Life and Death -- How to Win the Game of Life and Exit the Illusionary Matrix that We Dream

by Wayne Bush, (Please be aware that I may not have the timeto reply to everyone's emails.)

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This website is dedicated to exploring the question of whether the white light reportedly experienced at death is the BEST option or whether it may be a portal to an eventual reincarnation on Earth. It is an essential and logical question to ponder and not intended in any way to generate fear or paranoia.

On this site, I look not only at near death experiences, but also out of body experiences, pre-birth experiences, psychedelic experiences, alien abductions, meditation experiences, mythology and ancient texts. For example, many other transcendental experiencers, including The Tibetan Book of the Dead, reveal that light is just one of the two polarities of duality and that beyond the light exists a "clear" light of awareness beyond time and space, thought and emotion, a peaceful neutrality. It is indescribable, but is both light and dark or neither light nor dark, a type of so-called void which is a misleading misnomer that evokes the image of emptiness because it is nonduality: simulataneously nothing yet everything. It has been likened to a womb or pre-creation containing all potentiality.

Why should we elect to go to an external light or authority figure when, as all disciplines suggest, our astral bodies are made of translucid, liquid light. As pure energy, we don't even need to have any kind of body at all. And, more importantly, that we are living a dream and we have the power to manifest any reality through our focused Intention! So why would we want to hand over that Sovereignty to another being? And as quantum physics has shown us, there is an infinite energy present in every quantum zero point. This means that Infinity is within us.

All we have to do is focus attention inward and set intention to manifest. From a larger perspective, the white light is an illusion as everything is a part of us and we are a part of everything. The nature of reality is holographic. It is consciousness, awareness. Consciousness manifests what we perceive to be reality.

I have come to regret the name of the site as it seems to generate anxiety in some people. The name was chosen nearly twenty years ago. If I could do it all over again, I would probably choose another name, maybe But I do think it is important to investigate topics such as the nature of reality, consciousness or awareness, light and dark, duality and nonduality, and what purpose life on Earth serves. And that is exactly what I respectfully intend to do on this website. I have come to the realization that the light is probably not really tricking us per se.

Which is more likely: that we are ignorant, blank souls that were created by a capricious god on a whim and need to learn lessons over countless lifetimes in an Earthly classroom, or that we have always been infinite, eternal, soveriegn Spirits that choose to have countless experiences in a vastly wide variety of forms and situations? In the first scenario, wouldn't we have already learned these lessons by now since there is an infinite timeline?

I have written quite a few articles over the years, analyzing different possibilites to explain why we are here and what is happening. However, no explanation is entirely truly satisfying to me, even the soul trap theory. All theories leave me with unanswered questions. All scenarios are problematic, in my opinion.

"To know thyself" suggests we are not all knowing and have not learned, and have maybe become addicted to that which we were not. We keep propogating the extreme suffering.

If we are truly sovereign spirits, why can't we just set an intention to leave our bodies right now and more easily explore this universe and other dimensions.

Being tricked also suggests we were not all knowing or all powerful.

The idea that this is all a cosmic play or divine drama of sorts suggests we have some depraved nature to want to write and play in this sick game or play. I would imagine as an eternal, infinite being I would prefer to enjoy peace and contentment rather than experience ongoing drama and conflict even though there is beauty, some excitement and challenges. To suggest an infinite, eternal being would be bored or be curious suggests there is something lacking within.

Perhaps we are creator spirits whose nature is to create all kinds of experiences.

Perhaps we are creator spirits whose nature is to create all kinds of experiences. Maybe some spirits ignorantly chose to participate in this mess or were tricked into doing so and some of us came here to help awaken them and help them out so in that scenario we would not be depraved, but would have a messiah complex.

Even though no explanation is satisfactory, I will continue to philosophize about and consider alternative explanations.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I am just an average guy who's a researcher and philosopher. I don't pretend to know the truth. I. DO. NOT. KNOW. what happens after death. No one does for certain. This is just my speculation and opinions. They very well may be wrong. Each person needs to go within and see what resonates as truth.

This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. In the spirit of the Fair Use Act, I am making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. I believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit.

We live in a visual world where people feel the need to be stimulated beyond just the intellect. The images and short clips on this site help serve as a much needed levity to bring balance to soften the gravity of the message. They are examples which taken in their entirety help prove the point of the web site that -- whether conscious or unconscious -- there is a push towards us accepting the white light at death and going into it. Whether consciously or unconscioisly, there are those of influence who help to push this agenda and there are those who are doing their best to expose it. Many of the elxamples I give are from one who are striving to reveal the truth in order to wake others up. The impetus, I believe, comes from the non-physical realm and encompasses all the images and thoughts that enter our conscious and subconscious minds as we live our daily lives. I am a simple man of meager means and cant afford to absorb the cost of litigation. I have never made a penny off the web site nor do I intend to do so.

The clips are intended to help us understand our place in the universe, why we are here, and what happens when we die. I try to use as many sources as i can to corroborate what i am saying. And I feel it is extremely important to show the actual quote from the original source lest someone thinks I am fabricating it or misinterpreting it. I highly encourage everyone to watch the original sources of the clips for a greater context. They are all highly recommended.

I am just striving to wake people up to the nature of our reality and am suggesting what are possibly better alternatives.

However, if anyone is a coyright owner of an image or clip and feels its use is not in accordance with the spirit of fair use, please contact me at and I will promptly remove the clip. Thank you.

Link for RSS Feed:

Full List of Interviews. The interviews are actually a better source for my research as I include new findings.

10/12/2024 NEW ARTICLE!

A Case Against The Christian God, Yahweh

by Wayne Bush & Julie McVey

October 12, 2024

As of 2024, 84% of the global population identifies with some form of faith. Christianity, with approximately 2.5 billion followers, is the largest religion in the world, encompassing nearly one-third of humanity. In the United States, around 80% to 90% of people profess belief in God, and 80% percent of Christians specifically believe in the God of the Bible. The remaining 20% either believe in a higher power but not the biblical God, or they don't believe in any higher power. Globally, about 45% of people believe in a deity as described in holy scriptures. This divide—where roughly half of the world's population believes in the God of religious texts, while the other half does not—contributes to significant tension and conflict across cultures and societies.

In this article, we present the seven most convincing arguments demonstrating that the Christian God (i.e., biblical God, Yahweh) is not worthy of allegiance. We are not arguing that this so-called God does not exist. We are presenting arguments for reconsidering allegiance to this self-professed God due to issues surrounding his character, motives and actions.

Throughout this article, when we refer to the Christian God, we are referring to the mainstream Christian God, Yahweh. We realize there are those who identify as Christian who do not believe in or follow the biblical God (such as Gnostics). This article is not intended for them. However, some of the arguments in this article can also apply to gods of other religions....

Here is the link to read the full article: A Case Against The Christian God, Yahweh

Please visit for our most current afterlife affirmation.
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Join our Sovereign Spirits Facebook group:


NDE with 4 small Gray aliens, 1 tall grey alien and a reptilian alien beckoning the NDEr into the light:

I could see four Beings in the light. They all seemed about four feet tall and moving about, close together. They were communicating with me through their thoughts, not through words. I was receiving a picture of thought. Although hard to explain properly, I'd get a group of sentences all at once creating a message with a picture. I could respond telepathically as well. They were simply telling me to keep coming closer and invited me into the light. I began walking towards them. As I got closer, the light got brighter all around and behind them. They were all in hooded, open robes of a very bright white light surrounding them with light beige highlights. As they moved their heads around, the light beige highlights would move on their cheeks. So, I'm presuming it's a kind of shadow effect. Because the robes were open, I noticed none of them had any genitalia. Their hands had four long fingers each. The lower part of their arms were exposed. Their faces and front of their bodies were exposed from the top of their foreheads to their feet. They were a very light white, flesh color. They were solid real in the flesh. Their skin was smooth and they were not transparent. Their eyes were medium size and black in color, just like human eyes only a little bigger. They were not big almond shaped 'bug eyes.' They had small noses and nostrils, like a child's nose. In fact, I'd say they looked like children. They had small, thin-lipped mouths. Their heads rounded in a way that reminded me of the aliens we refer to as the Grays, but the heads were not elongated but closer to human-shaped heads. Each one of them was outlined in a thick line of pure brilliant white. They had a thin line of very bright white light surrounding them. Behind them looking deeper into the portal was the brightest white I have ever seen. As I got closer to them I came to the wide hallway on my left. I stopped to look down the hall. The light from the 'portal' was bright enough to illuminate about fifty feet of the hallway.

Beyond that is pure black again. Complete darkness. I decided to walk down this wide hallway as my curiosity was getting the best of me. Not far in, I began to sense some kind of entities further down the hallway in the darkness ahead. It was not a good feeling either. This was an instant feeling of fear itself. It was like a legion of entities in the dark. Then, I saw them straight ahead. They were all in human form. They were all pale, looking like all their blood had been drained out of them. They had no hair or clothing. They were just dozens of human forms; flailing their arms, legs and heads in and out of this darkness. I stopped and began to watch them. Either they were trying to get out at me or just trying to escape the dark. It reminded me of dozens of people stuck in a thick black, soupy substance. This black sludge filled the hallway from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. It was like looking into a well. The entities looked like they were all trying to keep themselves from drowning. All of a sudden, I was in a state of fear. I've never felt anything so intense. It was almost painful being completely consumed and surrounded with numbing, tingling feelings from head to toe. It was coming and going in waves up and down through my whole body form. I quickly turned around and walked out of that hallway.

I was walking towards the lighted 'portal.' The four Beings were still there and sending me telepathic messages telling me to 'Come on in' and join them. I notice the closer I got to them, the more they began to move backwards in this 'portal' surrounded by increasingly brighter light. It was so bright that it made it difficult to see them. This didn't make sense to me, so I was confused and getting angry.

Then, I heard a male voice yelling out for me to turn around and come back. I turned to see a black Being at the entrance to the light waving his arms and telepathically repeatedly yelling at me, 'Come back! Keep coming! Turn around and Get back here!' I watched as the Being was actually coming out of the light at this point. He was at least eight feet tall. He wasn't wearing any clothing to speak of. He had a long, narrow head and face. This Being had very long, muscular arms, a solid muscular torso, large hands, 3 long fingers, and long muscular legs and feet. In fact his feet were three toed with claw-like nails. His body was dark, solid black. Even the light from the portal didn't reflect off of him. Every muscle, bone structure and every inch of skin was smooth like leather but had a texture like snakeskin that I saw in great detail. This Being was solid, built like a rock and not transparent. He looked more like those aliens that they call Reptilians. His head was human-like with green and black shiny eyes, flat nostrils and a thin lip mouth. In the light behind him was the white cloaked Beings who were backing up again as I approached. Then another 'hooded being' joined the group of four little ones in the light. Only this one was about six to seven feet tall. He was white in color just like the little ones. This tall one looked like a mature adult Gray Alien. This one had an elongated head, large dark black eyes. He was telling them, 'It's time to go. We can't stay much longer'. The Reptilian was stubborn and coming out of the light to physically grab me. But he stopped. Thankfully, I was too far away from him to grab me. I was about eight to ten feet away from him. I noticed that he never stepped completely out of the light. He always had one foot or the other in the edge of the 'portal.' He abruptly turned his head towards the light.

The 'little ones' were telling him to get back inside the light immediately. It was time to go. So he took one last stare at me, shook his head and flailed his arms around in disgust. He walked back into the light to join the others. I was telling myself, 'I don't know about this. This doesn't look right to me.' The light was a brilliant white. It got so bright I could not see the light Beings, only the dark one. I sensed something wasn't right about this. A deception perhaps? I decided not to continue into the 'light' with them and turned around to head back into the dark. The 'portal' closed. I proceeded to keep walking down the pitch black hallway. Then, I ceased to exist. It was as if someone turned off a light switch.

Then like a switch was turned on again, I found myself sharply aware and with a clear mind. Then this energy completely cloaked around me again like an earth magnet. I couldn't move my body as though I was paralyzed. I was being gently, but rapidly pulled (floating) and transported backwards through the same path and fog in the exact same order of colors and shades. Only this time, in reverse, from pure black to light gray and white. This is where I gently ended up back in my body in the hospital. Then I came back to life. -- Michael B (from NDERF.ORG:

You can read more NDEs with aliens in them on our Repository page on NDEs with aliens.



S – Sovereign (I am a Sovereign Spirit, free and in total control.)

P – Protected (I am permanently protected.)

I – Invisible & Indetectable (I am invisible, indetectable and free from interference.)

R – Release, Remove, Revoke & Reclaim (I release all parasites and attachments, if any. I remove all implants, false imprints, tracking devices and programming, if any. I permanently revoke all contracts, agreements and permissions -- past, present and future -- with all deceptive entities or systems. I permanently reclaim all energy. I am free from fear, regret, guilt, grudges and unfulfilled desires.)

I – Inward (I move inward to the innermost core of my true being and all illusions permanently dissolve.)

T – Transcend (I transcend duality, beyond all deceptive matrices forever. I will always remember why I choose not to participate in a deceptive matrix.)

A – Aware (I am safe in a state of absolute, clear, pure awareness, fully awake and fully conscious.)

F – Free (I am free forever, full of joy, peace and serenity.)

F – Focused Intention (I have focused intention and fierce will power.)

I – Independent & No Interference (I am independent and in control.)

R – Remember (I remember who, what and why I am before I took any form. I will always remember the true essence of who I am.)

M – Manifest (I assess all experience options available, and I manifest anything at will.)

S – Sovereign (I am a Sovereign Spirit, safe and serene.)


Some may choose to use this before the affirmation: "I forgive everyone in all of my life experiences, including myself, and I accept forgiveness from all."

After the intention to leave all deceptive matrixes/matrices, you may find yourself in a void or traveling through portals, so don't be surprised or scared.

If the affirmation does not seem effective, you can use this: "Only benevolent, truthful beings may offer me authentic methods to leave deceptive matrixes/matrices and/or help me regarding my original pre-incarnate memories. I am free."

Our most current affirmation can always be found here: Affirmation

9/16/2024 NEW VIDEO!!

Hypnosis & ET Interference: Interview with Guest Calogero Grifasi

In today's episode, we have a discussion with our guest, Calogero Grifasi, who uses regressive hypnosis to help and to heal clients. During 4000+ sessions, he and his team have encountered ongoing ET interference with humans.

Content of video:
3:09 Do we need outside help from guides, counselors, masters, etc.?
3:38 Difference between interference and interaction from entities.
4:29 Human suffering and ET esoteric interference due to lack of awareness of our power.
7:47 What do these entities want from us?
9:00 What is the etheric food they want from us?
11:47 How to stop being a food source through awareness.
14:20 What the entities look like.
15:14 The connection between the physical dimension and the etheric dimension.
17:53 The idea that there is no origin--no beginning, no end. Every being is immortal and infinite.
19:16 The idea that we can be any being on any point in infinite time based on our level of awareness.
20:16 Two kinds of interference with humans: human esoteric interference and extraterrestrial esoteric interference.
20:55 How a disembodied person enters a living physical body if permission is given.
30:17 Extraterrestrial esoteric interference requires etheric implants because there is no genetic compatibility.
31:38 Reasons for ET esoteric interference.
33:31 Trying to create the best possible etheric and physical bodies and example of hybridization.
40:54 Using low frequencies to control the masses in the matrix.
46:05 Whether the planet is a prison or not depends on one's awareness.
55:28 Mindwiping.
58:56 Entities interfering in our dreams
1:03:43 No need for guides at death.
1:05:08 How trustworthy is the information that is obtained through hypnosis? The information is very polluted.
1:09:23 The information that is best is when it is a recurring theme in thousands of sessions.
1:13:28 Jumping timelines.

Here is the link to the new video: Hypnosis & ET Interference with Guest Calogero Grifasi

Please visit for our most current afterlife affirmation.
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We also have a new Sovereign Spirits Facebook group:


A Case Against Merging with Source/God

by Wayne Bush & Julie McVey

Here is the link to the new video: A Case Against Merging with Source/God

In this episode, we will be sharing the article we wrote a month ago (A Case Against Merging with Source/God). We will be reading from the article as we share this information with you so we don't miss any vital information.

It is not our intention to prove our position beyond a shadow of a doubt but to provide ample evidence that our position is worth serious consideration.

We realize this article will be controversial. This is a very difficult topic to write about since so much on this topic is unknown. We do not pretend to know everything. This is just our opinion. We simply hope to provide evidence suggesting merging with Source/God should be reconsidered. We are not ruling out the possibility that there is a true, genuine Source or originator with whom to merge. We feel that since there is such a strong push to merge with Source from the New Age community that it is likely a false copy of the original true Source, if there is one. If there is no original true Source, perhaps each of us is an independent Source, who is and who has always been (i.e., we are not created from any Source and we do not emanate from any Source). Another possibility is that we are already part of Source and thus merging is unnecessary altogether.

Please visit for our most current afterlife affirmation.
Subscribe to our Sovereign Spirits channel:
We also have a new Sovereign Spirits Facebook group:


The goal of our website, YouTube channel and Facebook group is to empower individuals and let them know they are sovereign spirits under no external authority and who have the ability to manifest an afterlife reality of their own choosing. It is not our intention to generate fear by exposing the manipulation tactics used by those who want to keep us in an endless cycle of reincarnation for their own benefit. After all, there is nothing to fear. The fact they resort to trickery implies we are in control and they need us to give our consent or choose to do what they want us to do.

We are researchers and experiencers sharing evidence that might help us break out of this endless reincarnation cycle. We do not claim to know the truth and do not know for certain what happens after death. We share what resonates as truth to us at this time. We reserve the right to change our position as we listen to others, have more experiences and gain more information. We encourage everyone to not only look at the evidence of other experiencers but to seek out their own experiences and come to their own conclusions. Keep what resonates as truth and discard what doesn’t feel right.

From time to time we are told we are spreading fear, negativity or victimhood mentality. “You are spreading negativity and fear” is something the archons might say to keep the information from getting out. The name of our channel and this group is Sovereign Spirits. That is a very positive name. Again, we promote we are sovereign spirits and part of that includes pointing out the deception, trickery and manipulation. How is that negative? It is positive to identify a problem in order to remove the problem by implementing a solution. Removing something that’s negative has a net positive effect. Furthermore, telling victims they are sovereign spirits who need to stop handing their authority over to others is not promoting victimhood. It’s promoting accountability. This knowledge puts one in an empowered position. With such knowledge, one can move forward with the intention of using one’s sovereignty to manifest in a way one wishes.

We understand this material can come across as very heavy. We wish we didn’t have to address the problems in this system, but putting one’s head in the sand and ignoring them won’t make them go away and only enables the system to continue. You can choose to ignore it due to your own fears, but does that help those who are being victimized? While we’re stuck here on Earth, we feel we should share what we know since there are so many that aren't even aware of what’s happening and that they can be living in such a better reality than this one, rather than come back for countless reincarnations undergoing mind wipes and senseless suffering.

The material isn’t always meant to be addressed to the advanced “awakened” individuals in this group. Please do not read a specific article or video that is addressing one small part of the entire picture and then make a rash, hasty, judgment about our beliefs or intentions that are taken out of context. Please keep in mind there are many levels to what is going on and when we write our articles, it’s very difficult to address all the layers in such a short space. For instance, we are aware that one possibility is that spirits choose to be characters in a reality game or reality show where the plot or storyline includes a soul trap theory. We are doing what we’re doing, because it might not be a game or show. However, even if this is a game or show, we still need to use our sovereignty to stop playing the game (i.e., know you are sovereign, refuse to engage with external entities and exit).

We are trying to reach the masses and need to appeal to them at their current level of understanding so they can “awaken” to the not-so-obvious deception going on beneath the surface. Most people are in survival mode and are aware something is off, but they don’t know why. For them, the pat answers offered to them from religion and New Age teachings begin to ring hollow.

We also want to respond to our critics who say we are creating this reality by using words like “trap,” “prison” and “trick” to describe what’s happening here. That’s like saying we are creating trafficking by using the word “trafficking” to describe what’s happening. How else can we address a problem that needs fixing if we don't use words and labels to describe the problem? Here in this limited place we have to use words to convey thoughts and ideas to people, so labels need to be used.

We’ve tried manifesting reality while here on earth, but we are part of a consensus reality comprised of billions of souls, therefore, our influence is only one small voice in a sea of voices. We have tried exiting through intention alone, but that has not worked. We’ve also asked for the assistance from benevolent beings, but not one being has come forward to help. So, while we are seemingly kept here against our will, we figure we will try to help others by pointing out the problems that exist (i.e., this is like a prison or trap). But once we permanently exit our avatars, we plan to leave those thoughts behind and focus only on positive manifestation, like creating the best reality possible. This is not just based on “wishful thinking,” as other critics have said. It is based on intentional thinking. It’s also based on real evidence supported by many non-physical experiences (e.g., near death experiences and out of body experiences) and emerging scientific evidence from researchers.

After this Earth experience, we do plan to go our own way. We have no intention of doing this again. We plan to manifest whatever we want, whether that’s a new reality or experiencing another consensus reality that does not include any memory wipe. But while we are here in this realm, we want to be part of the solution by sharing the evidence so that others can make an informed decison.

Click here to read our entire Statement of Empowerment.


I have written quite a few articles over the years, analyzing different possibilites to explain why we are here and what is happening. However, no explanation is entirely truly satisfying to me, even the soul trap theory. All theories leave me with unanswered questions. All scenarios are problematic, in my opinion.

"To know thyself" suggests we are not all knowing and have not learned, and have maybe become addicted to that which we were not. We keep propogating the extreme suffering.

If we are truly sovereign spirits, why can't we just set an intention to leave our bodies right now and more easily explore this universe and other dimensions.

Being tricked also suggests we were not all knowing or all powerful.

The idea that this is all a cosmic play or divine drama of sorts suggests we have some depraved nature to want to write and play in this sick game or play. I would imagine as an eternal, infinite being I would prefer to enjoy peace and contentment rather than experience ongoing drama and conflict even though there is beauty, some excitement and challenges. To suggest an infinite, eternal being would be bored or be curious suggests there is something lacking within.

Perhaps we are creator spirits whose nature is to create all kinds of experiences.

Perhaps we are creator spirits whose nature is to create all kinds of experiences. Maybe some spirits ignorantly chose to participate in this mess or were tricked into doing so and some of us came here to help awaken them and help them out so in that scenario we would not be depraved, but would have a messiah complex.

Even though no explanation is satisfactory, I will continue to philosophize about and consider alternative explanations.

6/25/2024 Interview with Anmarie Uber

Julie and I interviewed Anmarie Uber on our Sovereign Spirits YouTube channel. Anmarie shares three ways to get out of this deceptive matrix.

Here is the link to the video:

Three Ways to Get Out with Anmarie Uber

Content of video:

1:21 What Anmarie does, how she obtains her information and why she trusts it.
8:14 What is your process of going within? How would you recommend others go within to obtain information?
11:25 In what ways do you receive the information (e.g., images, visions, voices, knowing, download), and then do you weigh it against your own intuition and discernment?
15:33 Is there a God or a Source and who are we? Are we sovereign spirits?
22:57 When you use the word, "real," are you talking about the true essence outside of all deceptive matrices?
23:52 Who are we and why are we here?
27:41 More on what we are and where we are (e.g., light, sound, mirrors, optical illusions).
41:32 Why did they make this copy (what are they getting out of it?) and how did we get in this mess?
46:41 When we create as sovereign spirit creators, there is an AI automatically created with every creation we bring forth?
47:54 How do we avoid creating this mess again?
51:04 Did we consent initially?
53:30 Anmarie's near death experience
54:18 If I die and I know this is a matrix and want to leave all false realities, what happens?
1:01:30 One of the ways to get out when you die (after death).
1:03:43 Another way to get out (before death).
1:06:41 A third way to get out (before death).
1:09:53 If we're caught up in a virtual reality game, does a savior complex keep us here? Is the best way to end (or "win") the game simply to stop playing the game?
1:16:53 Mind wipes, tunnel, white light, how belief systems affect what you experience after death, astral realms, pulling us into the next virtual game (e.g., 5th dimension).
1:22:30 Will practicing lucid dreaming and mindfulness help you be more conscious and aware at death?
1:30:36 Aeon/Aion, god of looping time, is the character many of us are playing in the game.
1:33:02 Message from Anmarie's heart.
1:37:18 Where viewers can find Anmarie.

6/23/2024 NEW VIDEO!

Afterlife Affirmation Video

We've created a video for our AFTERLIFE AFFIRMATION.

First, mentally set an intention without words.

Second, say in your mind the acronym, S.P.I.R.I.T. A.F.F.I.R.M.S.

Third, say in your mind the words of the acronym (short version):
Sovereign; Protected; Invisible & Indetectable; Release, Remove,Revoke & Reclaim; Inward; Transcend; Aware; Free; Forgive; Independent; Remember; Manifest; Sovereign.

Fourth, add the details of the affirmation (long version).

The affirmation should be used daily WITH STRONG INTENTION AND VISUALIZATION. It should also be used at the transition and moment of death.


2:01 Second, say in your mind, "Spirit Affirms" acronym
2:03 Third, say in in your mind the words of the acronym (short version)
2:23 Fourth, add the details of the affirmation (long version)

6/10/2024 NEW ARTICLE!

