the forward intenton of the words spoken. A classic example is when American astronaut Neil Armstrong landed on themoon and declared, "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind". When played backwards he says, "Man will space walk." Another more recent example is American ex-President Barack Obama. When he said his campaign slogan, "Yes, we can". When reversed he actually says, "Thank you, Satan". I bought a cassette reverser back in the day and tested it out with my mother. We had a casual five minute chat while I recorded the conversation. While we were talking I noticed our dog who was out in the backyard had chased a squirrel up a tree. The squirrel had stopped halfway up the tree and was looking down at the dog, almost taunting it, knowing it couldn't catch him. It's been a while so I am not sure if I commented on it or not, but I do specifically remember when I played the tape backwards, I could distinctly be heard saying, "The squirell'll be facing the ground, with knowledge, with wisdom." It was very clear. **
I've been going through some songs, movies and interviews and think I may have discovered some relevant song reversals (not intentional back masking).
Speech reversals are a phenomenon commonly found in every day conversation as the subconscious or conscious mind is tapping into the collective consciousness and sometimes communicates when passionate either a congruent or incongruent message pertaining to the subject being discussed.
Keep in mind these are naturally occurring reversals in speech/singing and not intentional back masking which also exists. It could be that our forward speech is mostly our ego speaking and the Spirit is communicating in reverse. If our ego is in control then the messages will contradict each other. If we are operating in harmony with our true spiritual essence then the two messages will be congruent.
When Dorothy and her friends approach the Emerald City they sing a song about going out of the woods and into the Light and sing "Step into the Sun, step into the Light". Dorothy says, "Look, Emerald City is closer and prettier than ever." If you play the words "Emerald City is" backwards you hear "Satan is sunlight". They do sort of find out that the Emerald City is run by a Demiurgic figure, a frail old man called The Wizard of Oz who pulls the levers from behind the curtains and propogates the illusions.
Click the words (links) "Forwards" and"Backwards" in the examples below to play and hear the audio.
"Emerald City is"
"Satan is sunlight." **
I believe The Wizard of Oz contains the formula upon death for leaving this matrix and going home. Dorothy repeats the mantra "There's no place like home" over and over until she wakes up from her dream and she is back home. To do this she acquires the attributes of knowledge or Gnosis (the scarecrow needing a brain), a pure heart of emotion (the tin man needing a heart), and Will Power or Determinaton (the cowardly lion needing Courage). Gnosis (Knowing) + Pure Heart (Feel like it's already done) + Will Power (wanting it really bad)..
"There's no place like Home "
"Know..... Now safe..... Wants it"
"My room"
"I'm Home now."
"Vicarious" is a song about astral parasites and shadow entities that live vicariously off the energy of humans. The song is sung from their perspective and the video shows ticks and parasites leeching off a human. Here is a sample of the lyrics...
"Eye on the TV 'cause tragedy thrills me. Whatever flavour it happens to be like: "Killed by the husband", "Drowned by the ocean", "Shot by his own son", "She used a poison in his tea",
"And kissed him goodbye". That's my kind of story. It's no fun 'til someone dies.
Don't look at me like
I am a monster....
"Vicariously, I live"
"We're living inside, you're a scam "
"Vicariously, I"
"They hide inside areas beyond " **
Johnny Cash did a lot of ministry work in prisons and sang the song "Ring of Fire" which invokes imagery of perhaps a Satanic ritual or burning in Hell.
I have been saying on my web site and on many shows that the Sumerian god of the Underworld, Nergal, has many characteristics of the Devil such as carrying a trident, having seven evil spirits and torturing souls.
"The Beast "
I have also speculated on my web site that Shiva may be another name for Nergal or the Devil as he carries a trident, has the seven evil spirits in the form of a seven-headed snake around his neck, and is called a destroyer, the destructive force like Satan.
So what are the odds of these two reversals? Roughly speaking....Ner-gal is a two syllable word with three letters in each syllable. They say there are 24 consonant sounds and there are supposedly 20 different vowel sounds if you count all the long vowels, short vowels etc. So a six letter word with two vowels would be 24 x 20 x 24 x 24 x 20 x 24 which is 1 in 132,710,400....and the odds for "Shiva" would be an enormous long shot as well....pretty convincing I'd have to say.
Eben Alexander is probably the number one speaker in the NDE community. He was an agnostic neurosurgeon before he slipped into a coma where he lost all of his brain's neocortex. The story of his vivid NDE, Proof of Heaven, became a #1 bestseller book.
[On learning lessons and making plans to reincarnate here again with our soulmates]
ForwardsRe or Ra was the Egyptian god of the Sun.... holy crap.... am I really hearing that reversal correctly? **
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