* NOTE: All NDEs can be found at NDERF.ORG
I just saw a light like the sun...I just saw a light...like the light of the Sun but without any shape...just light. -- Gail C
Did you pass into or through a tunnel or enclosure? Yes A dark tunnel with a very bright ,white sun like glow at the end of it
Did you see a light? Yes White sun-like -- James T
A moment later it grew bright. Very bright. There was an object in front of me that looked like the sun. It was so intensely bright but it did not hurt my eyes looking at it. -- Arthur B
But I remember I could feel the warmth of the sun, but it wasn't the sun it was much brighter and hurt to look directly at. -- Josh W
There was a brilliant sun, giving me a special, soft, warmth, which did not burn me. I could hear beautiful music and I could see birds flying beside me, it was an incredible peace,
something extraordinary; I had never felt this before, it was a beautiful feeling, and I didn't want to come back. -- Ana Maria
I began to see an intense light in front of me, perhaps it was the sun, except it was really intense. -- CG
Then it looked like as if the sky had opened and I saw a very strong and stunning light, as strong as the sun, but it was white and it didn't impair the vision. -- Nilda P
It was then that I saw the silvery white chord connecting me to the girl and realized it was me down there. But I felt like a kite and was very happy where I was. I flew that way until I
felt warmth behind me and turned. It was the most beautiful sun I had ever seen, golden yellow, with rays all hues of the rainbow emanating out a long way, very surreal. It seemed to come
closer but maybe I was going higher. The colors surrounded me, so I stretched out to touch the sun. It was very bright, but I could look straight into it. -- Jenny C
So I am running towards this massive sun experiencing total acceptance and love. I knew that nothing earthly mattered anymore and I had this complete sense of peace about everything that I
had ever done. I just wanted to keep running toward the light. -- Nichole BD
I watched the “me” in the tunnel from 2-3 meters distance from above. When I looked at myself I saw at the end of the tunnel a place with yellowish colorful mist at the sky, which illuminated
the place like a sun illuminates the days and this light shined into the tunnel. -- Ali K
All of a sudden a light appeared, a light as bright as the sun more bright then anything I have ever seen, yet all around me was total darkness. The light just kept getting bigger and
brighter and closer to me, I became happier then I have ever been in my entre life, I was drawn to the light like a child to his mother but more so, when all of a sudden I stopped as if some
one or some thing was not allowing me to get closer, yet the light was right in front of me with in arms reach, and there in the light was a dark shadowy figure and two more. -- Andrew G
Did you see a light? Yes
Yes, as mentioned above, but before I actually got out further into the cosmos, I sensed going thru a massive light energy I think now it was our sun. -- Lynn M
I remember feeling this warm, calm feeling and being in a warm light like the sun. -- Karen R
Then there was an extremely bright light, like a vertical column of light. But it was much more than light, like a pillar of pure energy. It was sparking, sparkling, and much, much brighter
and whiter than any sun. -- Rev. Dr. robert J
I continued to float up and a tunnel appeared. A beautiful tunnel with a bright light at the end of it (the light was brighter than the sun but did not hurt your eyes and it was pure white
light). -- Wendy G
Then I saw that we going towards this light, slowly at first. When we got close to the light, the light just engulf me. It was brighter than the sun but didn't hurt my eyes. --
Glauco S
I was floating right through the walls of our house and up into the sky. In the distance, I saw a great shining ball, which was the sun. I felt irresistibly attracted to it by its
brightness and I wanted to go right into it. No sooner had I thought this when I hit something that catapulted me far out into blackness.
I tried once more, but it all happened again. I quickly learned that there had to be an invisible barrier that I could only approach but not overcome. I had another go and this time I
stopped right in front of this barrier in order to watch the sun, which was now shining in a reddish glow. Its size was relatively small because I had to look at it from a distance, which was
determined by this invisible barrier. Nevertheless, the reddish glow of the sun did not satisfy me at all.