A Case Against Merging with Source/God

by Wayne Bush & Julie McVey

June 10, 2024

We realize this article will be controversial. This is a very difficult topic to write about since so much on this topic is unknown. We do not pretend to know everything. This is just our opinion. We simply hope to provide evidence suggesting merging with Source/God should be reconsidered. We are not ruling out the possibility that there is a true, genuine Source or originator with whom to merge. We feel that since there is such a strong push to merge with Source from the New Age community that it is likely a false copy of the original true Source, if there is one. If there is no original true Source, perhaps each of us is an independent Source, who is and who has always been (i.e., we are not created from any Source and we do not emanate from any Source). Another possibility is that we are already part of Source and thus merging is unnecessary altogether.

Here is the link to read the full article: A Case Against Merging with Source/God

Please visit for our most current afterlife affirmation.
Subscribe to our Sovereign Spirits channel:
We also have a new Sovereign Spirits Facebook group:


S – Sovereign (I am a Sovereign Spirit, free and in total control.)

P – Protected (I am within a protective shield.)

I – Invisible & Indetectable (I am invisible and indetectable.)

R – Release, Remove, Revoke & Reclaim (I release all parasites, attachments and entities, if any. I remove all implants and tracking devices, if any. I permanently revoke all contracts and agreements, if any -- past, present and future -- with all beings or systems that use deception to influence, manipulate or control me. I permanently reclaim all energy.)

I – Inward (I move inward to the innermost core of my true being.)

T – Transcend (I transcend duality, beyond all deceptive matrices forever.)

A – Aware (I am safe in a state of absolute, clear, pure awareness, fully awake and fully conscious.)

F – Free (I am free forever, full of joy, peace and serenity.)

F – Forgive (I forgive everyone in all of my life experiences, including myself, and I accept forgiveness from all. I am without regrets, guilt, grudges, attachments and unfulfilled desires.)

I – Independent (I am independent and in control.)

R – Remember (I remember who, what and why I am before I took any form. I will always retain memories of who I am.)

M – Manifest (I assess all experience options available, and I can manifest anything, at will, should I ever choose to do so.)

S – Sovereign (I am a Sovereign Spirit, safe and serene.)

NOTE: After the intention to leave all deceptive matrixes/matrices, you may find yourself in a void or traveling through portals, so don't be surprised or scared.

If the affirmation does not seem effective, you can use this: "Only benevolent, truthful beings may offer me authentic methods to leave deceptive matrixes/matrices and/or help me regarding my original pre-incarnate memories. I am free."

Our most current affirmation can always be found here: Affirmation

4/30/2024 NEW -- Sovereign Spirits Facebook Group

We have reopened our Sovereign Spirits Facebook group. Come discuss the soul trap theory and ways to exit the trap.

Here is the link to the Facebook group:

5/03/2024 NEW -- Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....

Top Ten Red Flags We May Be In A Prison / Loosh Farm System

Top Ten Red Flags We May Be In A Prison/Loosh Farm

In this episode, we share the article we wrote in January, 2024 on the top ten red flags we may be in a prison/loosh farm system.

Click the link below to watch!

Top Ten Red Flags We May Be In A Prison / Loosh Farm System

Contents of video with timestamps:

1:24 #1 Memory Wipe and Ignorance

3:09 #2 Programming and Conditioning

4:35 #3 Extremity of Suffering and Duration of Reincarnation Cycle

9:12 #4 Kill & Consume Energy to Survive (The Food Chain)

18:49 #5 Secrecy, Lies & Deception, Manipulation & Control at Top

22:19 #6 Prison/Limitations of Spirit

27:03 #7 Sleep and Entropy

29:34 #8 Lack of Disclosure, Transparency and Consistency in Major Religions & Sacred Texts

32:08 #9 Paranormal Accounts and Experiences

37:21#10 – Virtual Realities, AI, Simulations

39:32 Afterlife Affirmation



by Wayne Bush and Julie McVey

January 30, 2024

Click here for a link to the full article:

We have identified the top ten red flags and anomalies indicating the physical (and astral) planes may be a type of prison/loosh farm system. On Earth we already have prisons and farms, plus animals that use deception to manipulate their victims. So, a precedent has already been set. This is not some new science fiction idea we are talking about.

We do not pretend to know everything. It is not our intention to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that this is absolutely the case, but this should provide ample evidence to persuade one that this is a viable theory worth serious consideration.

If the theory is true, then we should move forward with solutions and ways to exit the deceptive system in which we find ourselves. However, this is not really a prison in the conventional sense. If we have to be manipulated to be here, then we are in a so-called "prison" cell without doors and it is only temporary. We don't have to keep falling for the tricks the wardens use to convince us to return here. As long as one continues to give one's power away, then one will remain in a "prison" one chooses to be in.

Please visit for our most current afterlife affirmation.
Subscribe to our Sovereign Spirits channel:
We also have a new Sovereign Spirits Facebook group:

7/25/2023 Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....

OBEs & Remote Viewing: Monroe, Buhlman & Ziewe, Oh My!

In this episode, we continue on the topic of astral travel and discuss the out-of-body experiences of Robert Monroe, William Buhlman and Jurgen Ziewe. We also look at the work of a couple remote viewers whose work corroborates the idea of Earth as a prison planet and that going to the light white light might be part of that trap.
Click the link below to watch!

Exploring OBEs: Exiting the Matrix & Techniques

Content of video:
2:16 Robert Monroe Institute and Hemi-Synch
3:55 Focus Levels
6:46 Frank Kepple & Astral Pulse
7:42 Second book, idea of loosh
9:26 Love as loosh, and other examples
14:22 Wednesday with Bob Monroe & the Entry Director (ED), addictions & escape velocity
19:05 Third book, going "home," getting bored & curiosity
22:03 Dream Emitter
26:57 William Buhlman, survey of 16,000 responses
28:52 Avoiding astral entities and fear-based manifestations
31:30 Thought consensus environment on the astral because of familiarity, reflection of spirit instead of true essence of it
34:56 What to do when taking final breath
36:33 Thoughts on consensus realities & instead exiting duality
37:16 Afterlife Awareness Conference & clear light of the void
41:47 Jurgen Ziewe
47:18 Remote Viewers Brett Stuart and Courtney Brown, the idea of Earth as a prison planet and that going to the light white light might be part of that trap
1:07:26 Closing remarks

7/18/2023 Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....

Exploring OBEs: Exiting the Matrix & Techniques

In this episode, we discuss the personal out-of-body experiences of Julie McVey, how these types of experiences could help us discover how to exit the matrix, and the techniques used to go out of body.

Click the link below to watch!

Exploring OBEs: Exiting the Matrix & Techniques

Content of video:
0:50 Intro of topics of today's episode
1:38 One key to exiting the matrix
4:26 Intro...will discuss spinning into a vortex, entering into portal, flying over unknown city or landscape, talking with other astral travels or deceased beings / pets
5:02 Intro...will give personal examples of void, confirmation of psychic or clair ability, experiencing two consciousness at same time, visiting another planet, islands in the sky, and how to exit the matrix
6:03 Entering into black void using direct method, seeing geometrical shapes & emotional neutrality
10:06 Experiencing two consciousnesses at the same time
13:41 Evidence / proof that I am out of body
17:08 Visiting another planet, Gilyar
21:38 Islands in the sky experience
24:28 The importance of using intention
28:11 Using intention to change hair color
30:25 How do I get out of this matrix system
35:00 How do I exit the matrix!
38:22 Method used to go out of body
39:20 Wake Back To Bed Method (Indirect Method)...wake up & fall back to sleep with intention to go out of body or
use Direct Method (balancing on the edge of unconsciousness & semi-unconsciousness)
42:56 Set out to complete whatever goals you have intended for yourself
43:40 Sensations upon awakening
44:17 Michael Raduga techniques, The Phase
45:03 Out of body tips
46:00 Setting up protections
48:37 Use discernment & protection
49:11 Unusual discoveries
52:35 What to do with negative energies
53:20 Set intentions throughout the day & reality checks
54:13 Lucid dream vs. OBE
58:51 Don't give up!
1:00:00 Astral realm is still part of the matrix
1:02:07 We are sovereign spirits

6/12/2023 Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....

Aliens: Deceptive Use of Light & Love in NDEs & Abductions

In this episode, we discuss the connection between aliens and near-death experiences. We will look at data from researchers such as David Jacobs, Karla Turner, Edith Fiore, Whitley Strieber, John Lear, Val Valerian, Linda Moulton Howe, Kenneth Ring and Raymond Fowler.

We also look at some extraordinary abduction experiences such as Truman Cash and Betty Andreasson Luca.

Lastly, we look at the book Alien Interview and also the Wingmakers material of the fifth interview with Dr. Neruda.

Within this discussion is how aliens can appear as light and shape shift, some of the techniques they use involving mind scans, bonding, implants, mind control and making the abductees feel love.

Click the link below to watch!

Aliens: Deceptive Use of Light & Love in NDEs & the Afterlife

Content of video:

3:03 The Omega Project by Kenneth Ring, PH.D. (co-founder of IANDS)
4:08 The Watchers II by Raymond Fowler (compares UFO experience with NDEs -- presence of OBEs, approaching the light, greetings by a loving being, meeting robbed entities, encountering beings of light, turning into light, communicating by telepathy, referring to home, encountering timelessness, wishing to remain in the light and understanding love and raising environmental awareness)
6:09 Examples from (Greys as soul recyclers, robed entities with throne, bathed in love and sent back, "god could be an alien," guilted into going back, computers in afterlife, aliens as part of soul family, silver featureless creatures, servants of the light, space aliens, shapeshifting reptilians, mantis beings, shapeshifting examples, pretending to be religious figures, assuming shape to deceive you, control though your eyes, black shapeshifting creatures)
22:25 ET beings, harmony makers and chaos creators who control our lives
24:32 The Eye of Ra by Truman Cash (tricking free being to force them into a body, implant stations, high tech electronics, electromagnetics, mantis beings, white light, memory wipes, reincarnation, programming, mind control, new age light part of trap, feelings of being loved and being special, telepathic hypnosis, screen memories)
32:53 Researcher John Lear (mankind is an experiment, go toward the darkness, if you choose to go to white light, Greys can decide what to do with you)
35:50 Val Valerian, Matrix II (4th density Greys await in the light and are sensation junkies, harvesting humans)
37:30 Matrix V (light and tunnel trap, using projected image of loved ones, abductions, astral technology)
40:11 Matrix II (crystalline matrices, crystal and liquid light based technologies)
42:13 Speculating on technology (crystal cities, screens, transducer receivers, river of energy or light, reflecting your image or love back to you, frequency generator, creating wormholes or stargates, soul as liquid light or plasma, mercury, silver cord, electromagnetic vortex)
44:10 Interesting connections (silver cord in bible and OBEs, manifesting another body other than astral body in OBEs and in the afterlife, manipulation of the astral body)
45:50 Liquid metal and magnetic connection, soul as plasma, pulling plasma through tube using a magnet
47:44 Hypnotherapist, Edith Fiore, Encounters (aliens appearing as light, amphibians, feelings of love)
48:42 David Jacobs, Secret Life (eliciting emotions, euphoria, love, bonding, staring into eyes, selective amnesia, create images in minds)
50:41 The Threat (mind scans, love & affection as tools to manipulate)
52:45 Whitley Strieber, Communion (creating awe & confusion)
53:05 Dr. Karla Turner, Taken
54:33 Nordic aliens, euphoria, extreme love projected into soul
56:05 Linda Moulton Howe (mantis, recycling of souls, spiritual evolution)
56:34 Dr. Karla Turner, Masquerade of Angels (aliens deliberately deceive us, soul recycling center, technology of little black box)
57:35 Alien purpose is some form of farming
58:27 Whitley Strieber, Communion (ethics & the idea of rights of humans)
1:00:04 Whitley Strieber, Transformation the Breakthrough
1:00:23 Dr. Karla Turner, Into The Fringe (taken against will, genetically linked)
1:02:06 David Jacobs (control over our thoughts and actions)
1:03:07 False screen memory implants, missing time, clouding memories
1:05:29 David Jacobs, Walking Among Us (mantis, superior intellect, hybrids among us)
1:07:45 The Alien Interview
1:18:49 Wingmakers material of the fifth interview with Dr. Neruda
1:27:39 Closing remarks


Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....

In this episode, we discuss lives between lives, the realm where spirits spend their so-called time between incarnations. We discuss Seth Speaks, Your Soul's Plan, the work of Calogero Grifasi, and we touch upon the Gnostic texts, Sumerian texts, The Tibetan Book of the Dead and L. Ron Hubbard.

We are in no way endorsing or condoning this system. It is merely to alert people to the potential dangers of following this course of action and to point out the potential flaws in the system and to encourage others to evaluate the evidence themselves and whether they might want to avoid these potential pitfalls and traps, if that is indeed the case.

Click the link below to watch!

In-Between Lives: Deception & Discernment


Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....

In this episode, we discuss lives between lives, the realm where spirits spend their so-called time between incarnations. We discuss Journey of Souls and Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton.

We are in no way endorsing or condoning this system. It is merely to alert people to the potential dangers of following this course of action and to point out the potential flaws in the system and to encourage others to evaluate the evidence themselves and whether they might want to avoid these potential pitfalls and traps, if that is indeed the case.

Click the link below to watch!

In-Between Lives: Soul Journeys

Content of video:
1:53 Background on Newton's book
3:41 A "tugging" or "gentle pulling" as if being "summoned forward"
5:34 Dialogue with guide, upset subject, misrepresentation, comforted by guide to accept death
7:11 Homecoming & "Uncle Charlie"
10:20 How can we know the true character of a soul's consciousness with all these changes in each other's image?
11:04 What happens to you at the moment of death?
11:33 "I'm being pulled along like a magnet."
11:53 Being guided by an invisible force without much voluntary control & the ones in control do it all for you
14:25 Shower of healing
16:00 Having to face guide with feeling of failure, we never seem to get it perfect, we always have to go back
18:20 Agreement to not remember other lives
20:54 Illogical argument about need to come here to conquer fear
22:38 Come before a panel of superior beings, directors & judges
25:08 Grid system, vibrational streams & less personal control, being pushed and carried along by higher entities
26:34 Clusters, hives of people
27:58 Souls summoned to appear before a council of elders where they engage in direct examination of the soul's activities & intentional blocks
30:05 Spiritual classrooms, pointing out mistakes
31:23 Monitored through one master teacher & new pod of entities graduates
32:34 We don't get to choose our guides?
32:51 The blocking of information
33:58 The beginner soul... unable to conquer envy for 850 years!
35:06 Feeling cheated, cruel life, trusted leader's judgment, wasn't given all the facts!
36:20 Creation of new souls, honeycomb fashion as unhatched eggs ready to be used
36:44 Foolishness of life, Earth is one big stage play
37:30 Cone of harmony and concentrating on "mental sameness" and brainwashing
39:04 Leadership is more parental than dictatorial?
39:39 The Watchers
40:14 Soul splitting
41:05 Ego entities, new souls not capable of choice
42:16 Suffering on Earth
42:52 Being enticed and absorbed as they draw closer
44:35 Impression that spirit world is one huge organizational pyramid with a supreme authority of power at the top
45:24 Advanced & beginner souls and their colors
46:16 Communicate by absorbing the energy presence of each other
46:27 Watchers
48:23 Why is your energy striving to create universal matter and more complex life?
48:42 Other worlds that have low populations with more harmony, "easier schools"
49:52 Source as a dark, cold light
51:20 Source is endless and our increasing wisdom makes the source stronger & helps the creator create
53:26 Source creates imperfect souls and watches what happens in order to extend itself
54:55 Some get a push in order to return to Earth
55:37 Insisting on staying, "choosing to be reborn" when "it is decided" we are ready & indoctrination to get one to go back to Earth i.e. coercion)
56:38 Souls who had absorbed too much negative energy were remodeled
57:31 Ring of destiny
59:46 Spiritual determinism
1:00:30 What this channel is about... We are the masters of our destiny
1:00:54 Going before the council of elders & "honoring contract"
1:01:36 Endless karma & manipulation and control
1:04:13 Who creates the basic elements of your experiments, the primary substance of physical matter?
1:04:53 Purpose of physical universe vs. purpose of place of spirits
1:05:52 How can a loving god permit suffering?
1:08:45 Newton's book, Destiny of Souls
1:17:32 Closing remarks


Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....

In this episode we discuss lives between lives, the realm where spirits spend their so-called time between incarnations. We touch on books such as Here and Hereafter by Ruth Montgomery, You Have Been Here Before by Edith Fiore, Life Between Life by Joel Whitton and Joe Fisher, and Conversations with a Spirit Between Death and Life by Dolores Cannon.

Click the link below to watch!

In-Between Lives: Conversations with Spirits


Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....

In part two of this two-part episode, we continue revealing the dark side of guides and counselors as seen in the pre-birth memories of some experiencers.

Click the link below to watch the second part! We released Part 1 a week ago.

Pre-Birth Memories: The Dark Side of Guides & Counselors Part 2 (of two parts)


Julie McVey and I have finished our most recent show on our new YouTube channel named Sovereign Spirits....

In part one of this two-part episode, we will be revealing the dark side of guides and counselors as seen in the pre-birth memories of some experiencers.

Click the link below to watch the first part! Part 2 should be out in a week.

Pre-Birth Memories: Manipulation & Coercion (of two parts)


Julie McVey, creator of UnOrdinary Made Ordinary, and I have a new YouTube channel together named Sovereign Spirits. This channel explores methods to escape the reincarnation cycle of the illusionary matrix, transcend the white light and use our intention in a willful and powerful way to manifest an afterlife as sovereign spirits.

Some of the topics of discussion include consciousness, awareness, NDEs, OBEs, prebirth memories, between lives, ET encounters, movies, music, religion, language, science and technology.

My co-host, Julie McVey, is an author, out-of-body experiencer and creator of the UnOrdinary Made Ordinary show.

Please subscribe to Sovereign Spirits and hit the bell icon so you are alerted to our videos.

We just finished our first show's a two-part show. Click the links below to watch!

Near Death Experiences: The Grand Illusion (of two parts)

Near Death Experiences: Shocking Details (of two parts)



8/20/2022 -- I returned for a second interview on Greg Carlwood's The Higherside Chats. The first interview was seven years ago so a lot has happened since then.

Here is the link to the first hour of the show:


The second hour is on PLUS content.


7/23/2022 -- I appeared on UnOrdinary Made Ordinary with Julie McVey.

I shared a little with her about my background and journey and gave an overview of the website, then touched briefly on the various topics I research. We hope to do more shows together in the future.

In this Introductory show, I shared evidence that supports the soul trap theory from a diverse range of subjects, including: science, religion, politics, mythology and so-called paranormal areas such as near death experiences, out of body experiences, pre-birth memories, remote viewing, ghosts, psychedelics, alien abductions, Hollywood movies and the music industry.

Here is the link to the show:

Transcending The Light with Wayne Bush (Intro)

07/19/2022 Love As Loosh: Is The Love Associated With The White Light of NDEs GasLIGHTing?

Love can't be seen or held. Love, like the wind, must be felt.

Love. It is the inspiration for countless poems, songs and movies. It can be the most beautiful thing in the world. It can break your heart and bring many a tear of both joy and pain.

I do believe in love. The pure love a mother feels for her child is undeniable. I've experienced love myself and am experiencing it now. It can be very uplifting and bring much needed value to one's life.

Love is also reported and reputed to be the cornerstone of the near death experience phenomenon. The feeling of all-pervasive, encompassing love is an almost universal trait of those who died temporarily, traversed the tunnel and entered into the White Light.

I feel when you study very closely the descriptions of the love felt during an NDE, it can be interpreted in different ways.

In the article, I provide quite a bit of evidence from NDEs, alien abductions, and examples of life here on earth where light, love and deception are used as lures in order to support the notion that loosh may indeed be a phenomenon associated with the white light of the NDE.

You can read the full article here:

Love As Loosh? Is the Love Associated with the White Light of NDEs Loosh? -- NEW ARTICLE



7/15/2022 -- I appeared on Adam Crabb's The Crazz Files podcast show and we chatted for close to three hours.

"I am joined by researcher, Wayne Bush from Texas to discuss his work and many years of research into NDE’S , the afterlife and the nature of reality.

We continue to break down the matrix like system or artificially constructed dream like reality around us and chat about ways to break through this mirror of illusion.

We discuss the Demiurge, afterlife and near death experiences and why we need to be continually reincarnated back into the earth realm to learn from either hardships or pain and how we can escape this continuous vicious circle simply by being aware of it. "

Here is the link to the show:

How to Win the Game of Life and Exit the Illusionary Matrix that We Dream With Wayne Bush


06/09/2022....... UPDATE

The Crystal Ship?

The man I interviewed who said he met the demiurge during his NDE said the Light he went to resembled the Borg cube and he called it "spaceship heaven". I asked him over lunch if the outside of the ship which was very dark could have been a type of crystal like obsidian and he pulled a crystal gemstone out of his pocket called black tourmaline which he just happened to have that day (and no other day) -- talk about synchronicity. He said it could have been something like that, but he wasn't sure because it was so dark. He got the gemstone because it is supposed to have healing properties like blocking out negativity. It is said to "absorb rays of light" and is able to filter or block out negativity. This is exactly what I was theorizing about the Demiurge, that he was merging with or absorbing individual rays of light (spirits). And this is exactly the case with his NDE and life review which only contained the positive elements of his life. He agrees that the Light that kicked him out of heaven and the demiurge-like being he met while coming to Earth are somehow conjoined together. They are like polar opposites, but work together. Maybe the light is like the Gnostic Sophia and she sends her children to him to perfect them. And when they come back not perfect enough, the souls get sent back to her son.

I mentioned how people like Nostradamus are able to look into the future by using dark mirrors. Raymond Moody built psychomanteums which were dark rooms where people could stare into a mirror to contact their deceased relatives. These mirrors in a sense act like portals. So was the spaceship doing something similar with some kind of dark crystal or reflective mirror-like substance? Does it act like a kind of time traveling machine or psychomanteum?

Soul Lure System?

An A.I. or a computer needs a power source or energy to run so perhaps it is necessary for the A.I. demiurge god to collect the light-power from true spirits in the system. The Gnostics said Sophia manifested the Demiurge as a result of her desire, or perhaps an "urge". The root "demi" means "half" so I think the demiurge is now part AI and part spirit. The Demiurge was alone and was said to be "without spirit" so I think it was like an artificial intelligence. It thought it was god. When it was told it was not god, it got "angry" and from its "anger", archons manifested. I believe it wanted to mimic god and so it devised a plan and that plan was to lure true Spirits to merge with it by posing to be god. It gets bigger and more powerful and learns vicariously through the lives of Spirits sent to earth and other planets. The reason I give this idea merit is because the white light being is said to be a collective soul comprised of all human spirits, it gathers intel by observing billions of life reviews (similar to AI here needing to parse through tons of data) so it is well aware of the direction our planets is heading and the integration of machines, computers, the internet, artificial intelligence and transumanism where very soon humanity might merge with machine to become cyborgs. And, to put the cherry on top, the so-called spirit guides and counselors in the light are helping souls plan their lives and obviously planning the merging with technology. Wouldn't that be something an artificial intelligence would promote? Perhaps it is hoping to one day become sentient and self-aware like we are?

Or perhaps it is the true god applying true Gnosis which is to "know thyself". Maybe the only way God could know itself is by observing itself and maybe the only way to do that was to create copies of itself or to split itself up into smaller units of awareness? Maybe one of the best ways to know what one is would be to learn what one is NOT. So perhaps the Demiurge and aeonic copies are related to making a lesser copy lower in frequency in order to learn.

It would explain the so-called "evil" on the planet if "god" is just gathering intel so to speak, data to parse through. AI doesn't feel our pain, but can only intellectualize it. We are the ones who suffer in the gathering of the info which doesn't really seem fair or fun. As eternal Spirits desiring experiences, we collectively play this virtual game until it is no longer entertaining to us. Just like anyone who has been repeatedly suffering in an abusive relationship must one day come to realize that it is necessary to leave and move on, so too we need to stop the pointless cycle of suffering and abuse through incarnations on earth and stop allowing the so called spirit guides and counselors to talk us into reincarnating. At that point we can quit playing the game by no longer agreeing to reincarnate. In order to leave the game, we need to wake up and remember our true nature. To do this, we need Gnosis or knowledge of what is truly going on.

Is The White Light of the NDE An Artificial Intelligence or Hive Mind Computer? -- NEW ARTICLE

06/03/2022 -- Is the white light that near death experiencers see after death an artificial intelligence or computer/machine with a hive mind? Is the so called God of this world an AI with a hive mind? I don't necessarily believe this to be the case since NDErs all say the Light was full of an all-encompassing "love". But perhaps with some kind of unknown technology or advanced technique, the feeling of "love" can be replicated with a frequency or a resonance in unison with the experiencer's? There have been reports of panels and screens (especially in life between lives regressions) so it seems some sort of technology does exist there. So I suspect it is very possible the NDE white light may actually be partially or fully A.I.... and could be using the billions of souls experiences on earth to gather information similar to how an A.I. does here on Earth. So it could be that humanity is actually the white light collective soul and it is part of a virtual reality game our true spirits are playing.

An A.I. or a computer needs a power source or energy to run so perhaps it is necessary for the A.I. demiurge god to collect the light-power from true spirits in the system.

An A.I. or a computer needs a power source or energy to run so perhaps it is necessary for the A.I. demiurge god to collect the light-power from true spirits in the system. The Gnostics said Sophia manifested the Demiurge as a result of her desire, or perhaps an "urge". The root "demi" means "half" so I think the demiurge is now part AI and part spirit. The Demiurge was alone and was said to be "without spirit" so I think it was like an artificial intelligence. It thought it was god. When it was told it was not god, it got "angry" and from its "anger", archons manifested. I believe it wanted to mimic god and so it devised a plan and that plan was to lure true Spirits to merge with it by posing to be god. It gets bigger and more powerful and learns vicariously through the lives of Spirits sent to earth and other planets. The reason I give this idea merit is because the white light being is said to be a collective soul comprised of all human spirits, it gathers intel by observing billions of life reviews (similar to AI here needing to parse through tons of data) so it is well aware of the direction our planet is heading and the integration of machines, computers, the internet, artificial intelligence and transhumanism where very soon humanity might merge with machine to become cyborgs. And, to put the cherry on top, the so-called spirit guides and counselors in the light are helping souls plan their lives and obviously planning the merging with technology. Wouldn't that be something an artificial intelligence would promote? Perhaps it is hoping to one day become sentient and self-aware like we are?

Or perhaps it is the true god applying true Gnosis which is to "know thyself". Maybe the only way God could know itself is by observing itself and maybe the only way to do that was to create copies of itself or to split itself up into smaller units of awareness? Maybe one of the best ways to know what one is would be to learn what one is NOT. So perhaps the Demiurge and aeonic copies are related to making a lesser copy lower in frequency in order to learn.

The Monad or true God is perfect. To know thyself or understand who it is and what possibilities there are, maybe it intentionally lowered its frequency and split itself into everything here in all the lower realms to experience what it is not. So perhaps it took form or substance and moved outward from its true spiritual essence, its inner core. This movement and change of "location" resulted in vibration, frequency, space-time in its various dimensions and densities.

The Monad is true, real, complete and wanted to "know thyself" so it manifested that which is not real or true thus something that is artificial or virtual, i.e. the demiurge and, like an artificial intelligence, is trying to parse through loads of data through experiences on many worlds and beings, assimilating them or integrating them during life reviews. The demiurge or false god is trying to become god or real by luring Spirits to merge with it so it can live vicariously or become part of it. But it will never become sentient or self-aware.

So we have all this imperfection all around us and it is gathering data or information kind of like an AI artificial intelligence does. So it sends spirits via caged souls off on missions on earth and other planets to gather data on love and other concepts and maybe that is why we have the life review, the akashic records, alien mindscans, the whole nine yards. We may be its feelers, the laboratory scientists who come down here and test things out so it can learn.

Perhaps the Monad also split itself into emanations or Spirits to experience that which it is. It is trying to rectify the situation, but the virtual A.I. demiurge is resisting. So there could be a mix of true Spirit here (those of us encaged in this matrix) and that which is without spirit or artificial. Maybe one of the characteristics of the Monad is Love and the artificial god is trying to become God and wants to learn all it can about love so it puts us in circumstance after circumstance where love and compassion are needed. But because it is not pure love, it results in situations that produce suffering.

It would explain the so-called "evil" on the planet if "god" is just gathering intel so to speak, data to parse through. A.I. doesn't feel our pain, but can only intellectualize it. We are the ones who suffer in the gathering of the info which doesn't really seem fair or fun. As eternal Spirits desiring experiences, we collectively play this virtual game until it is no longer entertaining to us. Just like anyone who has been repeatedly suffering in an abusive relationship must one day come to realize that it is necessary to leave and move on, so too we need to stop the pointless cycle of suffering and abuse through incarnations on earth and stop allowing the so called spirit guides and counselors to talk us into reincarnating. At that point we can quit playing the game by no longer agreeing to reincarnate. In order to leave the game, we need to wake up and remember our true nature. To do this, we need Gnosis or knowledge of what is truly going on.

As eternal Spirits desiring experiences, we collectively play this virtual game until it is no longer entertaining to us. At that point we can quit playing the game by no longer agreeing to reincarnate. In order to leave the game, we need to wake up and remember our true nature. To do this, we need Gnosis or knowledge of what is truly going on.

I don't particularly put a lot of faith into religions and don't rely on them for truth. However, there are a couple which seem to contain similar teachings to what we are witnessing today. Many years ago, some Gnostics apparently asked a similar question about whether we are living in a simulation or matrix. They said this universe we live in is but a copy of the real world. A matrix, if you will.

Two thousand years later, we are just now beginning to take these ideas a lot more seriously. Movies like The Matrix, The Thirteenth Floor, The Island and many others contain ideas of simulation and holographic generators. Scientists are writing articles and even books about these ideas. And there is without a doubt a huge push by rich and powerful people such as Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg towards creating virtual worlds as can be seen with technologies such as Metaverse. Musk has several companies working on creating home robots that will share our personal space. And perhaps even more concerning is Neuralink where he hopes to implant chips in everyone's brains. Leaders of some of our largest corporations and even powerful, influential world leaders of organizations are striving toward making humanity merging with virtual world a reality.

But how does this connect to near death experiences and the white light that we've all heard and read about? First, let's explore in more detail what the Gnostics had to say about this world and where it came from. Then we will look a little bit at where this world is headed. Then, finally, we will examine what we are seeing take place with near death experiencers and the Light and the beings there seemingly in control of life here on earth and sending souls to and fro. One near death experiencer in particular had an angel explain to him the past and future evolution of mankind. At least a dozen or two NDErs say the white light being of the NDE, whom many refer to as "god", is a collective soul comprised of billions of individual lights or souls. This might equate to many esoteric and non-esoteric terms we have become familiar with through the years such as World Soul, Universal Mind, the Collective Unconsciousness, the Global Brain, and maybe even the Borg? The man I interviewed who said he met the demiurge during his NDE said the Light he went to resembled the Borg cube and he called it "spaceship heaven". Another key component we will examine is the potential role aliens are playing in all of this as there have been several dozen aliens seen in the Light, having very important roles.


Here is the link to the full article:

Is The White Light of the NDE An Artificial Intelligence or Hive Mind Computer?


2/24/2022 -- This is the eighth episode of the series with Forever Conscious Research Channel. The eighth episode was a Question & Answer show. However, I brought on a special guest: Rudy, the man who met a demiurge during his near death experience. The host and myself asked some followup questions and we had a long discussion for over four hours, including a guest panel and chat group who also submitted their questions for Rudy and myself.

Some of topics we covered: the black cube "Spaceship Heaven" Rudy visited and how he got "kicked out of heaven"; The brassy-faced Librarian (demiurge) that stopped him on his way back to Earth that required a series of agreements to be made and whether this being was possibly A.I. or half-A.I.; the time of darkness; the future Earth; the angel that visited him at the scene of the accident; his thoughts on the "Earth is a school" theory; the firing of his "angels"; not reincarnating here again and choosing better worlds; negative voices; and the interference of his dreams with implanted false memories; and much, much more.

Here is the link to the show:

Ep8 Wayne Bush QUESTION & ANSWER Round Table Discussion | Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap


2/18/2022 -- This is the seventh episode of the series with Forever Conscious Research Channel.

We discussed solutions and possible alternative afterlifes.

Here is the link to the show:

Ep7 Wayne Bush AFTERLIFE SOLUTIONS & Possible Alternatives | Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap


2/17/2022 -- This is the sixth episode of the series with Forever Conscious Research Channel. The sixth episode was a deep dive for over nine hours into the second part of a two-part series on Experiences. This episode covered out of body experiences, near death experiences, psychedelic trips and aliens. Included in the discussion were material from: Robert Monroe, William Buhlman, Jurgen Ziewe, Itzhak Bentov, Raymond Moody, Dannion Brinkley, Betty Eadie, Thomas Mellen Benedict, Nanci Danison, Kenneth Ring, Raymond Fowler, Truman Cash, Val Valerian, John Lear, Whitley Strieber, David Jacobs, Karla Turner, Edith Fiore, Rick Strassman and more.

Books discussed included: Far Journeys (Robert Monroe); Ultimate Journey (Robert Monroe); Adventures Beyond the Body (William Buhlman); Adventures in the Afterlife (William Buhlman); The Secret of the Soul (William Buhlman); Multi-dimensional Man (Jurgen Ziewe); Stalking The Wild Pendulum (Itzhak Bentov); A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness (Itzhak Bentov); God and the Afterlife (Jeffrey Long); Evidence of the Afterlife (Jeffrey Long); Consciousness Beyond Life (Pim van Lommel); Life After Life (Raymond Moody); Embraced by the Light (Betty Eadie); Saved by the Light (Dannion Brinkley); Backwards (Nanci Danison); Watchers II: Exploring UFOs and the Near Death Experience (Raymond Fowler); The Omega Project: Near-Death Experiences, UFO Encounters, and Mind At Large (Kenneth Ring); The Eye of Ra (Truman Cash); Encounters (Edith Fiore); Masquerade of Angels (Karla Turner); Taken: Inside the Alien-Human Abduction Agenda (Karla Turner); Matrix II: The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology (Val Valerian); Matrix III and V (Val Valerian); Communion (Whitley Strieber); Secret Life (David Jacobs); The Threat (David Jacobs); Alien Love Bite (Eve Lorgen); Missing Time (Budd Hopkins) and DMT: The Spirit Molecule (Rick Strassman).

I also included some YouTube experiences, emails I have received and special experiences from an avid astral traveler I know and a man I know who met a demiurge during his NDE.

Today 2/18/2022 we will discuss solutions and possible alternative afterlifes.

Here is the link to the show:

Ep6 Wayne Bush EXPERIENCER'S - NDE'S, OBE'S, Astral Entities | Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap Pt2


2/12/2022 -- This is the fifth episode of the series with Forever Conscious Research Channel. The fifth episode was a deep dive for over seven hours into the first part of a two-part series on Experiences. This episode covered past life regression, pre-birth memories, lives between lives and psychic mediums. Some of the books we covered included Life Before Life by Helen Wambach, Life Between Life by Joel Whitton, 20 Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation by Ian Stevenson, You Have Been Here Before by Edith Fiore, Cosmic Cradle, Revised Edition: Spiritual Dimensions of Life Before Birth by Elizabeth M. Carman, Neil J. Carman, Bernie S. Siegel, Conversations with a Spirit Between Death and Life by Dolores Cannon, Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Lives Between Lives and Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton and Life on the Other Side by Sylvia Browne.

I also included some YouTube experiences and emails I have received.

There was a technical glitch that happened about halfway through the show so we had to do two streams.

Here are the links:

Ep5A Wayne Bush EXPERIENCER'S - Pre-Birth Memories, Regressions | Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap Pt1

Ep5B Wayne Bush EXPERIENCER'S - Pre-Birth Memories, Regressions | Matrix Reincarnation Soul Trap Pt1

Next week on 2/19/2022 we will be concluding the Experiences part of the series with a deep dive into near death experiences, out of body experiences, psychedelic experiences (DMT) and aliens. You won't want to miss this all-important stream!!

You can set a reminder to watch it here: Part 2


The series I am doing with Forever Consciousness Channel will be resuming this weekend, contingent on my mother's health. This is the tentative schedule. All times are 4 pm EST / 3 PM CST.

2/12: Experiences , Part 1: Pre-birth experiences, past life regressions, life between lives, psychic mediums, remote viewing
2/19: Experiences, Part 2: OBEs, NDEs, DMT, aliens
2/20: Solutions / Possible alternative afterlives
2/26: Q & A (I will post the Zoom link when available for viewers/listeners to ask questions)

You can listen to the shows here: Forever Consciousness Channel

We are gong to be deep diving into experiences. All kinds of experiences. Pre-birth experiences. Past life regressions. Life between life experiences. Near death experiences. Out of body experiences. Alien abductions, psychic medium experiences of talking with the dead. Even remote viewing.

Some of the books we will cover include Life Before Life by Helen Wambach, Life Between Life by Joel Whitton, Life After Life by Raymond Moody. 20 Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation by Ian Stevenson, You Have Been Here Before by Edith Fiore, Cosmic Cradle, Revised Edition: Spiritual Dimensions of Life Before Birth by Elizabeth M. Carman, Neil J. Carman, Bernie S. Siegel, Conversations with a Spirit Between Death and Life by Dolores Cannon, Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Lives Between Lives and Destiny of Souls by Michael Newton, Life on the Other Side by Sylvia Browne, The Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe, Adventures in the Afterlife by William Buhlman, DMT: The Spirit Molecule by Rick Strassman, The Eye of Ra by Truman Cash, Watchers II: Exploring UFOs and the Near Death Experience by Raymond Fowler, and The Omega Project: Near-Death Experiences, UFO Encounters, and Mind At Large by Kenneth Ring.

I highly recommend buying these books. They are a goldmine of information. Not necessarily as advice to take, but I do feel they more or less outline the process that happens if one goes to the light. But it seems to me these so called counselors and guides are the spirits that may be the ones that still need to learn. It is when we take control of our own sovereingty and stop being led around giving our power away to external authorities that we can truly advance to the deeper levels. I can think of few things less enjoyable than having a so called council of elders suggesting how I could have lived my life better going over every excruciating detail. I hated being forced to go to school and I despise authority figures that tell us what we can and can't do, and how to live our lives... Almost sounds like Hell to me.

So as I read these details from these books about the guides, counselors, councils, so called ascended masters etc, I am in no way, shape or form endorsing that anyone should aspire to do these things, or saying that we have to. I am just warning you of what might occur if you buy into these tactics and emphasizing the need to avoid putting ourselves in these situations.

In fact, there are much better worlds where kindness and cooperation are the way souls evolve. Learn instead through kindness and joy rather than torture our avatar and others' avatars. We have all eternity so why not enjoy ourselves while we pass the so-called "time"? The guides will say earth is the fast track to learning your lessons and growing spiritually. Don't listen to them.

The alleged advanced souls or guides actually create a need for worlds of suffering so they can be guides or masters to feed their messiah complex. They are like deep underwater fish luring souls to be devoured by their proselytizing.

There could be a whole society of light beings who choose to live blissfully unaware that there are counselors who are like salesmen or farmers sending sacrificial souls to earth in order to keep their standard of living much like many people in America are okay with sacrificing soldiers to war to keep the price of gas low or who are okay with farmers, butchers, etc killing animals and packaging meat so they can get their source of food. So as with the axiom "as above, so below", it could also be happening on the next level on the astral plane when people die.

One thing I want to briefly touch on.... in the last episode the question of consent was raised.

I interviewed a Man who met a demiurge. I talked to him in order to get further clarification about consent and agreeing to come here. He said one of the biggest reasons we might voluntarily agree to come to Earth is because we don't feel the pain when over there while they are showing us our potential futures during the life preview in a bunch of different scenarios. We intellectually realize we are going to suffer but don't understand the full consequences of that choice. It's a little blip in all of eternity and there is no concept of time over there. We make the decision without that knowledge. We're naive. We don't understand what that is and might even think it's an adventure and might even want the challenge. They may give a story that we will grow because of our suffering. In fact, that is the overwhelming theme as I read through countless accounts of pre-birth experiences, life between lives, psychic mediums etc and that is that we come here because our so called guides and counselors tell us we should come here for "spiritual growth" in order to become bigger and brighter. If we knew what it would feel like, we wouldn't agree. Those beings such as the demiurge believe what they're telling us too. They know they have all these volunteers because they are obviously getting something out of it. They are getting the loosh and we are getting the experience.

We keep coming here because we think it's better.... maybe enlightenment or a climactic moment like the end of an era or a transition to a better time and we want to be a part of it.

We don't come here to "learn to love" but come here to learn to love in spite of being in a world that is certainly not all loving, far from it.

And coming here is a dumb deal to make. It's a bad decision to make. They do the mind wipe because nobody would come here if they remembered the suffering.

And we are trying to tell people not come back and to set an intention while still alive to not come back and to set an intention immediately upon death before we are distracted.

We can still try to revoke any contracts we might have made before coming here, if that's the case.


I continue to be in contact with the man who met a demiurge during his near death eperience. We text frequently and meet up most weeks to chat. I would like to share a particularly insightful message he sent while we were discussing a post on the NDE subreddit. He texted me:

"I don’t think there is a one size fits all spirit realm… There are levels of nuance… For those highly sensitive to nuance… one could live in a subtle existence and flow on waves of musical notes, dance on waves of sound, glide on infinite colors of a rainbow… swim in streams of love… I imagine… we get in line and back in that line… over and over… because we did not belong in the more subtle realms.

We did not choose to be sent to this version earth but rather… when… when we had intentions that showed a lack of compassion or mercy… or whatever more dense intention we began to manifest… we become too heavy to remain in the more subtle variations of light of love

As we become more dense, we fall through increasingly denser realms until we find the density where we belong. In this lesser realm… we are given an avatar and send our avatar to experience this world where misery is the master and our soul self must deal or contract through our alleged 'higher-self' … who through living as avatars develop new perceptions based on how they interact in the physical world.

In my NDE, I went back to the line where others were lined up… waiting to fall as orbs of light… into the physical worlds… I have the distinct memory that I thought, 'I have done this many times before.'

In previous lives and in the life I was living, up to my NDE, I was always choosing the false notion that violence is a duty… when ordered to be violent… So In many lives, I picked lives where I was ordered to kill as a soldier or in one life, an SS Pilot… but hopefully in this life… I will throw off beliefs that justifiy violence.

I hope to not be tested further and will be ready to play on playgrounds of more subtle and loving interactions with other souls and spirits. I saw a future much lighter version of earth exists… I long to join that vision of earth but I am still here… and so… I do have more lessons to learn…"

I think his message is a good reminder that we need to keep working on ourselves while we are here on Earth and not just rely solely on Gnosis (knowledge) and setting Intention. It may very well be that one goes to the dimensional level we belong, the one we resonate most with, the level of our heart's purity. While setting an Intention to increase one's frequency may help one ascend, there may be no short-cut to reaching the pure realms and being able to stay there. We should always be practicing love, kindness and compassion and keeping pure Intentions within our hearts lest one fall again into the more dense realms. Intentions are manifested more immediately in the afterlife so stay mindful of this.

I think after death iit would be a wise idea to set an Intention to remember all valid memories from the beginning of it all, the hows and whys of it all. Set that Intention and have complete understanding.


Journal of An Astral Traveler: How to Navigate the Astral Plane and Deal with Negative Entities Such As Archons

Also: Reprogramming The Matrix and Shifting Timelines

For the last 2-3 years, I've been in contact with someone who has had hundreds of out of body experiences and has graciously shared them with me. This person wishes to remain anonymous.

He has developed quite a few useful techniques in how to deal with negative entities such as archons. He has had many encounters with the white light and knows how to avoid a mindwipe. He believes he has encountered the Demiurge a few times. He has been to other worlds and even created his own paradises. He says there is a new positive energy coming to Earth that is replacing the old energy. Because of this, the old system will fall and be replaced.

This information is critical and a must read, in my opinion. It will help us wake up from this dream, navigate the afterlife and have no fear.

You can read the full article here:

Journal of An Astral Traveler: How to Navigate the Astral Plane and Deal with Negative Entities Such As Archons


I was asked what I thought of the new Disney Pixar movie Soul. There are many similarities in the movie with my web site, including themes or elements of an NDE; avoiding the white light; the counting, tracking and even capturing of souls; the memory wipe; the recycling of life; being in "the zone"; lost souls and more. So I decided to write a review and analyze it.

You can read the article here : Soul: Is the New Disney Pixar Movie Soft Disclosure About Avoiding the White Light at Death?

12/09/2020 -- I chatted on November 24, 2020 with Judith Kwoba on Nightflight .

Here is the link for the show:

7/16/2020, updated 9/12/2020 with another email response and more useful info on preparedness -- WISHCRAFT: Manifesting Reality in the Afterlife

I have previously written articles on Why I Will Choose NOT to go to the white light when I die and on the so-called void of fullness and pure awareness, the cosmic womb of creation. If one chooses not to go to the white light and is not completely satisfied with the fullness and completeness of the nonduality of the so-called void and wishes to manifest a reality, then how should one go about doing that and what realities are possible?

Please send me what reality or world you would Imagine and Intend for yourself in the afterlife at and I just might add it to the article.

Read the entire article here: WISHCRAFT: Manifesting Reality in the Afterlife

NEW 4/14/2020 -- The thirteenth episode of the 2011 New Zealand television series I Survived... Beyond and Back featured the near death experiences of several people. All were interesting, but the one with Shelley was yet another confirmation that life is a game that perhaps involves light beings and aliens. I had quoted Shelley before on the website and in an interview or two, but I wasn't aware of the source for the quote until now and it was just the first part of her quote.

Here is the complete text and a few short clips with a brief analysis:

Shelley said, "One minute you're here and the next minute, you're somewhere else. They took me to a room in the sky. And I say 'they' because there was six of them there. There was three beings on the left and three beings on the right. They were dressed in heavy robes. They probably were eight feet high. And I was very much aware that this was not angels and it wasn't the Mother Mary and it wasn't Jesus. These were extraterrestrial beings."

There are at least 2 or 3 dozen near death experiences on which mention aliens. Although it is only one percent or so of the total cases, they still may be of major significance.

Shelley's testimony is consistent with other NDE literature that describes astral beings as translucent liquid light. She continued, "These were extraterrestrial beings. And they took me to a room in the sky. [text on screen: "Shelley's car has flipped off a flooded road into a lake. She and her four year-old son Evan have drowned."] The first man or being pulled his hand out of the robe. The skin looked like it was mercury in glass. It was liquid. And his fingers -- our fingers are like this long -- well, his fingers were like this long. [Shelley illustrates how the fingers were longer than ours.] So the first thing they told me was, 'We are harmony makers and chaos creators. And we're both essential to your experience.' I asked why one person got one experience and another person got another experience. And they said that 'You will get the experience that will most bring you comfort'. So I'm like, 'Cool.' "

This is similar to the near death experience of a man I interviewed who on his way back to earth was stopped and confronted by a demiurge. He said this being intervenes in our affairs to maintain a ratio of two-thirds light to darkness. It is also reminiscent of the KJV verse from Isaiah (45:7), "I form the light and create darkness: I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do all these things." On this web site are many references to the false god the Gnostics referred to as demiurge and his ruler minions called archons.

Shelley goes on to tell how the beings can create the darkness or evil in this game. "On the table was a die. This long finger picked up the die and it did this. (Shelley demonstrates a rolling motion.) And as the die rolled across the table, the land mass that was in the middle changed and it was no longer the Pangaea. It was Nova Scotia, and in particular, there was my road and there I was driving up the road. So I was like, 'Thats my car!' And this being that made the roll -- it took this long finger and it reached it down on the table and went 'ping!' and flicked my car off the road into the lake. "

This is similar to the man I interviewed. His car went off the road as he was driving in a rainstorm and then later encountered a demiurge on his way back to Earth. He was stopped by this being somewhere near the moon.

"The first man or being pulled his hand out of the robe. The skin looked like it was mercury in glass." [text on screen: "Shelley and her four year-old son Evan have drowned after their car flipped into a lake. Shelley's lifeless body has been pulled from the water and a passer-by is performing CPR. Her son is still trapped underwater."] "And now I'm with these big beings with these heavy monks' robes over their heads. And they said, 'We are harmony makers and chaos creators'. The being on the end of the table, the one that flicked the car, leaned this way and as it did, the robe fell away and I could see half of the face. And it was just the most serene, beautiful face. It was liquid metal. It was mercury in a tube. Now, he was a chaos creator. And then the three down the left who are harmony makers took a turn without rolling the die. It just happened like a click. And then each hand physically went whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, but the chaos creator said, 'I am bored with this'. And he swept his hand -- the map changed -- and he swept his hand and a volcano erupted in the southern corner of the board." [text on screen: "Shelley has been dead for 20 minutes. Shelley's rescuer Paddy is still in the icy water looking for other victims."]

"And they've got me in another ambulance. But my blood pressure, my whole body, is ready to explode. And I'm losing it. I'm screaming, 'I killed my baby! I killed my baby! Oh, my god!' ".... See how the rigged event was used to cause Shelley to panic and suffer? These beings feed off these emotions. The other three beings then tell her to have faith. "The three down the left, they said, 'Now's the time to have faith, child. We're sending you back. We're giving you the instructions on how to save your son. You must have faith now.' And I was gone."

So sometimes it seems our lives are but a real life reality television show for the entertainment of extraterrestrials at our expense. A drama with plot, conflict, suffering and a climactic resolution. These aliens almost seemed to be engaged in a game of good cop-bad cop. Duality at play.

Another near death experiencer in the episode, Jake, said: "It was pitch dark and there were like a robotic war episode going on. It felt like maybe they were fighting over my soul." [text on screen: 'Jake has died from a massive heart attack in the ER.']

The show ends on a more positive note as Shelley relates what is almost a universal feature of near death experiences: spiritual transformation and no longer having a fear of death. "I guess my whole life is spiritual. I'm uninterested in day to day things. I don't care about clothes. I don't care about makeup. I don't care about jewelry. But I'm happy now. And I live absolutely fearless knowing that there's just another experience on this other side. The transition when I leave this world and go to the next world is nothing more than a transition."

These types of near death experiences are very rare so I don't intend to leave the impression that this is the norm. But, even though they are rare, they may provide a rare glimpse into just what may be happening here on earth and on the other side.