Suddenly the voice said:” There are more lights!” As I was looking around, I saw in the distance a multitude of other lights, which shone much brighter than the Earth’s sun. I wanted to be
with those lights! Although they were far, far away, I could reach them in an instant. However, each individual light had its own effective barrier that knocked me off into the blackness
again every time I tried to approach it. -- Guenter W
Did you see a light? Yes
Describe: So incredibly golden-white - as if I travelled to the sun without the heat -- Ginger M
Did you see an unearthly light? Yes A bright light, as bright as the sun. -- Walter N
Did you see an unearthly light?....Yes....a white light, filling the whole room and more. Like standing in front of the sun, but white and without heat -- Marc M
Did you see a light? Yes It was such a bright light even brighter then the sun. It was kind of a mix between the sun and LSD. I saw no shadows or dark places. -- Sally L
I was suddenly in front of a great Light. It had to have been God! It was so powerful, no words can describe it. The closest I can come is to say it was like being suddenly placed a few feet
from the Sun - but instead of feeling heat, you feel LOVE. Infinite Love. The Love emanated out in all directions in slow, gentle rays of light. Never can I forget it. Thirty years later,
it's still mostly what I think about. A vision of a man appeared down to the right of the powerful Light. I presumed it was Jesus. He looked like he does in most paintings. He was wearing
a white robe and was extending his hands out to greet me. -- Tom S
It was a limitless space, luminous, whitish, but at the horizon it was golden, pink. The sun, or what stood in for the sun, was like a cloud. -- Annie B
Went into a white ball of light… Brighter than the sun… A light clearly of mystical or other-worldly origin… I encountered a definite being, or a voice clearly of mystical or unearthly
origin… I was with Jesus and He told me it was not my time. -- Shana S
I saw a bright light more brighter than the sun but it was not hurting my eyes. -- Edwin
They, I saw a brilliant light. Brighter than looking directly into the sun. -- Judy C
The light was overwhelming (similar to how you would have your eyes shut looking at the sun on a beach then opening them). My eyes adjusted to the light. -- Matthew B
It was very beautiful and very bright, yet I could see it clearly. Not like looking at the light from the sun, which can be uncomfortable. -- Richard L
The light was as bright and hard to look at as looking directly into the sun. -- Sandra R
Did you see an unearthly light? Yes If you could see stars at the sun and see it without burning or blinking and to be enveloped by it and have the heat equate to warmth and love
instead of incineration -- Joseph C
The light was so bright it would have been like trying to stare at the sun in real life. Colors were very vivid......Extremely bright, like being able to stare at the sun. -- Auriel P
The Light was like one hundred times the hot sun on a July, clear day. -- Karen W
In size it would be not like looking at the sun, but looking at the earth when you are on it. It was immense, and total, and its power was love.-- Brad K
The light reminded me of the sun except there seemed to be no sensation of heat or cold. The sun generates heat and this light was similar to the bright light of the sun but my pupils did not
seem to have to dilate. It wasn't a blinding kind of light like the sun but it was more diffuse but in my mind I thought it represented a great deal of power. -- Jenneane E
Then a radiant Being of pure light appeared in the distance, and I watched as it moved slowly among us. As it came closer, I remember thinking that I would not have been able to look at it
with my physical eyes. It was such an intense, beautiful white light. A hundred times, a thousand times brighter than the sun. I was drawn irresistibly towards this being. I don't mean
unwillingly. I wanted nothing else but to go to it, fall into it, and be embraced by it. -- Brian T
Did you see a light? Yes Its was like the sun was just over my head. -- Alex A
There was a beautiful vision of stars roaring past me. At the center of all that tumult was a glowing light. Each star appeared to be a minute center of consciousness. It was merging into and
emerging from the central consciousness as desired by that cosmic WILL which shone like a very huge sun! -- India Physician
I saw a circle of light that quickly grew in size until I was inside of it. Once I was inside the light, I was aware that it was much more intense than earthly light and it seemed to be
coming from a sun that was so big that it covered most of the sky. -- R.A.
This light is infinitely more brilliant than the sun, yet it did not hurt to look at it. -- Ron K
It was like standing in the sun but instead of sunshine LOVE warmed you. It was like nothing and no one I have ever seen or met but I knew it only loved. There was no other word close to
what I experienced. Pure Love came from that being. -- DW
I was surprised that although the light surround me was like looking directly into the sun, I didn't at all have to squint my eyes because of it. I was thinking that rather odd when I became
aware of another consciousness approaching me from above, in front and slightly to the right of my mind. The closer He got the more I KNEW who He was. As I looked towards this approaching
consciousness it had the shape of a sphere of intense consciousness and mind and can only be described by saying He looked exactly like what we see when we look at the Sun without sunglasses.
-- Richard T
It was a bright white tunnel of pure light. Like staring at the sun through a telescope. But it didn't hurt my eyes. It was a bit like looking at a sparkler after your eyes had adjusted to v
. As I came closer, it became brighter. -- Murray R
From a distance, I'd liken this light to those seen in a picture of the sun with it's rays emanating. The light is shorter in width at it's origin, when it is far away, and the rays spread
out the further they travel from the source. The closer the light is to you, the wider it's point of origin becomes, until it is so close, that it's point of origin lights up your entire
viewing screen. -- Bobbi D
Ascending ever farther, I lifted my eyes to see a great light in the vast distance. With Christ as my guide, I rapidly approached the light. Ecstasy filled my soul as I looked at the
radiance, many-fold brighter than a sun. -- Linda S
It was a huge light...almost like the Sun but White and not hot, but cooling and very huge... -- Wan I
It is the most absolute, pure light that never hurts to look at, probably because you're not actually looking at it with physical eyes, even though the sensation is that of seeing, it's
simply a sight of the mind. It was like a sun or a planet of light until I got close enough to see more detail. It was at that moment, where seeing this detail, that what could only be
described as "all" was revealed, and even that is a poor description of what is conveyed to you. The detail I can only describe as billions and billions of �bit's� of light both spiraling
back to and away from this "body of light", which is simply a more visual description of what we call God. We quite simply are God in as much as this whole body of light cannot be that whole
without all its parts or �bit's� of light. -- James T
Did you see a light? Yes, of a brightness that was greater than the noon day sun, yet it did not burn. -- William Si
It was like looking into the sun a million times over a pure white light. -- Lloyd P
That is the last I remember before blacking out was the brightness of some kind of light, it may have been the sun. -- Thomas O