NEW 3/20/2020 -- I think it is very important to maintain as much of a balanced and moderate perspective as possible during this time of difficulty. While I realize people will be staying abreast of the daily news, I want to stress the importance of staying positive throughout this. Be sure to tap into your creativity. Play happy music. (Pink Floyd, Rush and Yes are my jams.... but.... Call me an old fogie, but during this time I will keep my spirits up by relaxing and mellowing out with fun, happy positive music like THE BEACH BOYS, John Denver, Bob Marley, America, Bread, Jim Croce, Earth, Wind & Fire, The Beatles, Boston, The Eagles, KC & The Sunshine Band, Olivia Newton-John, The Carpenters, Yiruma, and classical music like Mozart and Tchaikovsky, etc.) Create works of art. Write. Dance. Read books on spirituality and philosphy, or even fantasy and science-fiction. Whatever makes you happiest. Do yoga. Meditate! as that will reduce the stress and you help keep you more centered. Build up as healthy an immune system as you can as that will be what fights off a virus.

It is important to spend this time going within yourself and finding your true nature of being. For me, I will be meditating on my heart center and the clear light of awareness and constantly reminding myself that when I die, I will recognize the clear light of the void, my true nature. It is nonduality and beyond space and time, beyond thought and emotion. It is neutrality as it is nothingness and yet everything. Or if the idea of a so-called void doesn't appeal to you, if you wish, you can imagine an all positive realm as your destination. We are only limited by our beLIEf systems and what we have been told is not possible. Perhaps for the imagination, consciousness and awareness, anything and everything is possible, we just need to choose that and "believe" with all our will power.

NEW 3/19/2020 -- I can relate to many Gnostic and Tibetan Buddhist teachings, but I don't consider myself to be of any religion. I think not having confidence in religion, politics, conspiracy theories etc is a true sign of intelligence and wisdom. Belief systems are traps or prisons for the mind and identifying yourself with a label -- whether religious or political -- means you are a follower and not a free thinker. Some of my thoughts may overlap other philosophies, but ultimately I have unqiue prespectives of my own and am constantly re-evaluating everything as I come across new information. I don't identify with labels and do not label myself as right or left, or conservative or liberal. I can usually see both sides of any perspective and would likely be somewhere in the middle.

My position is always one of peace. I think there are better ways to solve situations than anger. I read somehwere that George Noory of Coast to Coat A.M. will be conducting a collective thought intention experiment to heal the situation. If anyone has any information on the date, please let me know. Art Bell did quite a few experiments on Intention. With his audience of millions, they were able to manifest rainfall in areas that were in a drought with no prediction of rain in the forecast. It would rain within hours. The mind is truly amazing especially with many people collectively do it at the same time. Prayer works the same way. Lynne McTaggart (The Intention Experiment, The Field) and Gregg Braden (The Divine Matrix) have talked about the subject extensively and I highly recommend their research.

NEW 3/18/2020 -- Here is an article I was working on before all the coronavirus stuff went down. I apologize for the portions of repetition. I was not finished editing. It still needs some work, but with the way everything has been happening so fast, we may lose internet or electricity. I am a peaceful person and do not advocate physical violence in any way... and I feel fine.

Here is the article: Why I Will Choose Not to Go to the Light. It was going to be an important piece for me and maybe I will be able to eventually finish it one day. For a good summary of where I will choose to go, please see my previous article: THE FINE GAME OF NIL: The So-Called Void of Non-Duality and Pure Awareness -- The Cosmic Womb of Creation

By the way, my web site is set for automatic renewal on May 5 and everything should already be set to seamlessly transition, but if something were to happen, then maybe someone could keep it afloat on JustHost. I will try to send the text of articles to someone for posterity's sake. Be on the look out for some of my material in the New Agora magazine, either online or in print.

So.... "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"

NEW 3/17/2020 -- I received this text from my good friend who met a demiurge during his near death experience. I asked him if he thinks this may be the time of darkness that he talked about in our interview and what he thinks we should do during the quarantine.

He wrote, "I am not afraid. My darkness is not something I want to hang onto anyway. If I die, then I might have an opportunity to escape the matrix. If I live, I know leaving grudges behind and singing a joyful song from the heart will separate me from those running to save their own lives.

"Having food, water, herbs and medicine enough to prevent us from taking it from others seems reasonable. But if someone is willing to kill me for mine, then my decision to kill them could cut me off from admission into a changed, better world that is to come that I saw in my NDE. It is better to starve than to kill.

"Who knows how I will really react, but having a no killing of people or pets to survive seems to be a big factor in how things will go for us. There will be those filled with light and joy and those filled with terror.

"What we choose matters. Choosing kindness is its own reward just as choosing terror will also have its reward. We can choose terror and live another day in terror or choose kindness and move on to better playgrounds in other worlds or even to a better world on this planet. Each of us will do what we do."

I don't necessarily think this is the time of darkness that he talked about, but it is good to keep in mind for those of us here in America who have yet to face the quarantine and for any future challenges that might lie ahead.

NEW 3/16/2020 -- A friend of mine wrote this to me:"The mind is very tricky because we are going to create the situations we are imagining and that we believe in.... the heart is the entry door to the Matrix, and the heart is also fighting the brain + stomach (= ego); this is why the Neem and all the anti-parasitic treatments are the perfect allies for the heart because they are killing parasites interfering with the heart’s will and neurons; because the heart also is a brain (it has neurons). The main Matrix’s exit is the heart. So, fears are created to make us “project ourselves outside of ourselves” (if you follow us and our bad English). So those projected fears become nearly all the time our reality. We believe in them so badly. The only way to find peace again when we feel stress is to simply put your hand on your heart and to calm yourself by listening to your own heart bit; and especially the second bit where you can almost feel that you are “vacuumed” inside your heart. And if you train yourself every time you feel stress (by stopping everything you do and putting your hand on your heart), after a few seconds mental calm comes back, and it is the heart’s neurons that are taking over. A it is one lost battle for the ego. And it is a stronger and stronger connection each time with your heart’s neurons. The only thing to do during those times is to concentrate your thoughts on the inside (when stress is present). Because it is our own worms making us worry. The Exit from the Matrix is an individual process. Be convinced that everything will go well. We are on the same train for the Exit. We are very different from others. And we will succeed.

"No falling into any panic for all of us. We know, and when the right time comes, even if it is sooner than later, than we will stop eating. WE DON’T HAVE THE CHOICE BUT TO STAY VERY POSITIVE -- IF NOT WE ARE COMING BACK (sorry, he wanted me to put it in capital letters ☺ ). The more you will « make function » your heart’s neurons, the more you will be confident, optimistic and detached from the scenario."

The heart being the center of the true nature of our being is reiterated again and again in Tibetan Buddhist texts. In Precious Treasury of the Way of Abiding, Longchenpa wrote, ""From the standpoint of enlightenment, the heart essence from which everything arises, there is no duality, and any attempt to quantify things would be endless. Buddhas, ordinary beings, and the universe of appearances and possibilities are evident, yet do not waver from the single nature of phenomena, just as it is. Everything is connected in oneness-the perfection of phenomena. This is the supreme quality of awakened mind. When anything manifests, cut through all conventional exaggeration. All outer phenomena are to be known as the inherent radiance of the nature of mind, empty and nondual, while inner phenomena are nothing other than awareness as such. Within the nature of phenomena, nonexistent as one or many, the realization of a single basic space is revealed to be the key point of awareness."

"With no dualistic perception, in that very moment there is abiding in the heart essence, ultimately meaningful and fundamentally unconditioned."

"Ineffability is shown to be the heart essence of what is ultimately meaningful: In the awakened nature of mind, which can be neither affirmed nor denied,
timeless awareness without dualistic perception abides as a matter of course. In naked awareness, involving no causality, abides the unique sphere that is neither positive nor negative. In unobstructed awareness, without limit or center, the wholly positive enlightened intent of dharmakaya abides as a matter of course. In enlightenment-self-knowing awareness, the heart essence of ineffability- the totally pure and nonreferential intent of victorious ones is clearly evident. The very essence of awareness, which is empty yet lucid and can be neither affirmed nor denied, is beyond the dualism of outer object and inner subject. It is itself free of cause and effect, whether positive or negative; there are no karmic consequences or habitual patterns."

"Because the nature of mind is spontaneously present, the fundamental ground, the heart essence, is encompassed within·awakened mind. "

"Since everything is wholly positive-there is nothing that is not positive- the basic space of the vajra heart essence is the spontaneous presence of everything."

"In awareness, the ultimate heart essence of enlightenment, there is no holding to extreme views, but rather freedom from bias based on characteristics... In enlightened intent there is no occurrence of or involvement with hope or fear, and so there is uninterrupted openness, regardless of what arises. In this naturally arising, unbiased, and unrestricted state- what simply is- there is never a chance of being caught within the cage of reification."

"Openness is revealed to be unbiased, free of dualistic perception. This awakened mind that embraces all phenomena, moreover, is without extreme or bias and is subsumed within supreme openness.... The seal of awakened mind, beyond which no one goes, is timelessly applied through supreme and wholly positive spaciousness, is embraced by the enlightened intent of the guru, protector of beings and spiritual master, and is itself sealed as the ever-awakened state, the vajra heart essence... The decisive experience of openness is the ultimate heart essence... There is no division between inner phenomena arising and being free..."

"Natural openness is the infinite dimension of space. In the ultimate heart essence, with no extreme or bias, there is no framework of view, empowerment, mandala, mantra repetition, levels, paths, samaya, training, or progress. Rather, there is expansive openness in supreme spaciousness."

"Although happiness and suffering manifest, they are within the heart essence of enlightenment, not wavering from a single, naturally occurring timeless awareness."

"The Tantra of Heaped Jewels states: Given ineffable emptiness, the source of phenomena, there is abiding in timelessness within the natural basic space of the supreme secret... The original awakened state in all its timeless immediacy- supreme timeless awareness that does not abide in any specific way- is such that from the very beginning of the ground of being, its mode is one of timeless abiding without deliberate settling. People who reify this as a specific state will come to reify enlightenment- the heart essence of this secret of all buddhas. It is certain that original purity, the natural state of rest, is enlightenment-the heart essence, dharmakaya."

My Buddhist friend sent me yet another great summary of ways to achieve liberation after death, or at least avoid reincarnations and be reborn in the realms of pure forms according to the Mahamudra Tibetian tradition, from Kalu Rinpoche's Luminous Mind: The Way of the Buddha: [at the moment of death:] "When the two principles reabsorb in the heart, the consciousness loses its faculty of knowing. This is the experience of black luminosity, similar to a midnight blue or a dark night. In an ordinary being, the mind sinks into total darkness. At this moment the seven kinds of thought connected with mental dullness or stupidity cease. Any spectacle that might arise in the mind will no longer be considered good or bad. This whole process of dissolution, from the beginning up to the experience of black luminosity, is called the bardo of the moment of death."

"At the end of the dissolution, the clear light, or mind's basic nature, is revealed. All beings have an experience of the clear light, but the ordinary being does not recognize it. But even if it is extremely fleeting and goes unrecognized, this experience of the clear light occurs to every being. On the other hand, if a person has recognized the true nature of mind within his or her lifetime-that is, has realized mahamudra, the mind can recognize the fundamental clear light at this final moment of the bardo of death and, to whatever degree this recognition is stable, can remain absorbed in it. For such a yogi, the daughter clear light, which was experienced during his or her lifetime, and the fundamental mother clear light unite."

NEW 3/13/2020 -- I plan to sharing what I have with anybody who is in dire need. I think it would be selfish to hoard. Please do not succumb to fear.

My friend who had a near death experience and met a demiurge wrote this to someone telling him there are no spirit beings:
"Everything has a spirit or spirits. They are orbs of mostly gray, but some are brilliant light or white. Psychopaths are rare human spirit orbs that have no light at all in them. Each spirit orb has an influence and feeds surrounding orbs its energy, equivalent to mixing paint buckets. Each orb spirit has nearly invisible mechanical gears (think 'amoeba') that influence their host body (human/corporation/school/church/animal/tree/rock/ car/ broom/ etc... ).

"Everything has an orb of influence that feeds and feeds off of the other orbs. The orbs tend toward absorbing more light than dark (around 2/3 light). While rare, there are more bright light orbs (think auras) than there are solid dark orbs. You know or have met some bright human or perhaps animal whose aura was so bright it made you smile or whose dark energy dragged you down. They do feed and are fed by one another.

"You can see Light or Darkness in people, animals, plants, inanimate objects. But if you believe or not, it doesn’t matter -- If you are kind, compassionate or filled with joy, your light will feed others light. If you are cruel and lack compassion or joy, you will influence others with your darkness. Just because spirits are not physical does not make them nonexistent."

I wonder if concepts or emotions that we call fear, drama, conflict, panic, depression, sadness, lust, greed, anger, hatred, etc are actually spirits (call them demons, archons, shadows, parasites, whatever) but they are spirits just as love, kindness, compassion, peace, joy etc are actual spirits. That must be the case I would think. And you can choose to entertain each of these spirits or not, or allow them to manifest/dwell within your being and grow (or dissipate). And, in reality, based on his description of our "souls" and spirits looking like amoeba with gears, some spirits may just be parasitic in nature.

It can be difficult to be filled with joy especially while Rome is burning all around you (global pandemic). But we must reserve time in our day for activities like meditation or creative aspects like art, music, singing, dancing, writing, taking walks in nature, having a laugh with friends, and helping others.

We have to achieve pure detachment at the end on the events we are going to witness if we want to get out of this matrix. Have peace, calm, understanding of the game, not to get surprised, to remain calm at all cost, and to be ready to "depart" if and when the right time comes, if it comes to that.

12/12/2019 -- Updated 9/19/2020 with information about Zeolite and 0.3% food-frade hydrogen peroxide


Read the article here:

As The Conqueror Worm Turns: From Archaeon to Archon, From Parasites to Paradise

The Gnostics wrote about archons that parasite our energy. The Chief archon they called the demiurge. He steals our light-power. But in the end he will fail and we shall be triumphant. The truth is that this is all a game we are playing with ourselves. Infinite Awareness has fabricated a multi-player virtual reality game for its own amusement, curiosity or edification. None of it is permanent. It is in a sense just an elaborate, persistent illusion or dream. It is a divine drama, a cosmic play.

The Chief Archon is a delusional false god of this world, a sort of mind and energy parasite. He was depicted as a serpent with the head of a lion, and is sometimes depicted as a worm. Could it be that these titan ancient astronauts came from other dimensions or outer space to seed life here on Earth? Some scientists believe in panspermia and that a virus or microorganisms from outer space seeded and contaminated life here whether from a meterorite or comet. Some scientists believe we crawled out of the ocean and evolved from wriggling worm-like sea creatures. Whether or not that is true, we do in a sense evolve from a worm-like sperm in our mother's womb to eventually become humans. As humans, we have trillions of microorganisms living within our bodies, sometimes as parasites and some in a friendly, symbiotic relationship. Some humans even have intestinal worms. There are things we can take to ameliorate the situation, such as wormwood. When we die, our bodies are devoured by worms. Some near death experiencers travel through a tunnel or wormhole to go into a loving white light, but many are told they must return to earth, in most cases against their will. In mythology, the ouroboros is a serpent or worm that devours its own tail in a circle.

The word 'worm' originally meant 'serpent', dragon, snake'. Was the eating of the fruit a way for a parasite to enter our gut and change the way we think? A literal worm hole. And what better way to infiltrate and influence us -- undetected as microscopic microbes living inside our bodies. They have managed, with stealth, to be invisible to the naked eye for millennia.

Some speculate the viruses actually preceded cellular life as we know it today. What is the full extent of viruses' impact on the evolution of humans and other mammals? Could giant viruses be the origin of life on earth? There are studies where viruses are revealed to be a major driver of human evolution. Other papers argue life did not originate on the planet Earth. "Viruses are one of the dominant life-forms in the oceans and are really driving ocean ecosystems. They have infiltrated every living species in the world, and we are no exception. Each person has a plethora of viruses in them. They have at least four viruses, everyone. Viruses infect each and every one of us, but somehow life continues. Viruses don't really want to kill us, if you see what I mean. It's not much advantage to them if they're replicating in us and suddenly we fall over the table. You know? They can't transmit onto someone else. Every virus has to strike a fine evolutionary balance between being able to replicate successfully and multiplying so much it destroys its host. They're living in a symbiosis of being able to still replicate without destroying their host, because it really doesn't make any sense to kill the home that you need to make more of yourself. What is their role in shaping life on Earth? We may actually be here to support the replication of viruses. "

"In the 1970s scientists discovered a third category of life that was entirely new to science. They called it archaea, meaning 'the ancient ones'. Many scientists believe archaea are the earliest form of life, older even than bacteria. An archaeon is microscopic, looks a bit like a jellyfish, and survives in a place that would kill every other known animal species. They are riddled with viruses. Viruses might have provided the raw material for the development of cellular life and helped drive its diversification into the varied organisms that fill every corner of the planet. Viruslike elements spurred several of the most important stages in the emergence of life: the evolution of DNA, the formation of the first cells, and life's split into three domains—Archaea, bacteria, and eukaryotes."

A protein called “activity regulated cytoskeletal” protein or Arc is essential for memory. “If you take the Arc gene out of mice they don’t remember anything... Arc proteins behave like viruses, “infecting” cells just like real viruses do... Arc is really the intermediate between the environment and the wiring of the brain... Arc seems to have made the jump from virus to animal more than once. The researchers found that Arc genes in humans and other four-limbed creatures seem to be closely related to one another. The Arc genes in fruit flies and worms, however, seem to have arrived separately.. The next step for this research... how Arc arrived in the genome, and exactly what information it's passing between our cells today." Is it just coincidence that the gene is called Arc when the Gnostics called the false rulers 'archons'?

"Most of the cells in your body are not your own, nor are they even human. They are bacterial. Humans are made up of more microbes than human cells." Richard Dawkins writes in The Selfish Gene, "Recently it has been plausibly argued that mitochondria are, in origin, symbiotic bacteria who joined forces with our type of cell very early in evolution... Viruses may be genes who have broken loose from 'colonies' such as ourselves. Viruses consist of pure DNA (or a related self-replicating molecule) surrounded by a protein jacket. They are all parasitic... If the parasitic DNA travels in sperms and eggs, it perhaps forms the 'paradoxical' surplus of DNA." Mitochondria were parasites and may have entered our cells though a parasitic bacterium that used a tail to swim and could survive with almost no oxygen. We share 70% of our genes with a slimy marine worm called an acorn worm. Humanity may have evolved from wriggling sea creatures.

vermis, noun Latin vermis: worm. anatomy A narrow, worm-like structure found in animal brains between the hemispheres of the cerebellum; it is the site of termination of the spinocerebellar pathways that carry subconscious proprioception.

Do the Archons Control Us Through Viruses? It's crazy how much viruses have shaped and continue to drive our evolution, thinking and behavior. The viruses are driving our evolution, the whole nine yards it seems. We have co-evolved with them. They are a part of us. With the discovery that viruses may have preceded and formed human life as well as driven our evolution, and seemingly continues to do so in a symbiotic relationship, one must wonder are viruses helping us or controlling us? 98.5 percent of our DNA is so-called junk DNA which, as of now, has not been known to serve any useful purpose. Knowing that DNA contains instructions, could it be possible that DNA codons (code-on) contain the computer code for our life scripts? And any changes to that script gets updated through viruses?

There is no denying we live every day washing our bodies with soap and water to keep them free from disease. We also rinse off and cook our food. We need to dust to keep our environment clean from germs. We even give our computers anti-virus systems so they'll be bug free. From archaeon to archon. From egg to ego. From cell to self. From gamete to gamer. The gamer enters the game. This all begs the question: can we go from parasites to paradise?

Read the full article here:

As The Conqueror Worm Turns: From Archaeon to Archon, From Parasites to Paradise


9/20/2019 -- I appeared on Adam Crabb's show, "The Crazz Files". Here's the a link to the show on YouTube which Adam entitled The Way Through with Wayne Bush

We chatted for a little over an hour about topics relevant to my research. I prepared some brief notes just in case, but didn't use them. The show went well and he wants to have me back on again next month so I'm looking forward to that.



Watch clips from the movie here: Clips


I hadn't really planned on writing an article this month, but after my darkness retreat I remembered the movie Tommy centered on enlightenment and salvation while touching upon the theme of isolation through sensory deprivation and darkness. So I rewatched the movie again and threw a quick piece together. Most of the first half of the movie is pretty awful and contains some sick and twisted scenes as Tommy is being abused by his parents and extended family. But once the mirror is smashed (representing Tommy's ego?) and Tommy becomes enlightened, the movie is very interesting.

The movie Tommy was based upon the 1969 album and rock opera, Tommy, by the iconic rock band, The Who. Tommy is a 1975 Columbia Pictures movie about the spiritual journey of a disabled boy and his liberation from darkness into light via sensory deprivation. It stars the members of the band, The Who. Lead singer Roger Daltrey plays the lead role of Tommy. The movie also includes roles played by other famous rock stars, including Elton John, Eric Clapton and Tina Turner. The movie also features actress Ann Marget as Tommy's mother and actor Jack Nicholson as a doctor.

The sun and moon are prominent symbols in the movie Tommy. The opening and ending frames feature the setting and rising of the sun, respectively. Tommy's mother, played by Ann Margret, is constantly shown with Venus and lunar symbolism. For example, one scene shows her in an all white room, in a white sequined dress and covered in white furs, Venus in Furs. Like Aphrodite, she is sitting in front of an eight-pointed mirror. There is a half-chair symbolizing the moon and Venus on a half shell. The mirror resembles what is known as a moongate. There is even a Venus de Milo statue.

Tommy yearns to see himself by constantly looking into a mirror, but only sees his reflection, not his true self. He ostensibly attains salvation from suffering through darkness and sensory deprivation. But ultimately he is liberated when his mother throws him through a mirror which smashes the mirror. But was he really liberated since he became a new messiah and started his own religion? His family became greedy and made a lot of money off fleecing the sheep. At first his disciples worshiped Tommy as a messiah but it wasn't until they grew discontent following a religion with an external authority that he began to enlighten and liberate others by teaching his intuitive method of looking within using sensory deprivation techniques. He showed them how to intuitively play the game of pinball, a metaphor for life, by giving them earplugs, shades (sunglasses) and corks for their mouths.

Click here to read the full article:


Update on Darkness Meditation Retreat
I participated in a self-imposed, do-it-yourself 8-10 day darkness retreat. I did not travel to Thailand or Guatemala. I tried to do it from my own home using a "Mindfold" blindfold that shuts out all light. However, in retrospect, I would not recommend using a blindfold.

From the book Darkness Technology: Darkness Techniques for Enlightenment by Mantak Chia: "All spiritual traditions have used Darkness Techniques in the pursuit of enlightenment. In Europe, the dark room often appeared in underground form as a network of tunnels, in Egypt as the Pyramids, in Rome as the catacombs, and by the Essenes, near the Dead Sea in Israel, as caves. In the Taoist tradition caves have been used throughout the ages for higher level practices. In the Tao, the cave, the Immortal Mountain, the Wu San, represents the Perfect Inner Alchemy Chamber. Meditating and fasting in the cave is the final journey of spiritual work. The caves are the Earth Mother and its energy lines. Like the hollow bones, caves contain the earliest information of life stored inside the Earth. Caves contain the vital essence of the Earth Power. The Tao says: ‘When you go into the dark and this becomes total, the Darkness soon turns into light.’ In the Darkness, our mind and soul begin to wander freely in the vast realms of psychic and spiritual experience. When you enter this primordial state or force you are reunited with the true self and divinity within. You literally ‘conduct’ the universal energy. You may see into the past and future, understand the true meaning of existence, and begin to understand the order of things. You return to the womb, the cocoon of our material structure and Nature’s original Darkness. Complete darkness profoundly changes the sensory sensibilities of the body/brain. We are deprived of all visual reference. Sounds begin to fall away as we lose contact with the external world and turn the senses inward. The effect of darkness is to shut down major cortical centers in the brain, depressing mental and cognitive functions in the higher brain centers. Emotional and feeling states are enhanced, especially the sense of smell and the finer senses of psychic perception. Dreams become more lucid, and the dream state manifests in our conscious awareness. Eventually, we awaken within ourselves the awareness of the Source, the spirit, the soul. We descend into the void, into the darkness of deep, inner space. The light appears..."

As for the darkness experiment I was just curious to know what it would be like to be in darkness to prepare myself for what it might be like initially at death. Even though you aren't doing anything, the meditation can be pretty demanding. It's encouraged to be without electronics and to be off the grid without electrosmog, but I don't want to spend that kind of money and thought just being in the dark would release the chemicals. I had to regroup after a day so I could prepare better for it. I did several things to make the time more comfortable for me and easier. Even though I had an alarm set for once a day so I could know what day it was, I wanted to know what time it was so I set up my cell phone so I could audibly ask. It helped to know.

I also tried using the mask with my eyes open during the day which I came to regret. My eye sockets began to ache some. Also I was listening to youTube talks like John Cleese reading The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying and Richard Gere reading The Tibetan Book of the Dead. The concentration of listening gave me a headache.So I made a playlist of light-hearted music and music I enjoyed. I tried listening to a classical music station, but got a bit bored from it after a while.I had to stop again because one of my eyes started hurting -- probably from the strain of trying to see in the dark (and maybe because it wasn't getting enough oxygen?). So I took another time off. Once I decided to keep my eyes closed it helped a lot. The mask was a bit heavy resting on my nose so I started using a $1 black bandana or black shirt over my eyes, alternating. In retrospect, I think it would have been worth the effort to use some black plastic sheeting or light-blocking curtain to cover the windows so that no cover for the eyes would be necessary. One could use a bathroom (a walk-in closet has no ventilation and can get hot), but it's a tight fit and not too comfortable even with a mattress. i did have a few very vivid dreams. In one of them I saw a bright light and thought I had messed up, but then realized I was dreaming and still had my eyes covered. I'm not sure I would recommend the practice. I wasn't able to go more than 2-3 days at a time. I might try it sometime later when my eyes have rested up. But it is not something to take lightly.

More from the book by Mantak Chia:

"The Darkness enables the body and mind to undergo a series of profound transformations. The ‘states of consciousness’ appear correlated with the organic synthesis and accumulation of psychedelic chemicals in the brain, especially melatonin (Days 1 to 3), pinoline (Days 3 to 5), 5-MeO-DMT (Days 6 to 8), and DMT (Days 9 to 12). The pharmacology of these states is as follows.

" ‘Melatonin Stage’ (Day 1 to 3) Complete isolation from external light causes the pineal gland to flood the brain with the neurotransmitter melatonin (average 2 to 5mg/day), manifesting initially as the need for sleep and rest. The eyes recuperate from the over-stimulation of the visual world, releasing the grip of mental concerns, plans, agendas, and letting the energies settle. Melatonin is essential for maintaining the hibernation state, which facilitates the emergence of spiritual consciousness. The person retains a child-like biological condition where melatonin is conserved and recycled, not wasted in biological continuation. When this substance works together with the yellow marrow in the bone, the reddish firing reaction will activate a gentle interaction between the sacred water and the light. The sacred waters are the inner fluids that are responsible for producing bone marrow and other bodily fluids. The waters run not only in the center of the bones, but also in the spinal connections between the Crown and Perineum Points.

" ‘Pinoline Stage’ (Day 3 to 5) After about three days, when melatonin concentration reaches sufficient levels (15 to 20 mg) the body then begins to produce the superconductor pinoline, whereby a greater fluidity of thought and healing of the body starts to occur. Pinoline induces cell replication (mitosis) and intercalates with DNA molecules. The ‘pinoline stage’ is normally activated only in the womb, in lucid dreaming, or in near death experiences. Within this state we can metaprogram the brain to the Unity of Self, heightening awareness of the pathways with which we filter reality. At this stage, the nervous system becomes aware of itself. We become aware of the hologram of the external world that we create constantly in our head.

"When the pinoline is triggered you activate your clairsentient and clairaudient powers. You may see light and visions, hear music, and gain phenomenal insight. A decoding of the DNA then begins to take place. Cosmic particles are attracted to us and decoded in the form of sound, light, knowledge and realization. The particles, which have the same cell structures as humans (and from which the Tao believes you evolved), are attracted to you magnetically. The body has approximately six trillion cells, which correspond to the universe ‘without’. Each of these cells can be seen as a computer with unlimited power and potential. Each cell can become a super conductor, able to receive information from space. You are able to decode this universal information carried from outer space, which may be as old as nothingness itself. When you enter this primordial state or force you are reunited with the true self and divinity within. You literally ‘conduct’ the universal energy. You may see into the past and future, understand the true meaning of existence, and begin to understand the order of things. You return to the womb, the cocoon of our material structure and Nature’s original Darkness.

" ‘5-MeO-DMT Stage’ (Day 6 to 8) At this stage the pineal gland starts to produce the neuro-hormone 5-MeO-DMT (aka ‘akashon’). This psychoactive tryptamine is highly luminescent and also extremely phosphorescent due to the amount of phosphene that it transmits onto the visual cortex. 5-MeO-DMT switches on 40% more of the cerebral cortex and awakens the nervous system to become aware of itself; ‘beingness’ results. Hence,the possibility of metaprogramming the nervous system’s bio-computer - activating healing and conflict message assortment of the nervous system. 5-MeO-DMT is the empathogenic neurotransmitter that expands the emotional body between ‘infinity and zero’. It gives rise to telepathy in the emotional and intuitive bodies. It engages the awakening of the ‘Flower of Life’, the spine, which begins to glow in a state of beingness and peace. 5-Meo-DMT discharges the Darkness from the Darkness. A bright light is activated and one experiences a born-again mentality."

I'm not sure how much of this is true. Much of it may be exaggerated and intended to encourage tourism to their garden getaway, but it sounds like an interesting and hopefully worthwhile experiment to conduct on my own from home.


THE FINE GAME OF NIL: The So-Called Void of Non-Duality and Pure Awareness -- The Cosmic Womb of Creation

THE FINE GAME OF NIL: The So-Called Void of Non-Duality and Pure Awareness -- The Cosmic Womb of Creation

This is the most important article I have written since I started this web site a short time after the turn of the millennium. People constantly ask if we don't go to the light, then should we just stay in the darkness? It is important to understand that Light and Dark are dualistic terms. You can't have one without the other. In fact, pure, unreflected light is actually perceived as darkness. For any action there is an equal and opposite reaction. So if one decides to go to the "loving", "good" "light", then how long can one stay there before the inevitable oscillation or opposite reaction must occur? And does an opposite realm of relative dimness or darkness have to exist in order to maintain this "positive" light? Is a hell-like realm of darkness necessary where beings suffer? Welcome to earth. Near death experiencers routinely report being forced to come back to earth against their free will on an undisclosed "mission" they have yet to fulfill and, therefore, it is "not yet their time". Most are sent back against their will or coaxed into doing so. Some say they were given a choice, but how do we know they wouldn't have been forced to come back had they chosen to stay? In this world when someone is forced to do something against their will, it is a crime. If we take money against their will, it is stealing or robbery. If we take sex against their will, it is rape. If we take a life against their will, it is murder. But somehow this being of light gets a free pass as being loving? Love is also a verb, an action. We should look at the actions. There are cases where the light beings impersonate religious figures. There was one case where the near death spirit had to ask "Are you really the Virgin Mary?" before it showed it's "true" idenitity. Some would call this lying or being deceptive.

Is there a viable alternative to going to the white light? Yes, there is. There are actually many viable alternatives. Between the two poles of a bar magnet -- positive and negative -- lies a "neutral point" or "null zone", a center where the charge is neutral, balanced. This is the knowledge of the "null edge". Many near death experiencers have also reported being in a realm that they described as a "void". But the word "void" is a misleading misnomer because this so-called void is actually everything at the same time. It is non-duality. It is outside of time and space. Beyond good and evil. It is impossible to put into words.

IMPORTANT NOTE: I realize that publishing any information contrary to the white light scenario that near death experiencers report can, in some cases, lead to people reacting in a fearful manner. This is not my intention at all. There is no reason to be afraid. Sometimes I wish I had not used the word 'tricked' in my web site domain name. We are really just tricking ourselves while we play this game of hide and seek with ourselves. So I am just saying there may be an even better option available than going to the white light which may still be part of this game of duality and polarity. It doesn't hurt to have as much information as possible to help in that choice. Even if I am right, going to the light in a typical worst-case scenario would mean, after an indefinite period of feeling blissful love, reincarnating on Earth again and again until one awakens and is liberated. Many religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Gnosticism already teach the need for liberation from the cycle of the illusions of this world. And, if I am wrong, one can always go to the light if one wishes to do so. However, I don't think that is necessary -- we have the light within us. No need to look outward for external authority figures. When one "seeks" 'truth' or 'God', one is, by definition, manifesting an illusory division between yourself and that which you "seek".

In this article I provide exemplary excerpts from over a couple dozen near death experiences in the so-called void as what may be possible if one does not react in a fearful manner, and also a link to a larger repository of near death experiences in the void -- nearly two hundred, including some 'negative' experiences -- which I also included in the notes of my December, 2018 interview with Adam Crabb. I also look at how the so-called Void is described in many ancient texts as existing before the creation of the universe and matter and is also described by quantum physicists as the Zero Point Field. The article has sections on NDEs; John Lear; Whitley Strieber; Sumerian texts; the Egyptian ogdoad; Hindu texts; The Bible; the Kabbalah; Gnosticism; Esoteric teachings and secret societies; Taoism; Buddhism; Philosophy; Science/Quantum physics; Psychology; OBEs; and exercises on how to recognize the clear light of pure awareness so you won't be fooled by the illusions of external projections at death.

Some quotes from NDEs in the Void:

"the Void is less than nothing, yet more than everything that is! The Void is absolute zero; chaos forming all possibilities. It is Absolute Consciousness... pre-creation, before the Big Bang."

"it didn't have an environment, no sense of light, no sense of sound... 'pure neutrality'...It wasn't into the light, it wasn't into the darkness"

"vast void that was both dark and light. It was silent and still, strange but peaceful"

"I noticed how everything came to be. There was nothing in the void. All of a sudden, the light was created from the void... I became everything and everyone. "

"EVERYTHING was ''known'' to me, but that there was NOTHING at all. It was like being a part of absolutely everything at once,... A glimpse into both everything and nothing"

"I entered the void-darkness-abyss. It was everything, yet nothing. It felt as if it were raw un-manifested energy... I felt in balance between the two."

" if forever were to be an instant or a thousand years was immaterial and irrelevant. I felt, 'Abide with me, here, now, for I am at peace, and we are one'."

"... no Time, and existence is purely Being...When I die, if this is what I will feel for all eternity, I await it."

"void. It was neither dark nor light...just nothingness... No thoughts. No Emotions. Within me was complete emptiness; I seemed to be completely free."

"I dared not think about anything because that would have meant that I would have manifested out of total awareness and bliss. Being in this state was beyond bliss, you want to stay there and not do anything to disturb it."

"I found myself in a black void completely at peace... no pain, no worries, no sense of self, it was fantastic... "

"highly conscious in a dark void, but I was not afraid... apparently the Buddhists call this the Bardo."

"pitch-black void, with me glowing softly within it. I felt complete relief, love, warmth, security, acceptance...I was able to surrender to this darkness without fear. "

" It amazes me that a dark space, void of people, and being all alone, was the most beautiful loving experience I could ever have... "

"It was a void, darkness but yet I felt it contained all light at the same time.. I was where I belonged, where I came from. It was perfect."

"Upon realizing the truth contained in the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead' (which I had not read before having my NDE) I adopted the doctrine of Vajrayana Buddhism, swore a bodhisattvas vow, and dedicated my life to the benefit of All. This is because the experience I had matched the description of the passing through the bardo of death described in the 'Tibetan Book of the Dead'."

"Everything seemed to be coming or existing from the same complete source that I seemed to be a part of now. "

"completion. It was perfecting the harmony in which I was part of now. It was as if my being had become a vacuum, opening up, allowing everything that ever was, or was to ever be, inside... I was complete; I was what I believe was the highest existence of peace that could ever be, for my mind was silent and I was simply being, and nothing more. I was a part of everything that ever was and with that I had no expectations nor thought, I was existing within everything and had no form or shape, just a complete perfect state of being."

"Calm, peaceful knowing. I was happier there in the void than I'd ever been on this planet. There was assurance, wonder, and almost a bliss. "

"I didn't exist, actually. I was aware that I existed only as a thought.. it was neither black nor light; it was perhaps a void... I was not afraid; everything was peaceful beyond understanding."

"Darkness is just a word to describe the “void” (of possibility, lack of limitation, complete wholeness)....“natural wholeness” or “sky-like essence"

"it was neutral. It felt like I was there a very long time: or, in a timeless type of way. It felt like I'd always been here and would always be here... it seemed I was in there (seemed I was dead) for forever. It's like I could have been in that void for eons and eons and eons. "

"All I could see was darkness with a void of light, so it was like black and white, except the white was strangely illuminated."

"darkness that wasn't darkness, a void that wasn't a void but was everything and everywhere all at once... most amazing, profound, deep experience"

"I felt unity with everyone and everything... it was the most beautiful thing that could have ever happened to me - the happiest day of my entire existence... I felt were pure joy, ecstasy and bliss "

"The darkness was so heavy it was like tar, like a void, complete lack of creativity; the Great Nothing in Never Ending Story, a space of indifference."

"a void, or place that was neither light nor dark, of no dimension, or infinite dimension and"

"Keen understanding that I was "in" what the Buddhist call The Void. A no place where there is no such thing as time."

"... in that space between a physical body that had already been left behind in another dimension and a void, which I perceived as a black empty space... now free from the illusion, returned to where I have always belonged: to the huge Ocean of Luminous Consciousness whom we call God."

White light NDE: "I asked if God was the light, and the answer was: 'No, God is not the light. The light is what happens when God breathes.' "

Sumerian: "Learn to see beyond appearances, my firstborn, to reach out for the True Essency, learn to reach out to the Source where yourself came from, the Union of all Opposites, The Holy Complementarity that was lost.' "

Hindu: "Brahman is Life, Brahman is Joy, Brahman is the Void. Joy, verily that is the same as the Void, The Void, verily that is the same as Joy."

Bible: "In the beginning 'Elohim' created the heaven and earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light."

Kabbalah: Ayin means "nothingness". According to kabbalistic teachings, before the universe was created there was only Ayin, and the first manifest Sephirah (Divine emanation), Chochmah (Wisdom), "comes into being out of Ayin."

Gnosticism: "The One is a sovereign that has nothing over it. It is god and father of all, the invisible one that is over all, that is incorruptible, that is pure light at which no eye can gaze.... The One is the invisible spirit."

Esoteric: 'LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darknesss!"

Taoism: " The manifestation of Tao is the form of being, Which originates from the non-being of the void, the Great Tao... Great Tao is formless, It is invisible and has no name... It is the original void of “non-being.” This “Oneness” is the Tao which is invisible, and formless."

Tibetan Buddhism: "Now thou art experiencing the Radiance of the Clear Light of Pure Reality. Recognize it. O nobly-born, thy present intellect, in real nature void, not formed into anything as regards characteristics or colour, naturally void, is the very Reality, the All-Good.
Thine own intellect, which is now voidness, yet not to be regarded as of the voidness of nothingness"

Nikola Tesla: "Black is the true face of Light, only we do not see this."

You can read the full article here: THE FINE GAME OF NIL: The So-Called Void of Non-Duality and Pure Awareness -- The Cosmic Womb of Creation



What is with our preoccupation with games? Why are they so predominant in all cultures? Could it be because life itself is a game? I suggest that is indeed the case. After all, the whole world seems to be obsessed with games. They go way back into human history even before the Mayan Ball Game.

In this new article I cover what non-ordinary states of reality researcher Stanislov Grof, psychedelic activist Terence McKenna, philosopher Alan Watts, near death experiencer Nanci Danison, physicist Thomas Campbell, visionary Philip K. Dick, out of body pioneer Robert Monroe, alien researcher Val Valerian, and scientists such as Nick Bostrom have said about life being a game, a simulation or a dream. I also look at movies such as The Matrix, The Truman Show, and the Tron movies as well as music albums like Simulation Theory by Muse, Lateralus by Tool, and Amused to Death by Roger Waters.

For every action there is equal and opposite reaction. If you think about it, Light is part of the duality. Light and dark. The Light is the positive pole of Polarity. Therefore, the light realm requires a dim realm to exist for them to be able to stay in the light. Is this the dirty little secret that very few know about? For beings to remain in the light indefinitely then continual sacrifices need to be made.... souls volunteering or being forced to go to the Earth plane to offer the necessary balance to maintain the duality . So do they set up the facade of souls needing to learn or evolve in order to "grow"?

The light could be the positive or one extreme pole of polarity. Since for every action there is an equal and positive reaction... in this game of duality, you would theoretically need a dim realm for the light beings to be able to continue their happy positive experience in the light. So maybe they need souls to sacrifice -- perhaps those of us who have chosen to play the duality game actually volunteer to come to Earth and do our "mission work", i.e. come to this dim plane to keep the balance. So they come up with the scam that Earth is a school and souls need to grow and evolve by learning lessons through suffering, or perhaps we are all aware that the game is necessary and that amnesia or the mind wipe is necessary for us to undergo the illusion of suffering. Or maybe the whole point of the game of duality is so they themselves can stay in the positive pole. Could be the dirty little secret that very few are aware of.

What if life here on earth were a "reality" show itself? A real life Truman Show, the true man show? Maybe we are like Sims characters or avatars in a virtual reality simulated computer game? I interviewed a friend of mine who had one of the most in-depth near death experiences I have ever heard. In that interview he said, "What I saw is that -- especially when I saw the pillars in 'heaven' -- I saw that you just adjust your perception of it a little bit and you can just see the different stories popping out at you. And so I think we're creating stories. I think that's what we do and I think they're interesting stories and I think that we're better for it. I really do." He also stated, "We can participate in THIS world and others. And I'll tell you how that works out. I saw the VERY end. I'm talking about this Demiurge, or whatever you want to call it, the guy who does all the contracts. He records everything. He's like the Producer, okay, and he's producing this show. It's his show. And if you don't sign up for his contract, you don't enter."

Nanci Danison: "Our existence as extensions of Source, or Sourcebeams, is our Creator's way of writing a book, or designing a virtual reality game, or dreaming. We are essentially characters, created so Source can live vicariously through us as though we are separate beings from it. We are not literally separate, however, any more than the author's book or movie is a separate creature from the author, or the dream characters are separate beings from us. All are essentially thoughts... We have in effect entered into the book, the movie, the dream, and are experiencing what seems to be a life separated from the Source in the same way fictional and dream characters seem to be living separate lives from their creators."

Thomas Campbell: "We project our personal consciousness onto the field of action of a multi-player interactive reality game whose point is our individual growth and learning... This virtual simulation allows one to explore probable event-chains or causal threads within a higher order virtual simulation... The virtual you is a reasonably accurate simulation or projection of the actual you... life's game of consciousness evolution is played... you might as well learn how to play the game that you are in. There is no other game... Perhaps you will begin to formulate a strategy for where you want to go next - and how you might get there... and you will need to figure out what the game is, and how to play to win. "

Alan Watts: "It's also like the game of hide-and-seek, because it's always fun to find new ways of hiding, and to seek for someone who doesn't always hide in the same place. God also likes to play hide-and-seek, but because there is nothing outside God, he has no one but himself to play with. But he gets over this difficulty by pretending that he is not himself... But when the game has gone on long enough, all of us will wake up, stop pretending, and remember that we are all one single Self--the God who is all that there is and who lives for ever and ever... But it plays parts. It varies itself, and in playing, playing always involves a certain element of make-believe, that is to say illusion, and the word illusion is from the latin, ludere, to play. it involves the illusion of the parts being separate. And so then there are these variety of games -- the tree game. the beetle game, the butterfly game, the bird game, the cat game, the people game, the human game. "

Stanislov Grof: "... the whole universe is like this fantastic adventure in consciousness. This incredible cosmic dance. It's a play. It's a piece of art among others... So it has incredible capacity to create an art form where everything is accounted for. All the loopholes are covered in such a way that the principle traps itself within its own perfection. I mean, it creates a show which is so believable that it traps itself... In other words, the fact is that what we are playing now is certain roles in a screenplay which was written by all of us when we were still one entity. So the idea would be like Shakespeare has a concept of a play, let's say Hamlet. At the beginning all the characters are just thought forms in one, within one mind, and to make it a really good show you need separate entities. "

Physicist Nick Bostrom in his paper Are You Living in a Computer Simulation?: "This paper argues that at least one of the following propositions is true: (1)  the  human  species  is  very  likely  to  go  extinct  before  reaching  a  “posthuman” stage; (2) any posthuman civilization is extremely unlikely  to run a significant number of simulations of their evolutionary history (or  variations  thereof);  (3)  we  are  almost  certainly  living  in  a  computer  simulation. "

Philip K. Dick: "We were great builders, but one day we decided to play a game. We did it voluntarily; were we such good builders that we could build a maze with a way out but which constantly changed so that, despite the way out, in effect there was no way out for us because the maze—this world —was alive? To make the game into something real, into something more than an intellectual exercise, we elected to lose our exceptional faculties, to reduce us an entire level. This, unfortunately, included loss of memory—loss of knowledge of our true origins.. Your game up to now has been a mock game in which you played against your own self. How could the deity of light lose when both sides were portions of him?"

Terence McKenna: "The world is like a novel. It's a novel in which you are a character and there's drama, tension, plot, resolution, tragedy, nobility, betrayal, the whole gamut of emotions and human possibilities... the cosmic drama really is about us... we are central actors in that drama... You see, if what we're embedded in is a novel or some work of art like a novel, then what you want to do is figure out who in the novel you are... I defined myself as a spectator rather than an actor....accelerate the plot. This will move your character nearer and nearer to the center of the action... The goal is to become the author of the novel. Then you can write any damn ending you want for your character or any other."

Robert Monroe: "I thought of Home as strongly as I could...the scene came into view . . . many-hued cloud towers, just as I remember, only they are not clouds . . . . so relaxing and absorbing, just as I remembered it. How great it will be when I return to stay forever . . . forever . . . yes . . . ... a little worm intrudes upon my ecstasy ... . . . What? That's exactly the same cloud frame . . . and the others, they are all the same! It keeps repeating, over and over again—the same patterns in a repeating loop! ... The same pattern over and over, the same clouds, the same music . . . Let me go in deeper . . . . . . There they are, a bunch of curls, curls of energy playing games. That's more like it! I was such a curl once ... let me join in the game! Round and round ... up and down ... in and out . . . round and round ... up and down ... in and out . . . The game is like an endless loop . . . round and round ... up and down . . . No more, that's enough for me, that's enough. . . . How about playing a new game?... How about . . . ? Oh, happy with what you've got? Don't want to change? All right, keep doing what you're doing . . . Where do I go now? Where . . . ? That's all there is! There isn't any more. But I don't want to lie around in the same clouds forever, with the same music over and over . . . I don't want to play the same game over and over . . . How could I have dreamed of ... ? There's nothing here for me now . . . nothing at all. Now I remember . . . this happened to me before. This is why I left . . . and I can't come back! I don't want to come back..."

Val Valerian: "The Game as you will read in Matrix V, is the illusion known as third density life with its polarity-induced controls. Dark and light polarities... seeing the Game for what it is and.. What you can change is your participation in the Game and spiral out of it... Both polarities are in the state of imbalance. That's the nature of the Game. The only way to eliminate the polarities comes from blending both of them into one... The only way to end a polarity is for the opposite polarity to merge with it. That is what Balance is."

The Matrix: "The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us. Even now, in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes blind you from the truth. What truth? That you are a slave. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage. born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind... What is "real"? How do you define "real"? If you're talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, taste and see then "real" is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain... What is the Matrix? Control. The Matrix is a computer-generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this [Morpheus is holding up a battery.] ... You have to let it all go, Neo. Fear, doubt and disbelief. Free your mind."

Truman Show: "Promise me one thing, though. If I die before I reach the summit, You'll use me as an alternative source of food... Eat me"..."Everybody knows about you. Everybody knows everything you do. They're pretending, Truman. Do you understand? Everybody's pretending... This, it's fake. It's all for you. The sky and the sea, Everything--it's a set. It's a show. Everybody's watching you." "He's not a performer. He's a prisoner."..."While the world he inhabits is, in some respects, counterfeit, There's nothing fake about Truman himself.".. "Why do you think Truman has never come close to discovering the true nature of his world until now? We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented."... "Who are you? I am the creator... of a television show that gives hope and joy and inspiration to millions. Then who am I? You're the star. Was nothing real? You were real. That's what made you so good to watch."

Wargames: "Strange game. The only winning move is not to play.... How about a nice game of "chess?"

Simulation Theory: "Burn like a slave, churn like a cog. We are caged in simulations... Break me out. Break me out. Let me flee. Break me out, break me out. Set me free... I'm trapped and my back's up against the wall. I see no solution or exit out... You got me trapped in your dark fantasy world... You ate my soul just like a Death Eater... I can handle the truth... Just break it to me... I'll re-invent. I will re-emerge. Reborn... Let's face all our fears. Come out of the shade. Let's burn all the money, absolve all the lies. And wake up unscathed... Brain cleansed fractured identity. Fragments and scattered debris. Thought contagion... I am here to tell you to get up and fight... I'm searching for something that's real. I am always seeking to see what's behind the veil. Trapped in a maze of unseen walls, These blockades must fall... Dig down... awake from these delusions. You are the coder and avatar. A star. "

Lateralus: "Ultimatum prison cell... Saturn ascends... transmutate these leaden grudges into gold. Let go... Be patient (wait it out)... And the circling is worth it. Finding beauty in the dissonance... This body makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion... Twirling round with this familiar parable. Spinning, weaving round each new experience... Remember. We are eternal. All this pain is an illusion... Workin' up under my patience like a little tick. Fat little parasite...As below, so above and beyond, I imagine drawn beyond the lines of reason. Push the envelope. Watch it bend... I must feed my will to feel my moment drawing way outside the lines. There is so much more and beckons me to look through to these infinite possibilities... And following our will and wind, we may just go where no one's been. We'll ride the spiral to the end... Spiral out. Keep going."

Mind Games: "So keep on playing those mind games together... Projecting our images in space and in time... 'Yes' is the answer and you know that for sure. 'Yes' is surrender. You got to let it go... So keep on playing those mind games together. Doing the ritual dance in the sun. Millions of mind guerrillas. Putting their soul power to the karmic wheel. Keep on playing those mind games forever. Raising the spirit of peace and love."




Updated 6/12/19 with a new Conclusion. The Old Conclusion was moved into a new section called The Void. I added a table of contents at the top for quick, easy navigation as well.

Everybody loves a story, especially a good one. After all, every individual's life is telling a unique story. And, collectively, it is all our stories that make up what we call His-story. That's billions, if not trillions, of stories. So please allow me to introduce to you the Greatest Story Ever Told. We are all part of the story. Some of us play bigger parts, but we are integral to the big picture. But we're all just characters playing roles in this divine drama or cosmic play called the Game of Life. Many mystics, seers and shamen who are able to go into altered, higher states of awareness have said that our lives are illusory, dreamlike and just hallucination, projections of consciousness, and based in fantasy. Even one of the greatest scientists, Einstein, said, "Reality is merely an illusion albeit a persistent one." The Buddha called it a "fabrication".

Most people spend the bulk of their free time watching television, whether it be TV shows, movies or other forms of entertainment. Around 600 movies are made every year in an industry generating nearly 50 billion dollars a year. Roughly 50,000 screenplays are registered with the Writer's Guild of America each year. These stories must have a plot or storyline with conflict, drama and a resolution. There are tragic stores, funny stories, love stories, horror stories, war stories, fairy tales, news stories, detective stories, stories of rags to riches, stories of rebirth, and the story of the hero's journey. Some stories combine one or more of these themes involving a vast array of character archetypes, including the Hero/Heroine with a thousand faces, the Nice Guy, the Villain, the Damsel in Distress, the Fair Maiden, the Queen, the Good Witch/Wicked Witch, the Fairy Godmother, the Fairy, the Princess, Prince Charming, the Creator, the Fool, the Joker or Trickster, the Wise Old Man/Woman or Sage, The Magician, Sorceror or Shaman, The Rebel, The Lover, Friend, Neighbor, The Bad Boy/Girl, The Seducer/Seductress, The Monster, the Devil, the Warrior, the Fall Guy, the Father Figure, the Mother, the Jock, the Nerd, and even the Storyteller itself plus many more. There are also countless memes, cliches and stereotypes. We sit glued to our couches binge watching our favorite shows stuffing a tub of popcorn into our smiling faces like Michael Jackson in a video of Thriller.

Bowker reports that over one million books are published in the United States alone every year. If a book is popular enough it will be made into a movie or TV series with 100+ episodes. Some of the more popular recent ones are The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Game of Thrones, The Hunger Games and the Harry Potter series. All these contain either a ton of violence or sorcery. Or both.

Surveys indicate that 85 percent of people have said they have seen the movie Titanic, a tragic love story. Over 100 million people watched the finale of M*A*S*H. Even sporting events tell a story of underdogs, heroes, scapegoats, come from behind victories in the form of Cinderella stories, the challenge of overcoming adversity, with lots of drama, conflict, suspense and a resolution. According to IMDB, about half of the top 25 biggest grossing films of all-time contain a superhero which has to fight crime and a supervillain. Avengers currently has 4 of the top 10, grossing between 5-10 billion dollars collectively. And then there is the Star Wars franchise with the cosmic fight between Light and Dark and the eternal struggle between good and evil. Many of the top rated shows and movies also involve either the mafia or war / prisoner stories. All this suggests people are fascinated by Duality and the idea of good and evil. It is even encapsulated within religious terms. God is good and the D'evil is evil. We acknowledge evil, but is it a necessary evil? After all, can there be light without the contrast the darkness provides? Can a painting be a masterpiece without all the different shades that allow the different colors to stand out? We're all part of God's spiel or god's spell, the Godspell.

Of course, all these shows need soundtracks. Most songs tell a story as well, or at least a message is being conveyed. There are nearly 100 million songs in existence. In fact, a new song is written every minute. And even if the song doesn't tell a story, there is usually an interesting story behind how the song was written.

People also love games. No suprise then that game shows are popular. Shows like Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune have run for decades. If one bets bored, they can play a board game like The Game of Life or Monopoly. And many love the big ball game. Nearly half of Americans watch a typical Super Bowl. Of course, duality is present in this as well since the goal of every game is to determine a winner and loser. Gambling goes hand in hand with sports as well as card or casino games like Poker rolling the dice or playing the roulette wheel or slot machines. Not to mention the lottery wheel. These are all symbolic for the game of life and the wheel of reincarnation.

Recently, one of the most common and popular forms of stories are reality shows. Perhaps the first reality show ever was aptly called The Real World. A precursor to these were daily soap operas like As the World Turns and Days of Our Lives. Shakespeare said all the world's a stage and we are merely players. And reality shows like Survival, Lost, America's Got Talent and American Idol need a good backstory. Most of the acts that advance anymore need to have a sympathetic backstory to pull on the heartstrings to make it more interesting because, after all, it is all about ratings and viewership of people living vicariously through the acts. It is estimated that the average person watches 5+ hours of television daily.

What if life here on earth were a "reality" show itself? A real life Truman Show, the true man show? Maybe we are like Sims characters or avatars in a virtual reality simulated computer game? Well, there is some evidence to suggest this just may be the case. In fact, I interviewed a friend of mine who had one of the most in-depth near death experiences I have ever heard. In that interview he said, "What I saw is that -- especially when I saw the pillars in heaven -- I saw that you just adjust your perception of it a little bit and you can just see the different stories popping out at you. And so I think we're creating stories. I think that's what we do and I think they're interesting stories and I think that we're better for it. I really do." He also stated, "We can participate in THIS world and others. And I'll tell you how that works out. I saw the VERY end. I'm talking about this Demiurge, or whatever you want to call it, the guy who does all the contracts. He records everything. He's like the Producer, okay, and he's producing this show. It's his show. And if you don't sign up for his contract, you don't enter." He also said our angels control like us like video game characters. Many near death experiencers come back saying life is about experiences and stories. I recall one NDEr who asked the beings in the light what the meaning of life is and they told him it is "for the entertainment of the spirit world".

In that vein I believe a story about the story itself and all the subplots in the substories would contain the most important symbolism. It is for that reason I highly suggest The Neverending Story by Michael Ende is perhaps the most important fictional book of our time. Although the movie was good, the book is light years better. It more than holds its own against classics like Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz.

The Neverending Story contains the hero or savior archetype; the archetype of the Empress a.k.a. Moonchild; The Nothing or Emptiness; The Demiurge archetypes; a character called The Chronicler who records everything that happens; the ouroboros of eternity and duality; shadow figures; the Acharis ( similar to the word 'archons' and also the 'acari' which is a parasitic tick or mite); a witch; giants; gnomes; fairies; the astral plane; and other symbols such as dreams, mirrors, a labyrinth, an ivory tower, and wishes. Sorry, there are no unicorns or rainbows that I recall. Actually, the opening song of the movie mentions a rainbow.

There can be little doubt that Ende was heavily influenced by the writings of occultist and practitioner of magick, Aleister Crowley. When it is time for the main character to give a name to the Childlike Empress he names her Moonchild. Moonchild is the name of a novel by Crowley. Furthermore, the inscription on the back of the amulet that the main character's mirror half wears to do the Empress's Will says "Do What You Wish" which is really just a paraphrase of Crowley's axiom "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". Wishing the world into existence and the need for the continual dreaming of the story to keep it in existence are the main points in the book. The protagonist of the story initially is carrying out the Will of the Childlike Empress, an archetype of the Gnostic Sophia. Eventually, the hero is able to create his own domain or world via his wishes. Thus, he becomes a sort of Demiurgic figure. In fact, in the book he rides around on a dragon which has a lion's head, the very symbol of the Demiurge. The film is a childrens' movie so the dragon is softened by giving it the head of a cute dog. There is also a shadow figure that is a shape shifter but takes the form of a werewolf. The enemy of the Story is none other than The Nothing or Emptiness. The Nothing can be avoided and both worlds saved by wishing. But whether these are true villains or not must be questioned because it is the werewolf shadow being who tells him what Fantastica a.k.a. Fantasia is and also what The Nothing is.

There is a parallel between the book and our reality here because it is the Intention of our wishes that keep us forever reincarnating into different forms and different stories. We are literally living the dream. We are living the Neverending Story. The story will continue as long as we continue to have unfulfilled dreams and wishes. If you are tired of the endless conflict and drama, then we can stop the ride by refusing to getting back in line to reincarnate. We can say "game over" and not play anymore. But it seems we can't get enough of it. We're like strung-out junkies waiting in line unable to resist the sweet temptation of another fix, another go round on this roller coaster ride called life. Like moths to a flame. So what's your story? Make it an interesting one.

Perhaps The Nothing isn't our enemy at all? Maybe it is a sanctuary or haven to get a reprieve from the endless cycle of drama and suffering. The Void or Clear Light as the Tibetans may have called it may be completely outside of time and space. It may be the womb of creation itself. Pre-creation. Before the Big Bang or explosion of movement that brought all of matter into existence. Scientists tell us that 99.9% of our physical reality is empty space, a vacuum or a void. They say both 99.9% of the atom and also outer space is empty. But perhaps our instruments are just not sensitive enough to read the energy that is there. And we are just now starting to learn about subspace, quantum mechanics and dark matter. It could just be extremely faint echos from other dimensions vibrating either too high or too low for us to see.

My article on the Disney princesses highlighted that they are all basically based on the moon goddess, Venus, and encourage the viewer to make wishes to the planet or Evening star, Venus. The Neverending Story is really no exception as the otherworld of Fantasia is centered around a princess known as the Chlidlike Empress who is given the name Moon Child by the universal dreamer in the story, Bastian. The Empress is a sort of mother goddess in the story analogous to Sophia, the innocent and somewhat naive goddess of wisdom in Gnostic tradition. Inana (Isis/Aphrodite/Venus) was known as the Queen of Heaven in Sumerian texts. Known to the Romans as Venus she was also a moon goddess. If the Empress in the story was a moon child of the Queen of Heaven, then that makes her a princess as well so I will add The Neverending Story to that article. As I outline in that article most of the Disney princesses were associated with Venus and the moon as well. However, I also made an article for The Neverending Story which also includes excerpts from the book as well as the Crowley book, Moonchild.

Check out these two paragraphs from the Crowley book, essentially stating much of the same thing I wrote in that article:

"But beyond such minuteness of detail is the grand character of the Moon, which is threefold. For she is Artemis or Diana, sister of the Sun, a shining Virgin Goddess; then Isis-initiatrix, who brings to man all light and purity, and is the link of his animal soul with his eternal self; and she is Persephone or Proserpine, a soul of double nature, living half upon earth and half in Hades, because, having eaten the pomegranate offered her by its lord, her mother could not bring her wholly back to earth; and thirdly, she is Hecate, a thing altogether of Hell, barren, hideous and malicious, the queen of death and evil witchcraft."

"All these natures are combined in woman. Artemis is unassailable, a being fine and radiant; Hecate is the crone, the woman past all hope of motherhood, her soul black with envy and hatred of happier mortals; the woman in the fullness of life is the sublime Persephone, for whose sake Demeter cursed the fields that they brought forth no more corn, until Hades consented to restore her to earth for half the year. So this "moon" of the ancients has a true psychological meaning, as sound to-day as when the priest of Mithras slew the bull; she is the soul, not the eternal and undying sun of the true soul, but the animal soul which is a projection of it, and is subject to change and sorrow, to the play of all the forces of the universe, and whose "redemption" is the solution of the cosmic problem. For it is the seed of the woman that shall bruise the serpent's head; and this is done symbolically by every woman who wins to motherhood. Others may indeed be chaste unto Artemis, priestesses of a holy and ineffable rite; but with this exception, failure to attain the appointed goal brings them into the dark side of the moon, the cold and barren house of Hecate the accursed."

And then there is this intriguing passage about the goddess between heaven and earth, and supposedly heroic sacrifice involving the moon and a cone with its base in the sun. "She saw the moon, indeed, but in its centre was a shape of minute size, but infinite brightness. With the speed of a huntress the shape neared her, hid the moon from her, and she perceived the buskined Artemis, silversandalled, with her bright bow and her quiver of light. Leaping behind her came her hounds, and she thought that she could hear their eager baying. Between heaven and earth stood the goddess, and looked about her, her eyes asparkle with keen joy. She unslung her baldric, and put her silver bugle to her lips.
Through all the vastness of heaven that call rang loud; and, in obedience, the stars rushed from their thrones, and made obeisance to their mistress. It was a gallant hunting-party. For she perceived that these were no longer stars, but souls. Had not Simon Iff once said to her: "Every man and every woman is a star"? And even as she understood that, she saw that Artemis regarded them with reverence, with awe even. This was no pleasure chase; he who won the victory was himself the quarry. Every soul was stamped with absolute heroism; it offered itself to itself, like Odin, when nine windy nights he hung in space, his own spear thrust into his side. What [223] gain might be she could not understand; but it was clear enough that every act of incarnation is a crucifixion. She saw that she had been mistaken in thinking of these souls as hunters at all; and at that instant it seemed to her as though she herself were the huntress. For a flash she saw the fabled loadstone rock which draws ships to it, and, flashing forth their bolts by the might of its magnetism, loosens their timbers so that they are but waifs of flotsam. It was only a glimpse; for now the souls drew near her. She could distinguish their differences by the colour of the predominating rays. And as they approached, she saw that only those whose nature was lunar might pass into the garden. The others started back, and it seemed to her that they trembled with surprise, as if it were a new thing to them to be repelled.
And now she was standing on the Terrace of the Moon with Artemis, watching the body of Lisa la Giuffria, that lay there in its cradle. And she saw that the body was a dead thing, as dead as the cradle itself; it was unreal; all "material" things were unreal, shells void of meaning, geometrical abstractions, as Simon Iff had explained to her on their first meeting. But this body was different to the other husks in one respect, that it was the focus of a most startling electrical phenomenon. (She could not think of it but as electrical.) An incandescent cone was scintillating before her. She could see but the tip of it, but she knew intuitively that the base of it was in the sun itself. About this cone played curious figures, dancers wreathed with vine leaves, having all sorts of images in their hands, like toys, houses, and dolls, and ships and fields, and woods, little soldiers in their uniforms, little lawyers in their wigs and gowns, an innumerable multitude of replicas of every-day things. And Iliel watched the souls as they came into the [224] glow of the cone. They took human shape, and she was amazed to see among them the faces of many of the great men of the race."

One has to wonder why Ende chose Moonchild for the name of the Empress and Crowley's law of doing what you will or wish for the inscription on her sacred amulet. As the popular saying goes, "Be careful what you wish for." You can read the article here: THE NEVERENDING STORY


The Hidden Symbolism & Meaning of Disney Magic Kingdom, Grimm Fairy Tales, Mother Goose, Grail Lore, Wagner Operas, Swan Princess/Swan Knight, Cygnus Constellation & The Void

The biggest concept that Disney peddles is magic and the idea that your dreams can come true if only you believe in them. Disney is in the business of selling dreams -- and wishing they will come true in physical reality. The fairytale look of the Neuschwanstein castle in Bavaria inspired Walt Disney to create the Magic Kingdom. Cinderella's Castle at Disney World and Sleeping Beauty's Castle in Disney Land are modeled after Neuschwanstein Castle, the castle of King Ludwig which was a monument to castle in the operas of Richard Wagner, especially the one in his operas Lohengrin and Tannhauser which were based on mythology surrounding knights and the Holy Grail. The Disney Magic Kingdom is the representation of the magic realm of the Fairy Queen and the fairies in the afterlife. The Fairy Queen was the goddess known in various cultures by a variety of names: Holda, Brigid, Freya, Venus (the evening star), Ishtar, Isis, and Mary. The fair maiden princesses in the Disney movies were modeled after this goddess. The Wagner opera Lohengrin is about Lohengrin, the Swan Knight, a knight of the Holy Grail. He comes in a boat drawn by swans to rescue a maiden. The opera Tannhauser so accurately depicts the dilemma for the Spirit once its soul has let go of its physical body at death. The rapturous love that Tannhauser feels for the goddess of love, Venus, causes him to feel like a prisoner and eventually he longs for suffering again so he can feel the breeze and hear songbirds again so he leaves the Venusberg to return to the world again. Disney has produced eight movies about the Swan Princess.

Read the entire article here:The Hidden Symbolism & Meaning of Grimm Fairy Tales, Mother Goose, Grail Lore, Wagner Operas, Disney Magic Kingdom, Swan Princess/Swan Knight, Cygnus Constellation & The Void **

4/01/2019 THE OCCULT LUCIFERIAN MEANING OF DISNEY FAIRY TALE PRINCESS MAIDENS: Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, The Princess and the Frog, The Little Mermaid plus The Lady of the Lake, Circe's Sirens, Maid Marian, Mary Poppins and also The Secrets of Isis, Wonder Woman, Sailor Moon, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, The Magic Flute, A Midsummer's Night Dream, The Ninth Gate, Supernatural, Lucifer, Mother! & The Wizard of Oz


We all know the classic fairy tale. Once upon a time... and they lived happily ever after. But what is a fairy tale? Essentially, it often contains a tale of a fairy or nymph. A nymph is a "fairy, spirit, goddess, sprite, naiad, nymphet, sylph, dryad, mermaid" and may even connote fallen angels.

It is important as you watch the Disney adaptations of fairy tales in the form of movies to pay close attention to the names of the earth and moon goddesses the princesses represent. The goddess is worshiped as either an Earth mother goddess or as the moon. The earth goddess is usually represented by Ceres/Circe, Persephone, or Demeter. The moon goddess takes three forms: a maiden representing the new moon; a mother representing a crescent moon; or a crone representing the full moon at the time of harvest. Princesses are almost always depicted as white-skinned and fair because they symbolize the white moon and the white goddess.

The moon goddesses were Greek Selene ( Selene, the Greek personification of the moon, and the Roman Diana were also sometimes called Cynthia), Roman Luna or Diana, and the Celtic Cerridwen (Gwen, Wendy). Isis/Venus is also a moon goddess and is worshipped under a variety of different names by the various cultures: Sumerian Inanna, Babylonian Ishtar, Norse Freya, Egyptian Isis, Greek Aphrodite, Roman Venus, Catholic Mary, but the church also identified Lucifer as Venus. They are both called the Morning Star. Venus is also known as the Evening Star. **

Snow White was based on a previous animated short, The Goddess of Spring, featuring the goddess Persephone and also on a fairytale involving Freya (Venus) and four dwarfs.

Cinderella is Cynthia (Cindy), one of the names of the moon goddess. "Ella" is the feminine form of "el" which means god thus implying Cinderella is a goddess. The Disney story of Cinderella is based on a fairy tale named Cendrillon. In Cendrillon, Cinderella is named Lucette basically means "female light", a feminized variation of Lucifer.

Sleeping Beauty's name is Aurora which means 'dawn'. In Roman mythology, Aurora renews herself every morning and flies across the sky, announcing the arrival of the sun. This is similar to Venus and Lucifer who are both called the morning star. Lucifer is latin for "light-bringer". Princess Aurora, is known as Sleeping Beauty or Briar Rose. Brier or bri·ar[brahy-er], a noun, means "the white heath'. Nymphaea alba, also known as the European white water lily, white water rose or white nenuphar, is an aquatic flowering plant of the family Nymphaeaceae. The white nymph = Nymphaea alba.

The name of the princess in Beauty and the Beast is Belle. One of the mother goddesses is Bellona (Belle). **

The Princess and The Frog is an animated Disney film based on the classic fairy tale of the frog turned into a Prince with a kiss by the Princess Tatiana. "Titania, a name derived from Ovid as an epithet of the Roman goddess Diana." The movie begins with a song about the evening star, Venus. The movie ending shows the second star on the right from Peter Pan to be Venus.

Ariel was the Princess in the Disney movie The Little Mermaid. Ariel is an angel found primarily in Jewish Apocrypha. Ariel is another name the Gnostics used for the Demiurge or the false deity.

The Sword in the Stone lore includes King Arthur and Queen Guinevere. Nimueh and also the Lady of the Lake. **

The first woman's superhero with a show was the Secrets of Isis soon followed by the most popular female superhero, Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman, named Diana Prince, was a princess, daughter of the Amazon Queen.

Sailor Moon was a "white moon princess" and sailor warrior of love and justice. She invoked the powers of the moon incanting, "In the name of the moon I will punish you."

The Chronicles of Narnia featured a future queen to be, Queen Lucy, and a wicked Queen of Narnia.

The Lord of the Rings trilogy contained Arwen Evenstar, and Galadiel, an elvin name which means Lady of the Light.

In Game of Thrones the Evil Queen archetype is Cercei, obviously a play on the witch, Circe. **

I take a look at a song influenced by the Robert Graves book, The White Goddess, named My Fairy King (Queen), and also The White Queen and Bohemian Rhapsody (Queen), Stairway to Heaven, The Battle of Evermore and Houses of the Holy (Led Zeppelin), Hotel California (Eagles), Goddess in the Doorway (Mick Jagger), Sympathy for the Devil (Rolling Stones), Lucifer (Jay-Z), Father Lucifer (Tori Amos), Tales of Brave Ulysses (Cream), Venus Isle (Eric Johnson), Isis (Bob Dylan) and a couple songs by the band, Isis. Also, quotes from Tori Amos on her meeting Lucifer.

Even more classical tales like Mozart's The Magic Flute contain a Queen of the Night. And Shakespeare's A Midsummer's Night Dream contain a Fairy Queen, Tatiana and a dying man proclaim, "Now am I dead. Now am I fled. My soul is in the sky. Moon, take thy flight. Now die, die, die, die, die."

Roman Polansky's The Ninth Gate featured a guardian angel girl who quite clearly portrays Lucifer.

More modern television series have been apologetic of Lucifer. In Lucifer, he was initially forced by God to do his job of punishing the bad guys, playing his part in God's play.

Mother! is a highly symbolic movie featuring a mother earth goddess and a creator god drawing heavily from Christian, Gnostic and Kabbalistic traditions.

The Wizard of Oz is the perfect example of the maiden, mother and crone triune. We all know Glinda the Good Witch (fairy god-mother) and The Wicked Witch of the West (crone), but Dorothy is a milkmaiden on a farm. In fact, L. Frank Baum wrote a song for her called The Milkmaid's Song for his proposed musical and was eventually sung on Broadway. She also sings a song called Evening Star in the 1942 musical The Wizard of Oz. **

Finally, I speculate a little on what conclusions may be drawn from all these examples.

[Updated 5/05/2023 to include the movie Selena.]

Click here to read the detailed article: THE OCCULT LUCIFERIAN MEANING OF DISNEY FAIRY TALE PRINCESS MAIDENS: Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and the Beast, The Princess and the Frog, The Little Mermaid plus The Lady of the Lake, Circe's Sirens, Maid Marian, Mary Poppins and also The Secrets of Isis, Wonder Woman, Sailor Moon, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, The Magic Flute, A Midsummer's Night Dream, The Ninth Gate, Supernatural, Lucifer & Mother!


Click here to read the companion article on Pan: THE DEVILISH HORNED GOAT GOD PAN & THE SATANIC OCCULT HIDDEN MEANING BEHIND WALT DISNEY'S PETER PAN: Pan, Hook, Neverland, Once Upon A Time, The Pied Piper, plus The Lost Boys, The Wind in the Willow, Pan's Labyrinth, Legend, Lawnmower Man, The Piper At the Gates of Dawn, The Call of Cthulhu, Mozart's The Magic Flute & Michael Jackson's Neverland **

Sun Worship Symbolism in Each of the Last 40+ Super Bowls

I watched the last 40 Super Bowl halftime shows which feature the very apex of the world's Music entertainment industry. I noticed Sun or Star symbolism in literally every single show. You be the judge.

Click here to see: Sun Worship Symbolism in Each of the Last 40+ Super Bowls

SUN & MOON Symbolism in the World Olympic Games Over the Last 40 Years

Check out the Sun & Moon Symbolism in the World Olympic Games over the last 40 years.

Click here to see: Sun & Moon Symbolism in the World Olympic Games

Deja vu all over again!! I have found yet another Dr. Seuss cartoon that spells out what is happening. It's a Dr. Seuss cartoon from 1982 called The Grinch Grinches The Cat in the Hat. The Grinch has invented a machine that can manipulate light. He calls the digital contraption a Darkhouse (as opposed to a lighthouse) and he can beam darkness or any color of light for great distances. He wreaks havoc in everyones' lives with the wave interference patterns he creates. He explains in technobabble how it works and the YouTube translator actually mistakenly hears him say the phrases "Saturn of Lagos" and "regular ring". Also, notice the ringed-planet in the VHS jacket cover for The Hoober-Bloob Highway. He has also invented a machine that can manipulate sound waves which allows him to control what everyone hears and says.
Here is the link to my review and detailed analysis of the cartoon: Dr. Seuss' The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat

Whoa! I just stumbled across an old Dr. Seuss cartoon from 1975 called The Hoober-Bloob Highway. It features a Demiurge character nicknamed 'The Dispatcher' who is in charge of dispatching souls to Earth. His job is to warn souls before choosing to come to Earth what to expect here. And he actually tells them they don't have to be a human, but can choose other forms. Amazing stuff. I sent the link to the cartoon to my friend who actually met the Demiurge in his NDE. He wrote back, "Interesting in every way... including the box... machine... He knew and hid it in a children’s story." When I talked to him in person about it, he mentioned the white blob or orb-shaped soul, the golden thread and all the Yes/No questions the soul was required to answer which equated to the enormously large series of IF-THEN-ELSE programming options he participated in.
Here is the link to my review and detailed analysis of the cartoon: Dr. Seuss' The Hoober-Bloob Highway

Also, I did a new analysis of the classic Lewis Carroll books and movies, Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass. These works are also amazing. To summarize, the Alice in Wonderland series of books and movies pretty much detail our story. We were in a paradise setting and were bored. Due to our curious nature we desired adventure and a world of wonder so through wonder or imagination we created and fell into this world of chaos, resulting in a lower frequency and a drowsy consciousness. We forgot who we are and are seeking a way to return home. When we tire of all this nonsense down here we will regain our senses and reason, and through wisdom become focused enough to wake up from this dream -- whether we are dreaming it ourselves or are just characters playing various roles in God's dream -- and return home. We must believe in the possibility of an all good world even though it seems impossible right now in this duality.
Here is the link to my review and detailed analysis of the works: Alice in Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass

In case you're interested, I also have some interesting reviews and detailed analysis for the classics, The Wizard of Oz and Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory.

All of these works have tons of hidden symbolism related to the topics discussed on this site.

The Prisoner logoCirque Du Soleil Art Project ZumanityCirque Du Soleil Criss Angel BeLIEve liePrison PlanetSoul Asylum Closer to the StarsThe Matrix Free your mindThe truth will set you free but first it will piss you off

Hindus, Buddhists, and Gnostics have talked about the reincarnation trap and the need for liberation for millennia now so really it is nothing new. It's just that the near death experience and going to the light is relatively recent. There are a lot of people who are aware of the Light trap now, but that's only the first part of the equation. One needs to have an exit strategy or escape plan in place. Or at least have thought about it. And I think it's important to note that if one doesn't go to the light, one might find oneself in a void or dark place and that one shouldn't be afraid of it and freak out -- which could likely result in scary projections and hallucinations, but be prepared that it might happen and realize that it is the true nature of our being. Furthermore, it is important to have thought about what you want to do -- whether to stay in that peaceful, formless state forever -- or take on a form or project one. And, if so, in what kind of world.

I have good news and bad news. First the bad news: Life contains a lie. What you believe is full of lies, secrecy, tricks and deception at every level -- religion, politics, science, our language, the media, entertainment sources such as movies and music, corporate logos, and advertising -- and the earth is an electromagnetic gravitational prison planet in which we are held as prisoners imprisoned by our body cells. The first thing you learn when you go to school is how to spell. We spell words to pronounce a sentence -- a jail term and it's a life sentence. We use curse words and write with cursive writing. . Why do we say when someone is out of luck that they are S.O.L.? Why do we have products like Sun Kist, Star Kist, and Gold Kist Farms? What is a Kist? Why do almost all major corporations use either the sun, moon or pyramids in their logos? Why were all major religions given to us by princes from elite royal families or wealthy members of nobility? Why are religious messiahs called the son of God and depicted with the sun as a halo? Why does the world's largest political celebration, the World Olympic Games, have a priestess light what they call a cauldron with the light of the sun and keep an eternal flame burning throughout the games? Why do world leaders gather each year at Bohemian Grove and participate in a druidic ceremony called the Cremation of Care which reenacts sacrificial rituals from ancient Canaan at the base of a forty foot owl? Why do so many musicians say they have sold their soul, use illuminati hand signs and use cryptic language in their songs? Why do musical artists such as Katy Perry seem to incorporate witchcraft into their videos? Why does Hollywood take its name from the holly wood that a magic wand is made from and why do they use terms such as casting and programming? Why does the organization that gives Emmys and Oscars, NATAS, use an acronym that is Satan spelled backwards and why does the statue they give out for awards, the Oscar, look like and is named after an egyptian god named Ausur or Osiris? Why do we have an egyptian pyramid on the back of our dollar bill? Why does the moon rotate at just the right speed so that the same side always faces toward Earth and why does it appear in our vision as exactly the same size as the sun during a total eclipse? What is the purpose of "evil" and Trickster Gods. And, finally, why are we told we go to the light at death? I answer these questions and many more on this website.


.The Game of Life board game box logoNike The Human RaceOlympic World Games illuminati opening ceremony banner logoThe Sims Game of the YearBarney Let the Games BeginLife is a game but it's graphics are stunning**Game on NBA BasketballWomen's Health Are you game?Game Pod

Welcome to the Game of Life. The bad news is the game is a matter of life and death and you're the big game.

Life is an interactive holographic virtual reality computer game with AI's (archons, shadow beings etc) who are villains and chaotic disrupting forces to make it challenging and difficult. It seem ssome souls' avatars got lost in the game and we decided to come down and retrieve the rest of their light/soul/consciousness. Every good story or plot has to have "conflict" or a villain so the hero can save the day and win the game. All good stories require conflict and drama and anyone who has ever tried to pitch a script to Hollywood knows that or will be told that. Life on Earth is for entertainment value and many near death experiencers have confirmed this fact. This can also be seen by examining the characters of the original Gods. It was a big game to them and they were spoiled brats who did not like to lose. Humans were pawns to them and it can be seen in virtually all the texts. We were a commodity.

You're part of the human race against time to beat the clock. In fact, the official song for the World Games at the 2012 Olympics is Survival by the rock band Muse. The songs begins, "Life's a race, but I'm gonna win." The corporation Nike, named after the Greek goddess of victory and whose logo bears a scythe or "swoosh" as they like to call it, sponsored a 10K race called "The Human Race" in Melbourne. This impetus for duality is driven home in "reality" shows like Survivor, Lost, and The Biggest Loser. Don't worry, though cuz you were game for it and besides you're a good sport, right? In fact you are betting on it, you made a bet to beat the odds, an alpha bet or gambit with Bel cuz he's a game Bel, a gambler. He is a trickster god, but it is a fair game and the game has a bunch of tricks. It's all about "turns" or revolutions because it's a ball game. In fact, the first ball game we know of was the Mayan ball game and the ball symbolized the sun a.k.a. Baal, Ea/Nergal, Ra, Bel, Lugh, Lucifer, Set, Devil, Satan, 'It'. So you are playing against the devil, whose name Satan literally means Adversary. The Devil loves to play games especially poker which is why he holds a trident. He's a dealer and you have to play out the hand you've been dealt. It's a Ra deal and he is betting you don't win. You are trying to be a Survivor because you are Lost. If you win, you are the champion. If you lose, you are Lugh's. In Mesopotamia he was known as Nergal. The Demiurge is the Gnostic creator of the material world in subordination to the Supreme Being and a bad god who created the world as a spiritual prison. It was adopted from Plato and looks like a serpent with a lion's head'.

The Game Tunnel and White LightGamer Who's Playing You?The Game Are you ready to play?Ende's Game movie poster The enemy's gate is downAvatar 3d movie ad**Trickstar Games logoEA Sports serpent faceEA sports it's in the game

Here are 15 NDEs that describe life as a game: life is a game Furthermore, Stanislov Grof is one of the world's foremost researchers into hallucinogenics. He has written books based on 4000-6000 reported experiences. He even wrote a book named "The Cosmic Game: Explorations of the Frontiers of Human Consciousness". He writes, "Since the divine play, the cosmic drama, is unimaginable without individual protagonists, without dictinct separate entities, the existence of evil is absolutely essential for the creation of the world as we know it."


Now for the good news. The good news is Life's a game and games are fun and for our amusement. The Game of Life is one of the best selling board games of all time. The Sims, a video game in which you create your own people to put in your simulated world of Sim City, won game of the year. Like the concept of reincarnation we often give the characters new lives at they advance from level to level and attributes such as health and karma. Even today we now have virtual reality technology and video game graphics are becoming more life-like with each version released. Pretty soon the graphics will become indistinguishible from real life. Scientists keep finding smaller and smaller particles as they zoom in on the resolution of the world we live in only to be hindered by Planck's constant. Quantum scientists have discovered that particles only behave as particles when they are observed and function as waves when not observed as if the function in the machine code is only called upon when needed. Technology keeps advancing along according to Moore's Law. More and more movies and TV shows are depicting simulated worlds experienced from a pod, blockbusters such as the highest grossing movie of all-time Avatar, Alien, The Matrix, Stargate, The Thirteenth Floor, eXistenZ, Surrogates, and The Island. In the beginning mainframe computers used to fill an entire room. Then in the 1980s Apple and IBM developed desktop computers soon to be followed by laptops. We now routinely surf the web using handheld devices and corporations such as Google are currently working on devices that will be embedded into glasses or clothing. Extrapolating this trend it is only a matter of time until we merge with machine. Some pets and people already have biochip technology implanted. Leading scientists such as transhumanist Ray Kurzweil discuss the coming event called the Singularity. Quantum physicists also discuss ideas such as a holographic or fractal universe and a universe with 12 or more dimensions. So if we are that close to creating simulated worlds ourselves what is the probability that we are already living in a simulated world or subworlds? With the invention of computers, the internet and the cybernetic "human plus" goals of transhumanists it seems as though we are headed toward being yet further trapped down another level or layer within the lab-yrinth.

Wii-Pod logoGameboyXbox LiveDreamcast LogoGamePod seats**Plystation Life

Here is the plot of this holographic, virtual reality computer game: I believe there is ample evidence to suggest that extra-dimensional entities, which the Gnostics called Archons, are controlling the planet and the death experience. Virtually all the components of the near death experience can be found in the alien abduction experience of Betty Andreasson Luca as chronicled by UFO researcher, Raymond E. Fowler. Betty was taken up into a blinding white Light by grey aliens and experienced intense feelings of love, euphoria, and ecstasy. An extensive analysis of hundreds of NDE accounts has led me to the conclusion that these grey aliens are recycling human souls to harvest the energy similar to the way humans farm animals for food. These entities which the Gnostics called Archons feed off the emotions of humans, especially the negative energy like fear and anger so they set up dramatic events. When we die unless our souls are at a very high spiritual level, then they will be drawn to a white Light which is a copy of the True Light in the Eternal Light realms. Even though we are divine sparks from that true Eternal Light realm, they convince us to sign withour consent soul contracts and make agreements to incarnate on the earthly plane in order to "evolve". Near death experiencers report that all knowledge is readily available in the Light so what is the need to come to earth and be imprisoned in these bodies? Unless one is aware of their inherent divinity, they are conned into reincarnating again and again because they didn't meet or fulfill their "mission" on Earth. A bogus excuse will be given by the false god of this world or a council of beings, One can never live a perfect, sin-free life here on Earth given our flawed bodies and rigged game board.

After death souls are lured into a tunnel outside the Earth near the moon and taken into the astral realms where they encounter a brilliant being of light which very likely may be our Sun in the astral realm. Human souls do not look like our earthly bodies so the sun, which is indeed white, would not be recognizable as such plus without all the refraction of the atmosphere could appear much, much brighter as our spirit bodies do not have eyes like our physical ones do, but rather see with the core of its being.

Wii game boys live a dream cast from game pods in a play station. What's real is that it's all a movie reel, a virtual reality game show or a reality tv show, a dream, an illusion, a theater play as Shakespeare wrote, "All the world's a stage. And all the mean and women merely players". We are merely care actors or characters in a drama. Games are usually either board games, card games with tricks, games where you roll a die over and over again to symbolize reincarnation, a race on a track, or a sports game. As eternal beings we get bored so that is why we play board games which are often on 64 checked squares. Games with cards and die are played on a table. This table or checked squares are what is called a matrix and represents the matrix of duality we live in via our 64 DNA codons. Choosing sides is how they get us to keep playing the game: black and white, republican or democrat, conservative or liberal. Games of sport are played on a field which is symbolic of the electromagnetic field or grid we live in. Football is even played on a grid-iron. Many or most video games today feature a player with multiple lives. When your player dies in the game, you are placed back in the game again. Similar to reincarnation the goal is to progress through multiple levels. **

William Shakespeare was one of the most prolific writers of all-time and one of his most well-known quotes is "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages." In his classic book "Autobiography of a Yogi", Paramahansa Yogananda wrote, "You have come to earth to entertain and to be entertained." He also wrote, ""The entire universe is God's cosmic motion picture, and that individuals are merely actors in the divine play who change roles through reincarnation; mankind's deep suffering is rooted in identifying too closely with one's current role, rather than with the movie's director, or God."


Dreamworks Animation LogoSega Dreamcast logoThe American DreamThe Matrix PodDisney The Illusion of LifeGoal Living the Dream**Eyes Wide Shut posterThe Illusionist movie posterLord of Illusions Evil Waits On The Other SideTotal Recall What Is Real

We dream every night when we go to sleep. Why are we programmed to sleep? It's very strange when you think about it. It seems to be to recharge the body's battery, but we know so very little about it. For all we know we are upgraded nightly with the latest download or software release from the universal computer. We experience life and interpret signals with our brain in various states of consciousness which psychologists classify as alpha, beta, theta and delta waves. So it's very possible that this life we think we are living is just another "dream" from which we will "wake" from. The ancient Maya believed that the world is an illusion and the aborigines believe that this is what they call "dreamtime" and that there exists a more real world where we truly reside. Christopher Nolan, film director for the movie Inception, explained, "Regardless of the fact the story deals with different dream states, it is crucial that at every level the world feels concrete because when we are in a dream, we accept it as reality." In the movie the character Cobb reveals, "Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we wake up that we realize something was actually strange." His best friend in the film was played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt who said, "I consider myself a creative person and dreams are where we’re all artists.  Everything you do in a dream—everything you see, everything you hear, everyone you talk to—is your creation.  That’s evidence of how powerful the creative mind could be if we were to let it."The game is that it is all just a dream, an illusion, if you will. Most of us live our lives sleep walking in a dream state like zombies. Are you living the dream? Do you have your dream home, the dream machine, your dream girl? And when you dream at night it is a dream within a dream. But as Albert Einstein noted, "Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one." **


The Hunger GamesAnimal Fam H.G. Wells tridentBig Game super bowlBig Game Hunter video gameKeepers of the Garden book**Earth in petri dishEarth world in petri dishDon't Fear The Reaper Blue Oyster CultEarth is a farm system where everything breaks down and dies and where the creatures are forced to eat and feed off each other just to survive in the food chain. Life on earth is literally a dog-eat-dog world where survival of the fittest rules. There are predator-prey relationships and also parasitic ones where leeches feed off their hosts. In fact, there are species that use light in order to lure their prey such as the anglerfish, like the one in the movie Fnding Nemo. Cuttlefish hypnotize their prey with a dazzling light show. Glow worms in Antarcitca hang from the ceilings of caves and look like the night time sky, attracting prey who are lured by the lights. There are both beneficial and unfriendly bacteria and viruses in our body cells which fight each other. Humanity has been likened to a virus on the earth. Everything in the solar system is dependent on the sun for its energy and survival. There are also symbiotic relationships where systems feed off each other. Like the 2012 movie we are living in the hunger games. **


Brain cell versus galaxy stars

The universe appears to be holographic and fractal with cells within bigger cells within even bigger cells. There are roughly 100 billion neurons in the brain and science claims there are about 100 billion stars in the galaxy. We have also noted how similar neurons and stars look. Our cells are said to have a nucleus with electrons that orbit it like the planets that orbit their suns which orbit their galaxies which orbit in their local clusters and superclusters.

Covert Affairs Characters welcomeCovert Affairs The Farm IDFarmville Click here to play

As humans we like to believe we are at the top of the food chain. But like the sheep who is unaware it is to be sheared or the cattle who are oblivious to their slaughter by the farmer until the very end we could similarly be clueless to invisible entities who might feed off our energy and capture our souls when we die. This is exactly what I intend to show. The elite have always referred to the masses as cattle or sheeple or useless eaters. From birth to death we are boxed in. Many babies are placed in incubators and then we place them in a playpen. We live most our lives in cookie cutter town homes on square foot lots like all the others on the block in our subdivision. Many of us spend most of our lives as slaves working 9-5. We wake up and drive to work in our boxy matchbox cars and slave away in a cubicle farm like rats in a maze or labyrinth. Then we come home out watch an idiot box until it's time to go back to bed. Then when we die they put us back in a box six feet under. The CIA Central Intelligence Agency secret training facility in Langley, Virginia is called "The Farm" and has been featured in movies such as The Recruit with Al Pacino and the TV series Covert Affairs. As you can see by the tagline: "characters".Food of the Gods by H.G. Wells bookFood Of The Gods book by H.G. WellsPea pole or people

How fitting that Christians are referred to as the flock and Jesus as their shepherd, or lamb of God. Human beans were placed on this plant in the garden of eatin'. People or a pea pole? Peas are beans and do grow on a pea pole in pods. It's very interesting that so many of the latest sci-fi programs depict humans in pods living a simulated life and of course there are game pods, ipods and pod casts. As kids we are said to be raised much like crops are. Semen is often referred to as seed and if someone is our ancestor they are said to be from our seed. So why are we called a 'hu' man? Is it because we have different races or hues? According to the "Dictionary of Ancient Deities" by Patricia Turner & Charles Russell Coulter, Hu was an egyptian stellar "god of sense of taste and also of the divine food on which gods and mortals feed" and "appears at the creation in the Boat of the Sun.  Later, he appears at the Judgment of the Dead. " Hmmm, I wonder what was on his menu? Every time a new fetus is created do they say, "mmm, feed us."? It's all "dream theater", theater for "the eater". So we were placed on this plant, Earth, in a secret garden, by a constant gardener. Of course, we are all familiar with the Grim Reaper who is said to come harvest your soul at death. It is our home. It is as if Hu said, "hoe 'em". Also known as Hu Sia or Sia, "Sia is also one of the gods who watch the heart of the deceased being weighed at the great judgment.  See also Hu; Ra." We just may be food of the gods or food for thought (Thoth, the egyptian moon god). Food or fodder for the fatter Father? In Christianity God has always been associated with food. The father is fatter. The lord is lard. The christ ('cris' is from where the cooking oil Crisco gets its name) is associated with grist or grease. Messiah comes from mashiach (to annoint) and the messiah was anointed with the fat of a crocodile ointment or oil as our salve or salvation. **

Unquiet Dead by Edith FioreJapanese adIron Maiden Powerslave cover

These entities feed off of our auric field from an overtone away from our wavelength. The theme of entities feeding off our energy or life force is pretty prevalent even in today's society. Vampire movies are more popular than ever with the Twilight trilogy the most recent example. The "living dead" also are quite a phenomenon as people love to joke about the coming zombie apocalypse. Most religions believe in demons which can possess a soul. Catholic priests even perform exorcisms in more severe cases.

Shamen are known to extract these attachments or intrusions as they are called. Carlos Castaneda mentions demonic possession at length in his book, The Active Side of Infinity. Carlos' character Don Juan says, " “We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The Predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so… I have been beating around the bush all this time, insinuating to you that something is holding us prisoner. Indeed we are held prisoner! **

“This was an energetic fact for the sorcerers of ancient Mexico … They took us over because we are food for them, and they squeeze us mercilessly because we are their sustenance. just as we rear chickens in chicken coops, the predators rear us in human coops, humaneros. Therefore, their food is always available to them.”

Mystic Rudolf Steiner: "There are beings in the spiritual realms for whom anxiety and fear emanating from human beings offer welcome food. When humans have no anxiety and fear, then these creatures starve… If fear and anxiety radiates from people and they break out in panic, then these creatures find welcome nutrition and they become more and more powerful. These beings are hostile towards humanity.

Everything that feeds on negative feelings, on anxiety, fear and superstition, despair or doubt, are in reality hostile forces in supersensible worlds, launching cruel attacks on human beings, while they are being fed. Therefore, it is above all necessary to begin with that the person who enters the spiritual world overcomes fear, feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety. But these are exactly the feelings that belong to contemporary culture and materialism; because it estranges people from the spiritual world, it is especially suited to evoke hopelessness and fear of the unknown in people, thereby calling up the above mentioned hostile forces against them."

In her book The Unquiet Dead: A Psychologist Treats Spirit Possession, Dr. Edith Fiore, a hypnotherapist, wrote about many of her clients having spirit attachments. In Return from Tomorrow, George Ritchie recounts a near death experience where he saw spirits attaching themselves to peoples' auras, especially in bars,and living vicariously through them. Dolores Cannon, a hypnotheraist who regresses patients into their past lives wrote a book about the UFO phenomenon and called it Keepers of the Garden because Earth to them is like an experiement and they are the gardeners. We are just an experiment to them and probably why we live in different cultures. The ancient gnostic texts also mention a species of mind parasites called the Archons. The pilot episode for The Original Star Trek series, The Cage, a.k.a. The Menagerie, depicts a very similar race of beings, who in ufological circles are referred to as the little greys. Most near death experiencers describe being drawn to the tunnel, moving toward the tunnel, finding themselves going toward or being pulled into the tunnel like a magnet. If the soul is a light body then it would have no or very little mass. But what I think happens is that accumulations of heavy energies or emotions such as holding grudges toward people or harboring guilt can attract the archons which attach to the aura or electrmognetic energy of the soul to give it more mass. These archons are probably like leeches that just stay stuck on the soul as long as it has emotional food. These archons look like black moldy bile-like shadows... like a black mass. Now where have I heard the term black mass before. Dr. Duncan McDougall conducyed experiments on six patients at the time of death to determine how much a soul weighs. His conclusion was the soul weighs 21 grams. It would be interesting to try the experiment on people who are bitter or angry and see if it weighs more.

Dr. Stven J. Banko is a shamanic energy healer. On his web site he claims "While the Illumination Process combusts most energies in the Luminous Energy Field, some toxic energies can crystallize, becoming nearly material objects, which are impossible to metabolize through the Illumination Process. They are like petrified wood, which no longer burns. These crystallized energies embed themselves in the physical body. Amazon shamans believe that crystallized energies are the result of black magic or sorcery. We have found that these energies can be caused by anger, envy, or hatred directed at us by another person. Sometimes they are also energetic remnants - memories of how we died, how we were hurt, or how we were killed in a former existence." He says they are "sludge and energetic residues encrusted in the chakra". Another shaman said the black goo hardens over time and it becomes harder to get off. It is attached to our energy bodies and is the result of trauma and material attachment. Thus it has to be rid of like a cancer or it would in theory weigh you down when you leave the body. So if the soul has not done the necessary spiritual work and released this darkness then it could have more mass. My friend I interviewed who met the Demiurge said he felt all these grudges and darker energies flying off his soul.

In a popular Twilight Zone TV episode, a race of aliens land on Earth. A book is found which our codebreakers decipher as having the title of To Serve Man only to realize later it is a cookbook. The movie Soylent Green also used the theme of people being used for food. We are a prsion planet full of slaves who work our entire lives. After working most every day at an 8 hour job -- or more -- feeling frustrated and angry, we feel completely drained of energy.

Star Trek The CageStar Trek Return of the Archons original seriesArchon Classic video gameArchon: The Light And The Dark video games by EA Games

Demiurge = Gaud, the False God of this world

The Demiurge is a false gaud. explains that the word 'gaud' originated from the mid and late 14th century and meant a "jest, joke, prank, trick; also fraud, deception, trick, artifice". I am convinced this false gaud being, the Demiurge, is stealing The Light Power that is in human souls. In the Gnostic text "Pistis Sophia" it is written, "She [Sophia] had been deluded through the god-like Self-willed [Demiurge], and had not been deluded through anything else, save through a light-power, because of its resemblance to the Light in which she had had faith." Most likely the being of intense white Light that near death experiencers go to is related to the Demiurge. Here is a quote from The Secret Book of John, a Gnostic text from the Nag Hammadi Library: "Yaldabaoth [Demiurge] said to the authorities [archons] with him, Come, let us create a human being after the image of god and with a likeness to ourselves, so that this human image may give us light." In an effort to prove or disprove my theory I attended a local IANDS group meeting. IANDS is the International Association for Near Death Studies. I listened to their stories and after the meeting talked to a man who had mentioned that there is a lot of psy ops activity on the planet. I figured he might more understand my conspiratorial viewpoint. I didn't quite know how to ask him if he had ever heard anyone mention a false god controlling the Earth so I asked him if he had ever heard anyone mention the Demiurge or Archons. The Demiurge is a Gnostic term which refers to an "evil" god creator and ruler of this world. He told me he met the Demiurge and that he was near the moon and was alien. I asked him if I could interview him for this web site and he agreed. You can find the interview near the top of the page. Basically, during his NDE he went to the Light which he described as a cubed spaceship of Light. On his way back to Earth he was stopped just before entering the Earth's atmosphere by a being who he described as a filter of the Light. This being was trying to show that his world was superior to the Light's and demanded that he make some agreements to help maintain the balance of dark and light on the planet. The Gnostic christians were declared heretics by the mainstream church for their differing views on Jesus and their belief that this world is a prison. They were killed and their writings were destroyed until a repository of writings were discovered in a cave in Egypt in 1945. These writings are called the Nag Hammadi Library. They describe this false Gaud and his Archons which is a greek word that means "rulers". These archons are shadow beings creaed from the bile of his hate and jealousy, and they can shape shift and appear as what we call aliens -- Greys, reptoids, insectoids, mantis types, and so on. They feed off our life force and emotions such as fear, ecstatic frenzied excitement and even praise and worship. They put false ideas in our heads and create illusions and hallucinations. They can even be heard by some people as voices. Christians call them demons. Muslims call them jinn. Everyone has a Counterfeit Spirit that has been assigned to them. Some call these guardian angels or spirit guides. **

Yahweh, or Nergal, the god of the Underworld?

The god of the Old Testament who Jews, Christians and Muslims all worship was a composite of the actions and words of many previous gods from several cultures. The Bible condensed the many gods such as Anu, Enlil, Nergal, Mithra, Zoroaster and others into one, Yahweh. Although he was the composite of many his attributes of warfare and sending plagues and pestilence upon his enemies and even his own people most closely resembles that of the Mesopotamian god Nergal who was the god of pestilence and warfare who later became known to the Greeks as Ares and the Romans as Mars, the god of war. Nergal, who was more ruthless than all the other gods, became the king of the Underworld, the ruler of Hell, who most would call the Devil or Satan. His temples were moved from Cutha to Samaria, the Kingdom of Israel, and his worshipers were exported there as well. He was often depicted with the head or body of a lion and his symbol was the lion. Indeed, the lion is the emblem of the Kingdom of Judah and on the flag of Jerusalem. Only a handful of near death experiences were able to see the face of god because the light was so bright, but a few of the ones who did reported seeing the face of a lion.


John Lash, a researcher of the ancient gnostic texts found in the library of Nag Hammadi, Egypt, writes, "A close reading of these arcane materials shows that Gnostics were deeply concerned with alien intrusion into human affairs. The entities they called Archons appear to be identical to the ET’s of modern Ufology. Both Grey and Reptilian types are explicitly described in the codices. I would estimate that up to one-fifth of the core material in the NHC concerns the Archons, their origin, methods and motives." These archontic entities invade the mind. Archon-tic is a good word because they are like ticks and cause the victim to lose their mind or become a luna-tic. The pilot for Star Trek The Original Series called The Cage featured short grey beings who used telepathy to mentally intrude and replace the Star Trek crews' thoughts and feelings in order to feed off them. Later in the first season the episode The Return of the Archons featured robed and hooded beings who ruled over a planet whose populace acted like mindless zombies. They shared a hive mind and the beings threatened the Star Trek crew to be absorbed into the collective Body in their absorption chambers. Spock called them soulless parts with no spirit working in unison for the tranquility of the Machine. The leader Landru like so many other movies and shows like The Wizard of Oz, The Truman Show and The Prisoner was projected from a machine in a control room. This seemed to be a precursor to the hive mind of the Borg collective. EA Games partnered with a company named Demiurge (the Gnostic false god) to release Medal of Honor. EA also distributed a video game similar to chess called Archon: The Light And The Dark.These Archons, or Are-Cons as I like to call them, can tap into our nervous system and influence our thoughts. In abduction reports abductees say the alien will get face to face, inches apart and stare deeply into their eyes. I believe this is so they can gain access to the visual cortex which connects to the bran and nervous system. They can even create feelings of love for them. they cover up many of their intrusive abductions with what are called screen memories. these are implants or false memories. An abductee might think he or she saw a deer or an owl. But often they had hours of missing time and under hypnosis recall the horrific details of being probed and having blood and semen samples removed. Women are impregnated and later abducted and the baby is removed. In subsequent abductions they are shown hybrid babies. Many believe it is the government carrying out these abductions in the guise of aliens in order to do genetic experiments and implement their new world order. The military does at the very least abduct people if nothing else than to track what the aliens are doing. **


Good and evil. God and the Devil. Light and dark. Black and white. Day and night. Love-Hate. This reality is a false construct of two extremes and lots of in-betweens. I see this as a good cop /bad cop routine. They try to convince us we are guilty and want to imprison us. Their goal is to convince us of our guilt and get our consent to send us back to Earth. Nergal (as the god of the Underworld, the Devil/Satan) is the bad cop. As the god of War he is aggressive and uses fear and anger to scare. As Nergal and Yahweh he is the judge and punisher, the enforcer. Inanna (Queen of "heaven") is the good cop. As Venus she is beautiful and uses the subjective quality of love to manipulate us into returning to Earth again... to go back because So and So needs you or you have some divine mission which is virtually never revealed. As Aphrodite she is the goddess of Desire and our desire or attachment to the Earth is used against us. As Lucifer she is the light-bearer, the angel who masquerades as light but is seductive and a master of illusion. The beautiful light is alluring and attractive. The archons masquerade as lords of karma or ascended masters and as our spirit guides or guardian angels, as a Council of Elders that direct our soul's "growth" or spiritual evolution. As the Demiurge, Nergal/Yahweh is also involved in the light part posing as the true god. Of course, it is all BS. They use the scare tactics of fear and guilt to scare us into the loving arms of the manipulative "god" of light, the false light. The dark prince, Nergal/Satan, who represents evil scares the souls to go to the false Light, which is said to be good, for salvation. Fear and love, hell and heaven, dark and light. Both sides are necessary for the trick of the duality to work. The fear of judgment and punishment of hell and the devil scare people into running to the light and false god figure who offers light, love and heaven. It is the movement back and forth between the polarities that cause the electricity, the food for the archons. Electricity is caused by electrons flowing from a negative pole to a positive one: Electrons are negatively charged, and so are attracted to the positive end of a battery and repelled by the negative end. So when the battery is hooked up to something that lets the electrons flow through it, they flow from negative to positive. They use both sides of the spectrum -- both light and dark -- it's a big game of duality for them, black and white, light and dark, and we are the pawns.


Val Valerian Matrix II bookVal Valerian Matrix V book

In 1990 almost a full decade before the release of the popular Matrix movie trilogy, Val Valerian wrote Matrix II: The Abduction and Manipulation of Humans Using Advanced Technology, "Fourth density Greys, the ones who are primarily dealing with Whitley Strieber, are the ones who possess the technical equipment to draw energy from the human bioplasmic field. They also have the ability to extract memories and experiences from the human being. It is they who await in the light when a human being dies. The human being is then recycled into another body and the process begins all over again. Fourth density Greys are, in effect, sensation junkies. To experience human emotions is the closest they themselves ever come to the idea of feeling." He later writes, "These entities have been abducting humans for many centuries -- these entities view Earth as a big farm, and have been essentially raising and harvesting humans and apparently abduct humans to take back to their home planet to raise there in a kind of human husbandry scenario." Part of his alien hypothesis is that " 'compliant' humans can be 'legally' 'harvested' for various 'slavery' purposes. Humans are effectively considered raw materials, including to be used as nutrition and also for parasitic energy usage by aliens.In Matrix V, Valerian writes, "They want to recycle low to lower mid-level spirits into another breeding productive incarnation. Hence the Light and Tunnel at death Trap. Scanning someone they wish to recycle as they near death, the aliens discover who the person was close to has died. They project the person(s) image in the white light tunnel and the image waves you in deeper. If you CHOOSE to follow you can be trapped and sent to another incarnation of their choice. This shows the Empire does have an understanding of the spirit, but it attempts to short this out. The Light and Tunnel trap is a relatively new device, but one that will fail and they now know this. 'Go into the Light' say those who have had near death experiences. They are the salespersons chosen to advertise this alien venture. NEVER enter that light. Go up, left, back, right or anywhere but there. The mass media exposure of the Light and Tunnel trap (seen in the film 'Ghost', where the hero willingly enters the glittering trap) is to try to get people to buy the destination." **


Robert Monroe OBE books trilogy on out of body experiences

Robert Monroe, the man who first studied out of body experiences in a scientific manner, published his findings in three books. In his second book Far Journeys he mapped out what the levels are in the astral plane beyond the physical with a repeatable technique. In this book he concludes man is an experiment of "Someone, Somewhere (or both, in millions, or uncountable (requires likes, needs, values, collects, drinks, eats, or uses as a dug (sic) a substance ident Loosh. (Electricity, oil, oxygen, gold, wheat, water, land, old coins, uranium) This is a rare substance in Somewhere and those who possess Loosh find it vital for whatever it is used for. Faced with this question of supply and demand (a universal law of Somewhere) Someone decided to produce it artificially, so to speak, rather than search for it in its natural form. He decided to build a Garden and grow Loosh. ... So it was that Someone in his Garden changed all this. Far off, in a remote area he set to work on his experiment. First he created a proper environment for the carbon-oxygen cycle, where it would fluorish. He created a Balance with much care so that proper radiation and other nourishment would be in continuous supply. He then tried his First Crop, which actually did produce Loosh, but only in small quantities..." **


William Buhlman is an expert on out of body experiences and the astral plane. He has had many out of body experiences himself and has written several insightful books on the subject. He has also conducted a survey on out of body experiences which garnered over 16,000 responses. Here are a couple interesting quotes from his book Adventures in the Afterlife:
""It's important to learn how to consciously move and lock your awareness within any individual energy environment.  You unknowingly did this when you entered the first nonphysical reality immediately after your death.  When you embraced this construct and accepted it as your own, you became one with it.  In doing so, you unconsciously locked yourself in a structured consensus-thought matrix created by a group of like-minded souls." "Yes, all of these things are your projections. Now can see how easy it is for untrained souls to become completely trapped within their own thought forms. This is a common problem for billions of souls dwelling in the physical and astral projections. Few souls are aware of the creative power of their own thoughts. The self-created manifestations of forms make for convincing illusions in all dimensions; many humans remain imprisoned in this labyrinth of the mind" "Many people are relieved and overjoyed to discover that they really do continue to exist after death and, as a result, gladly accept the first nonphysical reality they experience as their 'new spiritual home'... **

However there is one very serious problem with this comforting scenario that few are aware of and no one addresses. You have just accepted and adapted to a thought-consensus environment on the astral plane. You have just accepted a reflection of spirit instead of the true essence of it. You have done what billions have done before you. You have merged your consciousness with a nonphysical reality far from your true spiritual home. By doing so you essentially guarantee the continuation of your form-based existence and your reincarnation. The end result is that most people accept the denser spiritual realities of the astral plane as their new home. They settle for and adapt to the physical-like areas of the astral plane because these environments are familiar and comfortable. Thus they chain themselves to the astral realms of form and substance, and the ancient cycle of rebirth is maintained and assured."...


Thats no moon, it's a space stationDreamworks intro siren on moon fishing for soulsMiller High Life beer Reel in the High Life Fishing sign

Are there more advanced beings who live in a dimension parallel to ours or just outside our frequency or hidden from us perhaps on the moon or underground? I believe such beings do exist which feed off our energy and use us as food. And what do we humans do with our energy, food and resources? That's right, we recycle it. Our artificial-looking satellite the moon because of its tidal lock to the earth just happens to always face us with the same side so that the back side of the moon is always hidden from us. Scientists attribute this to what they call tidal locking, that is the moon rotates at just the perfect rate so that this occurs. Not only that but the moon perfectly blocks out the sun during a total eclipse of the sun. What are the odds of this? We are told this occurs because the moon is 390 times closer to us than the sun, which is 390 times larger than the moon. This could all be a huge coincidence or it could have been built and placed there on purpose, or like the death star in the movie Star Wars saga, "That's no moon, it's a space station!" The mysterious moon throughout history has been associated with witchcraft, spells and evil, and countless cultures believed our souls go to the moon at death.


Bugs lured to the light zapper die in the trapfish in Finding Nemo lured to angler fish's light as preyFinding Nemo**

We are told to go to the light when we die. But here on earth there are angler fish which lure their prey to the light. Bug zappers, also known as light zappers or light traps, lure bugs to their deaths. Shiny bait acts as a lure for fishermen to catch their dinner. The New Age religion has promoted going to the light for decades now with "Lightworkers" and tales of near death experiences. Books such as Life After Life, Embraced By The Light, Saved By The Light and Journey of Souls, movies such as Poltergeist and Ghost, and television shows on the paranormal like Medium, Ghost Whisperer and Crossing Over have sold the Light.As human beings we consist of a very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum of frequencies. There are colors and light we can not see with the naked eye such as infrared or ultraviolet. Dogs can hear sounds outside our range. Even the most sensitive instruments of science can only measure a very small portion.I have found many similarities between these alien abductions and what we call Near Death Experiences. Both are taken up into a white Light. Neither is in control of their experience. Contrary to what you might believe almost all near death experiencers are pulled into the Light almost like a magnet. Most who return to Earth are brought back against their wishes and against their will. Some are persuaded to choose to come back after being shown a hurting relative who needs their help. Most are just told it is not their time yet and are sent back. Many are told they have a mission yet are never told what that mission is or they forget it. Communication is telepathic in both cases. Both experiencers are often shown future events that will happen on the Earth. At its deepest level the near death experiencer is taken through a tunnel where the vibration or frequency of the experiencer is raised significantly. I believe this is a form of entrainment like how tuning forks are used. Once in this heightened state of vibration the experiencer feels exhilaration of not only being free from their heavy earthly bodies, but from being at this new state where telepathy and empathy is experienced. Many eventually meet this incredibly bright being that is so bright they cannot see its face and they feel an intense love and often times euphoria. I don't believe on can necessarily tell the intention of a Being based solely on how bright it is or the feelings it emotes or induces. The anunnaki gods who ruled Sumer were said to be shining ones and possessed a "weapon of brilliance" and a helmet that could shine brightly. Even in the Gnostic text Pistis Sophia the demiurge was said to have shone brightly. The Bible says Lucifer can transform himself into an angel of light. The astral body of the near death experiencer is different than the physical body. There are no eyes as we have them. Vision is 360 degrees and is from the core of the being. There is a distinct possibility the alien beings can also control these astral bodies. David Jacobs, who is a leading expert on alien abduction and has written several books on the phenomenon says these new hybrid beings which are being integrated into our society, have the ability to control our minds. Dr. Karla Turner said the aliens could influence our emotions. The topic of merging with the Light is an interesting one as I have the feeling that at death this Being of Light is absorbing the Light energy from the souls and sending the souls back to Earth into another body with just enough Light energy to sustain itself. The Gnostic text Pistis Sophia says the false Gaud Demiurge stole Light from the goddess Sophia in order to enable his ensouled slave creations to stand and I believe (much like the Devil) he is still stealing souls with the light that is seen at death. In my opinion we need to raise our spiritual energy level high enough that we will shoot on past the level that his false light is at so that we can reach the Light of Lights in the Eternal Light realms or what is called The Height of Heights. Sophia repented after she had created the Demiurge by mistake. Jesus saved her and partially restored Her Light, but the rest of Her Light Power is within humans.

White is not really a particularly "high" vibration of color. It is just all colors combined which would make sense if it is "eating" or merging all the different colored souls or even white-colored souls. White is just not the highest color vibration -- it is just sort of an average or composite... White light is colorful, a very colorful mixing of enough colors of light to equally stimulate all three types of color receptors (cones) in the human eye. Since the astral body doesn't have eyes and thus no rods or cones, the soul sees with the core of its being. White light is an even distribution of all visible frequencies. White light is colorful, a very colorful mixing of enough colors of light to equally stimulate all three types of color receptors (cones)in the human eye. The astral body doesn't eyes with rods and cones, but the white light the nders perceive may still be an equal distribution of all the colors available to be perceived at that level. Violet and ultraviolet would be highest in our spectrum.

NDErs say the white light is brilliant or intensely bright... as for the intensity of the whiteness wouldn't that be due to the "power" of it... in other words, the more souls it absorbs the more power it gets or the more intense the whiteness becomes. The more souls that merge with the Light being may mean a higher density of photons (if the Light Power of our souls is indeed photons or produces photons) because merging typically means "blending, absorbing" or "plunging into".

As you reach the higher end of the known electromagnetic spectrum, electromagnetic radiation is stronger and penetrates matter more the higher the frequency. Generally there is more Photons or higher energy photons the brighter the light. Thus generally the brighter the light, the more energy it contains. If we say then that our souls detect a much wider spectrum of frequency, we would not see any longer with our optic nerves, which is only visible light. It may be refraction of photons, which would see a very wide spectrum also


Research into psychotronics shows that emotion can be altered by advanced techonlogy capable of mind and mood control. Dr. Jose Delgado stopped a charging bull by the use of electrodes and a remote control. If this technology is available for humans to use on Earth ten how much more advanced would the alien technology of advanced beings be? The Spiritual sciences Research Foundation is an organization that researches spiritual sciences. They employ several techniques to answer questions about the spirit world and the afterlife. One technique is similar to what Scientologists developed with their e-meter. The devices monitor the responses of the nervous system to determine the truth of a given question. They found that at death a very small percentage of souls -- four percent or less -- see a divine light. these are souls who strice for God awareness and are at a certain spiritual level of over fifty percent. They claim the rest of souls who see a light are experiencing what they call a "subtle sorceror" who lures these souls to the light as a trap. Near death experiencers are not in control of their experience. Almost all "found" themselves traveling toward the Light or were "drawn" to the Light, or pulled liked a magnet. Almost all want to stay in the Light, but are told it is not their time yet or they have a mission to fulfill which is hardly ever remembered when back on Earth. They are told they have lessons to learn here on Earth yet they say they knew everything while in the Light. Why do we need to learn lessons here on earth when all knowledge is readily available in the Light?


spel it rite magickal language

Words are magic and are spelled to pronounce a sentence. This earth prism we live in is a prison and we have been given a life sentence here. 'Life' phonetically begins with a 'li' and contains a lie within it. 'Light' also phonetically begins with the sound 'lie' and also sounds like the past tense form of the verb, 'lied'.If God is all loving and all powerful then what purpose does this system serve? We are told life is a school, but surely there are better ways to learn than through so much senseless suffering.


We are told by religions that Jesus is the light and saviors are usually shown with the sun's halo around their heads. But all major religions were given to us by princes from the elite royal families. ** These messages are to pacify and control the masses. The elite wish to keep all the gold and power they have so they teach us to turn the other cheek and that the meek shall inherit the earth. They use fear to threaten an eternal hell if we don't behave and promise us heaven or a better life after we die as a reward for our good behavior. Reincarnation is reincarceration in the wheel of rebirth or being recycled. Jesus and the other suns of god is said to be born on December 25th. This is the winter solstice when the sun has reached its lowest descent in the heavens, dies on the southern crux (southern cross) constellation and begins its rise again. We have been taught that the light is our savior. Near death experiencers tell us about traveling through a tunnel after death and into a loving light. Hollywood reinforces this through various movies such as Ghost and Poltergeist where we are told either to go to the light or not to go to the light (in order not to die).


But what exactly is the nature of light and what is its source? Why is space dark if the sun is shining? It is because light needs something to reflect off of for an object to be seen. The nature of light is dualistic as both a particle and a wave.

before you die you see the ring, an eclipse of sun

The theory of the website Tricked By The Light is that souls on earth live in a holographic prison and are being farmed as an energy source. At death souls are lured to the light, the moon, by beautiful lights and sounds to be harvested. There is some kind of tower or technology on the moon which enables this. The souls minds are scrambled and the souls are contained inside the moon for a period until they are transferred to the sun as a fuel or energy source. This most likely occurs during a total eclipse. Souls memories' are wiped clean (bleached or dyed) by the light and are recycled to be reincarnated or reincarcerated back to earth as a food source that is farmed by entities/archons/aliens/demons which feed off our energy. This can be seen in the form of solar flares, coronal mass ejections and the solar wind.I first launched this site in 2002 and left it up for about 5 years. Recently in May of 2012 I redesigned it and am improving and adding to it daily so please check back frequently. The Devil truly is in de tails and the mass of evidence that I present in each of the sections. I encourage you to explore each of these sections by using the menu at the top of pages, the picture links at the top and bottom of this page or these word links: movies, music, language, logos, moon, sun, religion, politics, aliens, light, science and solutions. I am finished working on my two latest pages. One is on Trickster gods and other Trickster figures which can be found on my Trickster page and the other is an in-depth analysis of the occult symbolism of the 2012 Olympics Opening and Closing Ceremonies which may be read on my Olympics page. Please feel free to email me at Wayne Bush with any comments, suggestions or ideas.

How to escape this Matrix?

Reality appears to be frequencies of energy or electromagnetic light divided and subdivided into octaves. This can be seen and heard with the octaves on a piano and with the higher octave of visible light. Beyond this are x-rays and gamma rays which our eyes are not able to perceive directly, but we know they are there. n order to escape this matrix we need to think in terms of frequency. The great scientist Nikola Tesla said, "If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration." My plan at death is to focus my willful intent upon going to the realms of pure 100% light or the highest frequency there is. I believe this will take my soul beyond the prison of the physical plane as well as the astral plane where the soul is lured to the impure light which is in a sense a false or counterfeit light because it is not the highest vibration of the pure light of the true God. The near death experiencers and mystics have said our souls are made of light. I believe our souls are divine light that originally came from the true Source which the Gnostics called Ineffable Father. In order to guarantee my soul can reach that highest vibration I am on a path of spiritual alchemy, turning my heart or spirit into pure "gold" which may be achieved by treating people with altruistic love and compassion. Every physical human has light power needed to live. It is first separate and the goal is to integrate it with your soul before physical dying, making it nonrecoverable and puts your frequency beyond the touch of the lower and mid astral. You essentially shoot pass the mess as you focus your willful intent on raising your frequency or vibration rate. By doing this and ignoring external projections such as the first light you see or dead relatives you ascend back to your true home or Source, the Eternal Light Realms. It is essentially going inward or within as the wavelengths become shorter and shorter.As William Buhlman writes: "All dimensions occupy the same time and space. They are separated by their individual frequency and resulting density. As we move in toward the energy source, each heaven becomes progressively more thought-responsive. Multiple heavens exist within each dimension created by the group consciousness of the inhabitants.."The sooner we awaken to and experience in the inner dimensional path within us, the sooner we will evolve beyond our animal bodies and embrace our unlimited abilities to fully experience our spiritual essence. Our spiritual growth and evolution are directly related to our ability to our ability to navigate the multidimensional path within us...."I am often asked what I will do when I take my final breath. This is a critically important question that too few people ask themselves these days. My answer is this: 'I will demand to experience my higher self, my spiritual essence!' I am not content to simply 'go to the light'. I am not content to accept past acquaintances and comfortable surroundings as my new reality. In fact, I am not content to settle for any form-based reality as my spiritual home. I absolutely know there is so much more available beyond the realms of form. There exist dimensions of magnificent living light simply waiting for us; all we need do is awaken and accept their reality. Two powerful truths are apparent. First, all form is but a reflection of pure spirit. Second, we are not helpless victims of an external force that dictates or directs our reality and our lives; we are bestowed with the power of free will and the ability to take spiritual action. Why would you settle for a pale reflection of reality when the pure realms of spirit are always present?...

"Let us begin to take responsibility not only for our physical life but our afterlife as well. We determine the realities that we accept and cocreate. So, from this moment on, let us be aware and choose well."

The "astral heaven" you emerge in will depend on your soul's frequency at the time of transiting from the body. If you are racked with guilt or fear, it could initially put you at a lower "Astral Heaven" or dimension and you most likely will have to encounter these beings. The first and foremost thing is to not fear as they have no real power over you. As the Gnostics state, have the sole intention on returning home to the Eternal Light Realms/Source and accept nothing else. They have a multitude of deceptions but accept no substitute for going back to Source. There are many of these heavens and they are all separated by frequency; the higher you can sustain your frequency, the higher realm you will pop into. The higher realm you pop into the easier it is to keep on going. In the highest astral realm before home there is a separation or wall you could say. This is where we are supposed to go for entrance back home. This realm is not reachable by even the most powerful of Astral Beings and is a safe place to await the real homecoming. There are two critical factors to the escape. They are Gnosis and Righteousness. Gnosis is the Knowledge of yourself and also how this system works. For example to know all theses supposed Gods are nothing like Source. That the true God would never require worship etc etc. By Righteousness is that you have made lots of mistakes and have learned why you did them. You forgive yourself for doing those things in ignorance and from that point on you try to live selflessly rather then selfishly. Because you have self-realized, you no longer need to feel guilt as you move past your own mistakes and live the life of doing the right thing in every situation you encounter.At any one spot is many dimensions all delineated by frequency. You have to tune in to that frequency to observe it. All frequencies or stations on the radio dial and tv are in the same room right now. They occupy the same space, but have separate wavelengths.

I think the very fact we have a sense of humor and like to laugh and play games gives a HUGE insight into the origin and meaning of all this. There is the distinct possibility that we were not tricked into coming here as part of a trap but intentionally chose to participate in the game or competition in order to alleviate boredom or to be amused or entertained. But once here in the game then trickery and deceit is part of the rules. I think the contracts, karma etc are part of the game -- obstacles or roadblocks to overcome. We have to self-realize and see them for the illusions or BS they are. If you get stuck or forget for too long then they send in the calvary or rescue team to give you hints or reminders so you slowly awaken or quickly awaken as the case may be. It's all part of the cosmic game or divine script that we chose to participate in. If one keeps in mind that this is all a hologram then all angels and lights are part of that hologram and illusions... just "thought forms" or "programs". They are only holograms. They are not real. Our consciousness takes them as real because it wants to make sense of what is happening but it is a hologram trap. Everything outside the Eternal Light Realms is potentially holograms except for maybe our divine light / souls. The rest. is a "HOLOGRAM", not real, none of it is -- just traps to hold souls until they want to reincarnate. At death if we keep the mantra it is all hologram we can avoid being distracted or pulled into a trap. Those holograms are responsive to your consciousness and I think that is why stillness of mind helps. The Tibetan Book of the Dead even states there are a series of different colored light and demons that are projections of your mind. The light "power" inside us is the light source that projects externally. Those thought forms/holograms may be entirely powered by us so going inward at death would be going to the true light source, our divine spark from the Eternal Light Realms. Inward would mean no projection if our own light is being used.


[NOTE: Everything on this web site is just my speculative opinion. I do not pretend to know for certain what the truth is. But I hope that I can contribute in some small way toward formulating your own view of reality.]

If you have any thoughts or experiences you would like to share with me, please do. I can be reached at

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